King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


F ath e r in heaven.—Henry. Bleep on now. P rofound sleep is a symptom of g reat grief. The disciples’ heaviness of sleep is in accord w ith th e n a tu ra l re­ su lts of th e sad scenes th rough which they had passed and is evidence of the tru th fu ln ess of th e sacred n arrative.— Rush. I t is enough. The Lord knew th a t a t th a t moment Jud as had receiv­ ed th e prom ised money and th a t th e moment had come, ju st as He knew th a t Ju d a s was n ear a t hand. Comp. Bible. v. 4 2 . Is betrayed. W hile saints slum ber, sinners plot.— Sel. L e t u s go. A t th e fitting tim e, he did no t prevent H im self from falling into th e hands of men.— Origen. An Angel S trengthening Jesus. Luke f 22:39-43. Memory Verse.— “There appeared unto H im an angel from heaven, streng then ing him .” Luke 22:43. Approach.— I wonder if little boys and girls like to go into a d ark room or ou t doors in th e d ark all by them ­ selves a t night? No, most of them do

no t like to go by them selves, b u t if fa th e r o r m other is w ith them they do not m ind th e dark



Mabel L. Merrill

a t all. J u s t to have fath e r or mother along makes them feel stronger. Jesus sees us all th e tim e and He knows when we are in a d ark or h ard place, and He is always ready to help us, and now we are to h ear about a tim e when Jesus was living h ere on ea rth and He was in a very d ark place, and God, H is F ath e r, streng thened Him. P rayer. Lesson Story.—-In our last story Jesus and th e disciples were getting ready to ea t th e la st supper together before Jesus left them and went back to Heaven, and who can tell th e won­ derful th ing Jesu s did? (Review last week’s lesson story, allow ing th e chil­ d ren to tell it back to you, aiding th e ir memory when n ecessary). Now after they had finished th e supper Jesus and eleven of th e disciples walked ou t in­ to th e night, th rough th e streets of th e city of Jeru salem un til they came ou t th rough th e gate and crossed over a little stream and entered a beauti-

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