King's Business - 1919-12



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Believeon Christ and be saved




believed it, wouldn’t you?” “Oh,” he replied, “ I didn’t th ink of th a t! ” “No,” said the evangelist quietly, “ I see you didn’t.” ^ Made Sin F o r Us H e h a th m ade him to be sin fo r us, who knew no sin ; th a t we m ig h t be m ade th e righteousness of God in him . 2 Cor. 5:21. The idea of atonem ent is a difficulty to many. They see no need for a sac­ rifice. If “ God is love,” if He be a F ath er, He can forgive upon repentance w ithout any atonement. B u t God can­ not deal so lightly w ith sin. Sin is too deep, too terrib le, too tragic, to be dis­ missed w ith a word, a strok e of th e pen. To make forgiveness possible, God H imself had to suffer in th e person of His Son,— sweat, pain, wounds, blood and death. To vindicate His holy law, God Himself, through His Son, g ath ­ ered to His own h e a rt th e pain, shame and curse of sin— our shame and curse — and bore them for us, offering in our stead the sacrifice of a perfect obedi­ ence to God’s holy law. Those who unite themselves to Christ by a living faith sh are in the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning death.— J. D. Jones. Roosevelt’s M istake During th e Spanish W ar Theodore Roosevelt, much attached to his men, was greatly concerned when a number of them fell ill. H earing th a t Clara B arton (th e lady who devoted herself to the work of nu rsing th e wounded soldiers) had received a supply of deli­ cacies for th e invalids under her care, Colonel Roosevelt requested h er to sell a portion of them to him for the sick men of his regim ent.

A P ow erful “Notion.” Dr. W ayland Hoyt related th is inci­ dent. One said, “ I m et a man who asked me where I was going. ‘To th e prayer­ m eeting,’ X said. ‘The Christian reli­ gion is a mere notion,’ he replied. Said I, ‘S tranger, you see th a t tav ern over th ere? The tim e was, as everybody in th is town knows, th a t if I h ad a shilling in my pocket I could not pass th a t tav­ ern w ithou t going and getting a drink. B u t God has changed my h eart, and the Lord Jesu s Christ has destroyed my th irst for strong drink. There is my whole week’s wages, and I have no temptation' to go in there. Stranger, if th is is a notion, I w an t to te ll you it is a m ighty powerful notion; it is a no­ tion th a t has p u t clothes on my chil­ d ren ’s backs, good food on our table, and has filled my m outh w ith th a n k s­ giving to God.’ ” A “F iery ” Illu stratio n A man once said to Mr. Moody, “The doctrine you preach is most absurd; you preach th a t men have only to believe to change the whole course of th eir life. A man will not change his course by simply believing.” Mr. Moody re­ plied, “X th ink I can make you believe th a t in less th a n two m inutes.” “No, you can’t,” said the m an; “ I ’ll never be­ lieve it.” Mr. Moody then said, “Let us make sure th a t we understand each other. You say a man is not affected by w hat he believes— it will not change his course?” “ I do.’’ “ Supposing,” said Mr. Moody, “ a man should pu t his head in a t th a t door and say th e house wasjjon fire, what would you do? You would get out by th e window if you

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