King's Business - 1919-12

The Chosen People,The Land and 4ie Book Notes Concerning tke Jetts and Prophecy)

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Jew s and Bolshevism “The American Hebrew” say s: “A w rong impression as to th e role the Jews are playing in the Bolshevist movement is claimed by th e Jews. The Jewish people as a whole, not only the m iddle class, but also the laboring class and th e ir leaders are actively fighting Bolshevism in Russia. .They look upon Bolshevism as a movement which de­ stroys the possibility for democracy in Russia. The possibility of o rder under which all th e ^nationalities inhabiting Russia will enjoy liberty and equal rights. They oppose it both because they belong to th e burgeois and because they cherish th e ir religion. The “H e Cholutz Movement” In Germany a movement has been sta rted among th e Jews known as the He Cholutz movement. , No Jew can become a member of it unless he can p resen t proof of his ab ility to do some­ th in g of a constructive n atu re in the pioneer work aw aiting settlers in Pales­ tine. Every candidate m ust also pledge him self to stu d y the Hebrew language as the fu tu re means of intercommunica­ tion in the new Jew ish home. Rum anian Jew s P a st R etu rn ing It is repo rted th a t over 100,000 Ru­ m anian Jews have fegistered themselves for imm igration in P alestine as soon as the political situ ation perm its. This Js not to be wondered at. Rum ania has dealt deceitfully w ith its Jew ish popula­ tion, evading its tre a ty obligations. The lot of th e Jews has been b itte r in th a t land and now Rum ania is reap ing th e resu lt of her policy. Movements in S iberia an d So. America In Siberia 3000 Jew ish prisoners of w ar have formed an organization which aims a t em igration to Palestine. Even,...

in A rgentine Republic, South America, th e question of a mass movement to P alestine is being widely agitated. Christian Jew s F o r P alestin e Many have been wondering w hat the a ttitu d e of Christian Jews was to be tow ard th e Zionist movement. Christian Jew ish papers are repo rting th a t many Christian Jews are expressing them ­ selves as strongly impressed w ith the advisability of setting up a candlestick of testim ony among th e ir people in Palestine. If equal righ ts are denied them , then it will indeed be a suffering testimony. Our Lord will surely have a w itness to H imself not only from w ith­ o u t in th e Gentile churches, bu t also from w ithin th e people of whom He sp rung according to the flesh, in th e land of Israel. New Railways in P alestin e The B ritish H igh Commissioner in Constantinople, h as published a repo rt of work done by B ritish au tho rities in Palestine. More th a n 500 kilom eters of new track s have been completed. Ex­ press train s fitted w ith every modern convenience/ are runn ing between H aifa and Cairo. Building th e New Jeru salem London daily papers are p rin ting lengthy repo rts of th e changes already seen in Jerusalem . One paper has an article on “ Building the New Je ru sa­ lem .” It describes th e completion of th e Jerusalem looms, a municipally aid­ ed weaver’s' bazaar. Z ionists’ Convention in Chicago The big Z ionists’ Convention closed in Chicagb the m iddle of September, gave most of its consideration to th e imme­ diate needs of Palestine. Justice Louis Rcandeis and Felix F ra n k fu rte r gave ac­ counts of th e ir observations in Pales-

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