kina. Dr. R. A. Torrey and Dr. Ralph Atkinson of the Angeles, in the Center
morals, it will then become th e worst enemy of Christ Himself. F o r good morals m ust ever be the resu lt of sal vation and not the means thereto.' Al-: ready we see a great many people pass ing as Christians who do not believe in "any hell to be saved from or any hea ven to be saved for. Can it be possible th a t these souls have ever been b rough t to judgm ent for th eir sins? How could one who has been Convicted fo r sin and been shown the doom th a t aw aits th è sinner and been delivered by the blood of Jesus ever doubt the reality of hell or fail in a testimony for th e power of th e Blood? How can one who has seen th e powers of tfie world to come ever lose the heavenly note ou t of testimony or m inistry?—Wm. M. Smith.
His heavenly F ath e r to help Him, and . as He was praying an angel came and com forted and strengthened Jesus. P rayer always makes us strong er and braver, and you know when ever Satan sees a boy or giri, or a man or wo man praying, he knows he can not tem pt them to do any th ing th a t is wrong. Now is a good tim é for us to learn our memory verse, which will help us ; to rem ember th a t prayer streng then s us. Closing P ray er.— Dear Lord Jesus we th a n k three for prayer so we can ta lk to thee and be strong. U CHRISTIANITY DEFEATING CHRIST When Christianity descends to the place where it is only a system of good
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