King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


5 :14 -15 ). The words “ remove th is cup from ” are literally, “ carry th is cup along.” He asked th a t th e cup m ight pass on un til th e appointed hou r on th e cross and the cup did pass on. He was dying of agony th en and there. (v. 34) and God streng th en ed H im (Lk. 22:4 3) .— Torrey. Not w h at I will. “Thy will be done” is the keynote to which every prayer must be tuned.— Gordon. v. 37. F in d eth th em sleeping. This is a lesson for all time. No affection and no zeal are a sub stitu te for th e pres­ ence of God realized and th e protection of God invoked. Loyalty and love are no t enough w ithou t w atchfulness and prayer, for even when th e sp irit is will­ ing th e flesh is weak and needs to be upheld.— Expos. Bible. v. 38. W atch ye an d pray. W atch­ ing w ithout p rayer is presumption. P ray er w ithou t w atching is hypocrisy. — Jay. If only th ey had prayed they would have been stead fast and unmove­ able.— Meyer. To watch is to use our streng th . To pray is to draw on His.— Sel. L est ye en ter. No Gospel states th a t Christ asked the disciples to pray FOR Him. They are to pray for them ­ selves in th e ir tem ptations.— Camb. Bible. Never do we read th a t Jesus and any m ortal joined togeth er in prayer. He alone came directly to His F ath e r. No man else came unto th e F a th e r b u t by Him. There was an essential differ­ ence between H is a ttitu d e tow ard God and ours.— Chadwick. v. 39. Again spake th e sanie words. W hat a rebuke to those sp iritually lazy souls th a t would have us believe th a t it is a m ark of lack of faith to ask the same th ing the second tim e.— Torrey. v. 41. Cometh th e th ird tim e. He repeated H is visits to H is disciples. Thus He gave •a specimen of His cbn- tinued care for H is church on earth , even when it is h alf asleep and not duly concerned for itself, while He ever lives m aking intercession w ith His

v. 35. W ent fo rw ard a little . There are tim es when we m ust keep our dear­ est companions a t a little distance.— Sel. F ell on th e ground. H is sweat was, as it were, g reat drops of blood falling down to th e ground. W hat was this! I t was th e strugg le convulsing His whole inner man and causing sweat to ooze from every pore in thick drops of blood.— J. F. & B. T h e h o u r m ight pass from him . Is Jesus praying for de­ liverance from the hour of the cross, or from THIS hour? He feared no t the cross. Heb. 12:2. In v. 36, He says “ all things are possible” implying th a t what He was praying for was possible of accomplishment. B u t was it possible to do away w ith th e atonem ent? Jno. 3:14. Lk. 24:44-46. It was for this He h ad come into th e world. F rom th is He w anted no deliverance eith er by means of hum an or angelic defenders. Mt. 26:52-56. In v. 41 we find another hou r h as arrived, th e hour of Satan. May no t Gethsemane have been a last supreme effort of Satan to defeat the purposes of God? If it was God’s will for Jesus to perish in th e garden in­ stead of in the appointed way, Jesus was subm itted. He prayed for deliver­ ance and was heard. Heb. 5 :7 .- Angels saved Him from th a t hour.—K. B. Were His astonishm ent and distress due to recoil from death? If th a t were th e ir cause, Jesus has been surpassed in he­ roism , no t only by many a m arty r, bu t by many a rud e soldier and by many a crim inal. No, th e w aters of th e baptism w ith which He was baptized h ad o th er sources th a n th a t.— Maclaren. v. 36. T ake away th is cup. This was no t a prayer for deliverance from th e cross. F rom th a t He never drew back. (Jn . 12:27 -28 ). We are distinctly taugh t, no t only th a t th e F a th e r always h eard Jesus (Jno. 11:41-42) b u t th a t He was h eard in th is specific instance (Heb. 5 :7 ) and when a prayer is heard, th e very th ing asked is given (1 Jno.

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