King's Business - 1919-12


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S tendency to exalt th e ethical a t th e expense of th e redemptive 'elem ent of Christianity. We believe th is to be a rev ersal of th e Divine order since conduct is th e outgrow th of character. Second—A tendency to sh ift th e emphasis of moral sanction from etern ity to time. We believe th a t th e p resen t life can only be rig h tly in terp reted and properly conducted In th e ligh t of etern ity and th a t th e New Testam ent so relates it. Third— A pedagogical tendency tow ard th e Bushnellian theory of Chris- ^nature which m inim izes the need of regeneration. We believe in educa- tion but no t tn a t th e flesh can be developed by cu ltu re into sp irit F o u rth—A tendency to ignore th e Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ by unduly stressing the hum an phases of H is life and m inistry and by not giving Him H is Scriptural names and titles. o • tendency to set aside the office work and m inistry of th e Holy Spirit by inculcating th e quasi-virtues of th e moral life which are n a tu ra l and impulsive, to th e exclusion of the fru its of th e Spirit. . Shith— A tendency to in te rp re t the Kingdom of God in th e term s of an improved social o rd e r b rough t about by hum an initiative and making a recon­ structed environm ent th e church objective in th e present age s c uu ~ finally’ our objections to th e Q uarterlies re st more upon th e ir omissions th a n upon general and p articu lar declarations and we regard these several tendencies as indicating a trend of modern religious though t which ?-e a ^adlcf ! d ep artu re from th e faith of our fath e rs; th e faith once for a ll delivered unto th e saints. .We congratulate*this church upon its bold stand for the truth We predict for it intensified interest upon the part of teachers and scholars in the study of God s holy Word. We are assured that the God of all grace whose Word has thus been honored will bestow rich blessing upon church and school. May the Lord multiply the number of pastors who will lead their churehes and Sunday Schools out of the maze of modern religious teaching by eliminating the objectionable literature and installing that which is true to the Word.—T. C. H. 6 18 M R . STUBBS Speaketk on the Millenium His name is Stubbs, and in an article published in The California Christian Advocate of August 14, 1919, he makes an effort to be funny at L ^ ^ P i i 186 >°f Room>where we dispensed about six thou- sand dollars worth of Bibles, best books and other literature during the month ot feeptember. < •, Advocate has a horror of the premillennial doctrine. It gets all ^ riled up, red m the face and would spit fire if it were able,—but, un­ fortunately, the Advocate is very short on Scripture—very short. R u n n in g our eye over every column of the twenty-four page paper we found hut two passages of Scripture, and of these one was at the head of the Sunday School lesson, and the other in the exposition of same. y , ff°,f Paper has such brilliant writers as Stubbs on its staff it would hardly seem necessary to condescend to the Scriptures! Well here is what Stubbs says,—and what he denies of God’s Word: I ^ b ris t is in Heaven in H is e a rth ly body, flesh bone hu t n« hi« a so said th e Book-store-man a t th e Bible In stitu te, Los Angeles ’ bUt blood> A lady atten d a n t said he was as well posted as any of th e professors.

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