King's Business - 1919-12

Fundamental Studies for Young Christians

The B ib le— God’s Word. Inspiration. 1. The B ib le Is god’s Work, Rev. 22: 18, 19. . 1. The Testimony of Christ to the F act: (1 ) As to Moses’ au tho rsh ip and au tho rity , Mark 12:26; John 5 :46 ; Matt. 22:24, 31; Luke 24:27. (2) As to th e Psalm s and P roph­ ets, Mark 12:36 and 2 Sam. 23 :2 ; Luke 4:12 and Isa. 61:1, 2; Matt. 24:15 and Dan. 9 :27 ; Luke 24:25, 27, 44. (3 ) As to th e Miracles, a. Crea­ tion, Matt. 19:4, 5 and Gen. 1:1, 27; 2:23, 24; b. The Flood, Luke 17:27; c. Sodom and Lot’s wife, Luke 17:29, 32; d. Jonah , Matt. 12:40; e. Naaman, Luke 4:27 and 2 K ings 5; E lijah and th e widow, Luke 4:26 and 1 K ings 17:8-16; g. The man­ na, Jo h n 6 :49 ; h. The braz­ en serpent, Jo h n 3:14. (4 ) H is own message was incom­ plete, John 16:12. (5 ) The S p irit should complete it, John 16:13. ( 6 ) The Apostles (w ith the Spirit) should b ear w itness, John 15:26, 27. (7 ) Their au th o rity should equal His, Luke 10:16. 2. Testimony of th e Apostles to the F act: (1) P a u l says (1 Cor. 2) th a t

of God” , which like the though ts of a man in order th a t they may be known must be told ou t by him who th ink s them ; e. things which “ th e Holy Ghost teaches” (see also John 1 6 :1 3 ); f. “ th e m ind of Christ” , 1 Cor. 2:1, 7, 10, 11, 14 (verify each p a rtic u la r). (2) P ete r: a. P eter classes P au l’s w riting s w ith “ th e other S crip tu res” , and says, b. th a t men “w rest” them to “ th eir own destruction” , 2 P eter 3:16. c. P eter, also, rank ed his own and all Apostolic S criptures w ith those of “ th e holy prophets” , 2 P ete r 3:2. 3. The E x ten t of Inspiration. (1 ) It extends to “ every Scrip­ tu re ” , 2 Tim. 3:16. (2 ) To every word, John 14:10; 17 :8 ; 6 :63 ; 8 :47 ; 12 :48 ; 1 Cor. 2:13. (3 ) I t extends to th e gramm ati­ cal forms, Gal. 3:16. (4) It extends to every le tte r, a. to th e “ jo t” , th e smallest of them , b. to th e “ tittle ” , th e stro k e th a t distinguishes one le tte r from ano ther, like th e crook in Q th a t disin- guishes it from O, Matt. 5:18. H-A-T-H cannot, th erefo re, be read “m ight, could, would or should have” b u t h ath , i. e., has it now, already, o r as one has said “ it spells got it ” , John 3:36. (5 ) The words are as tru ly God’s

th e ir teaching was: a. “The testim ony of God” ; b. "th e wisdom of God” ; c. “ revealed by th e Sp irit” ; d. “th e things

as if He had literally spoken them , as He actu ally did many. When th e prophet

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