King's Business - 1919-12



A Gathering of Missionaries and Their Children In q Bible 1 Institute of Los

days, for Jesus knew how hard it was going to be and He knew it would streng th en Him to pray about it, and you know boys and girls we oug h t al­ ways to remember th a t when we have hard things to do, we should go to Jesu s in prayer and tell Him all about it, for if. Jesus needed to pray, O how much we need to pray. Jesus le ft eight of th e disciples ju st inside of th e gate, and th e other th ree went w ith Him fa r­ th e r into th e garden, and then Jesus told them to watch and pray, while He went a little fa rth e r from them , and kneeled down and prayed. Jesus pray­ ed very earnestly to H is heavenly F ath e r and told Him how h ard it was to die, b u t He told Him th a t He (Jesu s) was w illing to die, and asked

ful garden. You notice our story says th ere were eleven disciples w ith Jesus, for one of them had gone out while they were a t the supper table. Per- haips some of you can tell me who it was th a t w ent out, and why he went. ( It is well to ju s t mention the absence of Jud as to th e children of Prim ary age; do not enlarge on sam e). The disciples were all very qu iet as they walked along, for they were .thinking of w hat Jesus had been telling them at th e supper, of how He was going to die and rise again, and go back to heaven, and Jesus know ing th a t so soon He was going to die, wanted to pray to God His heavenly F a th e r and tell him all about the things th a t were going to happen to Him in a few



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