King's Business - 1919-12



. DECEMBER 14, 1910 A T TH E TR IA L AND CRUC IF IX ION OF JESUS Golden Text: “ God so loved th e world, th a t he gave his only begotten Son, th a t whosoever believeth in him should not perish, bu t have everlasting life.” Jno. 3:16. LESSON TEXT Jno. 18:15-27; 19:25-27.

(18:15) And Simon P e ter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple: th a t disciple was known unto th e high priest and w ent in w ith Jesus into the palace of th e high priest. (16) B ut P eter stood a t the door w ithout. Then w ent out th a t other disciples which w as known unto the high priest, and spake unto her th a t kept th e door . and brought in P eter. (17). Then saith the damsel th a t kept th e door unto P eter, A rt not thou also one of th is m an’s disciples? He saith, I am not. (18) And the servants and offi­ cers stood there, who had m ade a fire of coals; for it w as cold: and they w arm ed them selves: and P eter stood w ith them , and warm ed himself. (19) The high priest then asked Jesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine. (20) Jesus answ ered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever tau g h t in the synagogue, and in the temple, w hither the Jew s alw ays resort; and in secret have I said nothing. (21) W hy askest thou me? ask them which heard me, w hat I have said unto them : behold, they know w hat I said. (22) And when he had th u s spoken one of the D enying th e Lord. The Lesson Committee have given a title for our lesson which is no t appro­ p riate to th e portion of S cripture select­ ed, and so I have given a title th a t seems consistent. F o r if LESSON we are to study John EXPOSITION 18:15-27 and 19: T. C. H orton 25-27 we m ust find our them e and ex­ , There are four chief characters to study, and pictures to see: There is Jesu s our Lord, enduring the la st hours of th a t eventful life which culm inated in His false conviction and death. There is Peter, th e spokesman of the Twelve, and th e man who was foremost to swear allegiance to our Lord! There is th e High P riest, th e political- ecclesiastical rep resen tative of th e ene­ mies of our Lord . There is John, th e beloved disciple,— tru e a t last, and to th e last. position there.

officers which stood by struck Jesus w ith th e palm of his hand, saying, A nsw erest thou the high priest so? (23) Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear w itness of th e evil: but if well, why sm itest thou me? (24) Now Annas had sent him bound unto C aiaphas the high priest. (25) And Simon P e ter stood and warm ed himself. They said therefore unto him, A rt not thou also one of his disciples ? He denied it, and said, I am not. (26) One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsm an whose ear P e ter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden w ith him? (27) P e ter then denied again: and imm ediately the cock crew. (19:25) Now th ere stood by th e cross of Jesus his m other, and his m other’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. (26) W hen Jesus th ere ­ fore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith uhto his m other, Woman, behold thy son: (27) Then saith he to the dis­ ciple, Behold th y m other: And from th a t hour th a t disciple took her unto his own home. Then th e re are th e pictures: P eter standing a t th e door and P eter warm ­ ing him self a t th e world’s fire. There is Jesus, our Lord, in th e presence of the H igh P riest, catechised by him as to His teaching, and His disciples. There is Jesu s bound as a felon, on th e way to th e house of Caiaphas. There is the cross, w ith God’s Lamb, dying for sinful man. There is th e p icture of John and th e four wonderful .women. There is the pictu re of John w ith Mary, the m other of Jesu s leaning on his arm as he escorts h er to his home. Now it will not be difficult w ith these pictures well fixed in mind, and the lessons which come so n atu ra lly from the context, to in te rest any Bible class, young or old. Outline. (1 ) The Denial of Peter.

(2) The Doctrine of Jesus. (3 ) The Devoted Disciple.

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