King's Business - 1919-12



A Sick .Room Conversion. F o r the past two years a Class of instruction in “ P ersonal Work w ith Jew s” has te e n conducted weekly for th e benefit of Bible In stitu te stud en ts who have been as- JEW ISH signed to Jew ish work. WORK I t is g ratify ing to know th a t no t only was much excellent work done by these stu ­ dents in th e way of personal dealing w ith Jews in th e ir homes and stores, h u t also th a t several of them have heard the call of God to devote th e ir lives to m issionary work among th e Jews. One expects to go soon to Toronto, Can­ ada, to work among th e Jews th e re ; ano ther is seeking to arrang e to go to P alestine; a th ird has tak en charge of the Jewish Bible School h ere in Los Angeles; two others expecting to be­ come Jew ish m issionaries on completion of th e ir train ing course in the Bible In stitu te. At a recent meeting of our Jew ish P rayer Circle one of our workers was handed th e name of a Jew ish woman w ith the request th a t she m ight visit a certain Hospital where th is Jewess lay seriously ill, and seek to win her to th e Christ. Having the name and num ber of the room the worker did not stop to see the nurse in charge hu t w ent directly to th e sick room. Here she found a m iddle aged Jewess, and so ill was she th a t it was w ith great difficulty th a t a conversation could be carried on. W ithou t wasting words the ' “ old, old story” was told and it was pointed out th a t the “ One whom the nation ab h o rreth ” was none other th an th e long expected Messiah. A trem bling voice asked the question, “Do you th ink He could save me now ?” The assur­ ance was given th a t no m a tte r how g reat the sin nor how late th e time, He could and would 1 save her if she would only believe on Him. In answer to a question she said, “ I will receive Him as my Saviour.” A lmost immediately “ th e peace of God which passeth all understanding” came to her and she said to th e Nurse who came in a few moments later; “Oh! I am so happy.” The Nurse said to th e worker, “How did you get in here? This lady is so ill th e Doctor will not p erm it anyone to see her. I will have to ask you to w ithdraw though the p atien t seems hap­ pier th a n at any tim e since she came here,!’ T h at n igh t she passed away

As a resu lt of th is introduction of the League th e pastor decided to establish an annual Pocket Testam ent Day and th u s m ake th e work perm anent in th a t church. O ther churches m ight follow th e example of th is church, and de­ vote tim e enough to the presen tation of the League to arouse the intelligent in te rest of th e ir members. A Christian w orker obtained twenty pocket Testam ents and cards from the office and prem ised to get tw enty mem­ bers for the League from among saloon keepers w ithout a refusal from any th a t he approached. S trange as it may seem to some, he succeeded, and th e re ai;e now tw enty California saloon keepers who belong to th e Pocket Testam ent League, and have prom ised to read a chapter of God’s Word each day. T h at many of them may be saved is our earn ­ est prayer. V. V. Morgan, Secretary. Mr. Reynolds Assumes Work. The w riter has ju st retu rn ed from an evangelistic campaign in th e n o rth ern p a rt of the State to take up th e work form erly conducted by B rother David / Cant among th e men in SHOP the shops, factories, WORK fire engine houses and car barns. While, in some respects, th e work is different from other work which we have done,— yet we find men everywhere much th e same. They all have th e same g reat problems. All are in th e same condition,— outside of Christ— lost. All need something to live by, and some­ th ing to die by. They need th e same Jesus. T hank God, we have th e only remedy for all th e ir ills; a Gospel th a t will satisfy th e ir needs. W ill you not join w ith us in praying th a t the means may be provided where­ by every one of these men who will sign and prom ise to read it, may be given a Pocket Testam ent? And will you no t pray th a t th rough our m inistry many of these men, may be b rough t to know Jesus? We would be glad to have as many of the friends as will devote as much of th e noon hour as possible to definite prayer th a t th e Gospel may be received by them , and th a t they may become new creatu res in Christ Jesus. M. H. Reynolds.

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