King's Business - 1919-12



and the worker, knowing th a t “ God’s ways are not m an’s ways” could not bu t rejoice th a t she had all unknow­ ingly broken the Hospital rules in visit ing a p atien t w ithout permission. The Rom anist Problem . “The law of the Lord is perfect, con­ verting the soul.” T hank God th a t in the m idst of apostasy and unbelief, we have th e Word of the Lord which is perfect, and through SPANISH its proclam ation and WORK in strum en tality souls are being converted to th e Lord. I t 1 has been a source of g reat joy to see those who have been brought up in ignorance and superstition, accept the tru th and come into th e ligh t of the knowledge of th e glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, th is is not done all in a moment, for we m ust re­ member th a t the Mexicans have not been favored w ith an open Bible as have we in America, and many of them never saw a Bible or h eard its precious tru th s proclaimed un til they were driven from th e ir own land to the United S tates; and because of th is fact it takes time, pa­ tience, prayer and perseverance in deal­ ing w ith them . However, if we fain t not we are rew arded in seeing them come into th e light, for th e prom ise is ever tru e “The entrance of thy Word giveth ligh t.” Let no one ever try to persuade souls w ithout using the Sword of th e Spirit. U nfortunately many Christians, in dealing w ith a Romanist, w;ll try to combat th eir erro r and through arg u ­ m ent seek to convince them , bu t this method will never do. If ever one needs to be as wise as a serpent and as harm less as a dove, it is in dealing w ith these false religions. P ro testan ts are often refused a hearing because it is said they do not believe in ihe Virgin. Of course, they are told th is by their priests, and sometimes an u n taugh t P ro testan t, in reply to th is question, will imm ediately answer “No,” and when you have once made th a t reply, you have closed the door of entrance to th a t h ea rt for the message. F o r the benefit of those who have oc­ casion to deal w ith Romanists, let us say th a t the best methoo of answering th eir question “ Do you believe in th e

V irgin M ary?” is to open th e Bible, tu rn to Luke 1:26-38, read it, and then read the 46 th to the fj 6 th verses. A 3 you read you will see a change in the countenance of th e listeners, and they are ready to h ear w hat you have to say fu rth e r.. A fter you have read th is por- ' tion of Scripture, it is well to call th eir atten tion to the confession of Mary con­ tained in verses 46 and 47, and then you can preach Jesus unto them , using Luke 2:1-20 and Matt. 1:18-21. Never say to them th a t you do not believe in the Virgin, bu t read these Scriptures to them and from it prove to them th a t Jesus is th e only Saviour whereby we must be sa \ed , and th a t Mary herself so proclaims Him. It has been our privilege to disarm many w ith th e wise use of th e Word in th is way, and many have confessed th a t they never saw it in th is way be­ fore, because “they knew not the Scrip­ tu res nor the power of God.” Recently it was our privilege to visit a little Mexican Church outside of Los Angeles where we gave two Gospel mes­ sages and in response to the invitation to accept Christ two women and th ree men made definite decisions to accept Him as th e ir Saviour. To Him be all th e glory. It has been laid upon our h earts to try and help the Mexican Christians, irrespective of denom ination, into a bet­ te r knowledge of the Scriptures, and to th is end we have established a monthly Bible Conference on Fundam entals, to be held in the Lower Auditorium of the Bible In stitu te th e second Spnday of each month from two to five o’clock. In October we held our first conference w ith an attendance,of about th irty , some new converts coming from four differ­ ent towns outside of Los Angeles, the speakers being th ree retu rn ed mission­ aries from C entral and South America. When we proposed having th e confer­ ence every month, they were highly pleased. We believe th a t afte r being brought out from Roman superstition and error, it is necessary to safeguard th e new converts from the erro rs th a t are being so freely propagated among them such as Spiritualism , Russellism and Seventh Day Adventism. We covet your prayers th a t God may make this departm ent of the In stitu te work a blessing to all the Mexicans w ithin our reach. Robert H. Bender, Supt.

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