King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S The “Boy’s.Po ck et Testam ent League Club” had adjourned bu t th e boys lin­ gered on the porch, evidently engaged in serious discussion. Again lifting my h e a rt to God in prayer for th e precious souls of these boys as I read ju sted the house, I waited to learn th e resu lt. Soon th e door opened, the boys stood in the hall, and I heard my name called. “We w ant you to answer a question.” So I invited them back and they told me th e ir difficulty. W hat was w rong in boys going to th e “show” ? One of th eir number had told them he could not go to th e show— , why not? “ Did you mean it boys when you signed th e back p a rt of your T estam en t?” “We surely did.” “Then did you know th a t when you received Jesus Christ as your Sav­ iour, God, th e Holy S pirit came to live in your h ea rt? T h at when you go to a “ show” He has to go w ith you? Do you th in k He likes to be tak en to the “ show” ? Would you like the Lord Jesus to find you in a “ show” when He comes?” “No.” And then telling them to make it a m a tte r of prayer and do w h at they felt God w anted them to do, they left the house. B u t as they went out I heard one of th e boys say, " I ’m not going to th e show any more,--—I ’m on my way to heaven.” Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt. Testam ent League Day. The Secretary was recently invited to a local church where th e pasto r had planned a P. T. L. Day, advertising it extensively. The whole day was devoted to th e work of the TESTAMENT League. LEAGUE In th e Sunday- School, in b o t h ad u lt and prim ary departm ents, the work was presented, and many signed th e pledge cards when th e classes met. At th e morning service many stories were told, illu stratin g th e power of the Word of God, all of which were fresh in­ cidents gathered in th e work of the League in Los Angeles. Membership cards were passed and many new mem­ bers gained. A t th e Christian Endeavor service and in th e evening service the personal responsibility of every Chris­ tia n to do personal work, was pressed home, and the simplicity of doing effec­ tive personal evangelism illu strated from experiences of League members.

1112 One, the youngest of our Class, ju st graduated from th e State Normal School, has gone to teach in an E astern state. W ith her sweet, vivacious winsomeness all su rrendered to h er Lord, she is giv­ ing testim ony to and service for Him day by day. Another, capable and much sought afte r in her p articu lar line of H igh School work, devoted as she is to her Department, is equally devoted to Christ, and is seeking all possible means of influencing the lives under h er care for Him. One K indergarten teacher has become enthusiastically in terested in th e lives of young women in the In d u strial world and is finding ou tlet for h er activities in the Y. W.. C. A. And best of all two of the group have sailed for China, th ere to work out th e ir M aster’s will in m issionary service. Classes for the new year are opening up w ith g reat enthusiasm . Long before th e tim e for them to begin individuals were asking when they would start. While we recognize th e fact th a t our Class work will be successful only as th e Holy Spirit controls and directs, yet some tim es little devices help to in­ crease the attendance. F o r instance in one Class they voted to fine each mem­ ber ten cents who failed to bring a t least one new member a month. It was surprising th a t in two weeks th a t Class doubled in numbers and they are still going on w ith increasing interest. In ano th er Class th ere is a contest going on to see which side can secure th e most members, and so the work is going on and new Classes are being called for and new members are constantly being added. One woman who is a Roman Catho­ lic is diligently studying h er Bible and g radually she is dropping off her con­ fession to the p riest and is coming to see th a t Christ is the only Mediator be­ tween God and man. Before leaving for a vacation we felt compelled to call upon a man and his wife, neighbors, to ta lk w ith them about th e V ictorious life. The man is a P res­ byterian elder. When we called his wife was out bu t we w ent in and told him why we had called. He said it was an answer to prayer, as he h ad been praying th a t he m ight have such an op­ portunity. He was a Christian b u t had never known when he was converted and has no assurance. He took a definite step of faith and su rrendered to the Lord.

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