King's Business - 1919-12



And as th e sta r in th e head of the V irgin-born In fa n t was a t th e tim e shin­ ing w ith a peculiar brlllan cy new to it and b righ ter th a n all o th er fixed stars in th e firmament, those who took the conjunctions of Ju p ite r and S atu rn as indicating the near b irth of a lordly and illustrious operator in hum an af­ fairs could by no means help themselves from the conclusion th a t here was the astronom ic showing of the pending b irth of a trip ly -illu striou s One, who could be none other th a n th a t divine-hu­ man Seed of the woman everywhere set fo rth in th e constellations and promised and hoped for among all nations from th e foundations of th e world. These wise men would th u s know, and be as­ sured beyond all doubt or misgiving, th a t th e p articu la r tim e h ad come in which th e w orshipful One they were seeking was to make H is advent. | Such portentous conjunctions, along w ith the hew sta r in Coma, and th e V irgin h er­ self on th e .m eridian a t th e same time, would seal th e whole m atter. The signs were full, definite, and complete. MORMONS IN ENGLAND ' Considerable concern is felt on ac­ count of th e active proselyting of th e Mormons in England. Disciples of Mor- monism have long beeh busy circu lat­ ing tracts, holding meetings and regu lar services and founding Sunday schools, mainly w ith a view to w inning converts, especially among women and girls. It is said th a t many B ritish women have been led to embrace th is faith and have eith er gone to TJtah or are w aiting to go a t th e first opportunity, th e ir fares being paid by Mormon elders. W riters, le ctu rers and churchmen of various de­ nom inations are doing th e ir besft to combat th e Mormon campaign and save B ritish ’ women from its adheren ts who are declared - to be polygam ists, not­ w ith stand ing laws supposed to p rohibit p lu ral marriages.

PARTISAN PRAYERS Speaker G illett recently reproved Rev. H. N. Couden, the house chaplain, be­ cause he had prayed th e o th er day for th e league of nations. The chaplain is not supposed to offer any suggestions to the A lm ighty on subjects which involve political controversies. When Champ C lark was speaker he also once reproved Chaplain Couden for referrin g in a prayer to some cu rren t political issue, and he th en issued th e famous declarar tion th a t “p rayers and politics don’t mix.” This shows th a t a congressional chaplain has to be a d iplom atist as well as a clergyman, in o rder to m ake pray­ ers th a t have some life in them and still avoid th e pitfalls of partisanship. THE GODNESS OF GOOD Among the many perversions and dis­ tortions, the Name of God has suffered w ith th e rest. The false and anti-Chris­ tia n systems of th e day know no t God, nor can they spell His Name. They are attem pting to pu t an ex tra “O” in th e name of G od,^-instead of G O D, they áre spelling it “ good.” They have made a God ou t of good.' It is quite tru e th a t God is good, bu t good is no t God, and we cannot accept it as a substitute. These false philoso­ phies speak of th e Godness of good,” bu t never of th e goodness of God. There is a vast difference between th e .so-called Godness of good and th e goodness .of God. To know th e Godness of good is to be deceived and deluded by a philoso­ phy which is not Only vain, bu t pro­ fane. Thé Godness of good is the summ ary of a satanic, subtle and so- called scientific, propaganda. In our judgm ent th ere is nothing scientific, and to be su re it is not C h ristian .' The “ Godness of good” is nowhere to be found in th e Scriptures b u t the good­ ness of God" IS found th ro u g h o u t the pagès of th e Holy ’Book.— Ttrcker.

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