King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


have over it.— Sel. W arm ed him self. P e te r la te r warmed a t an o th er fire w ith b etter results. (2 1 :9 ) K. B. If P e te r’s zeal for his Master had no t froz­ en, b u t had continued in th e h ea t it seemed to be of b u t a few hours before, he had not had occasion to w arm him ­ self now.— Henry. v. 19. H igh p riest asked Jesu s. E le­ m entary fair play to a prisoner prescrib­ es th a t he should be accused of some crime by someone and no t th a t he should furnish his judges w ith m ate­ rials for his own indictm ent. ‘‘Why ask- est thou me, ask them th a t have h eard me” (v. 2 1 ) is unanswerable, except by such an answer as th e officious serv­ a n t gave, a blow and a violent speech. — Maclaren. The object of Annas’ ex­ am ination which was irre g u la r and in­ formal, was obviously to induce Jesu s to incrim inate H imself in view of th e approaching trial, th e available evidence ag ain st Him being weak. (Mt. 2 6 :5 9 ). -—Dummelow. v. 20 . In secret hav e I said nothing. Jesus had no t one doctrine fo r th e public audience and ano th er for p riv ate ears. Look out for th e man who has. — Torrey. All His p riv ate communica­ tions w ith th e twelve were b u t expla­ nations and developments of H is public teaching. Isa. 45:19, 48:16.— F au sett. v. 24.—Why ask eth th o u m e? Why ask now concerning my doctrine when you have already condemned it? They had made an o rder excommunicating all th a t owned H im (9 :2 2 ), had issued a proclam ation for apprehending Him and now th ey come to ask w h at His doctrine is. Thus was He condemned, as His doctrine and cause commonly are, unheard.— Henry. v. 25. He denied it. And th is is th e disciple who had been surnam ed “ the Rock.” A serv an t girl whispers and his tim id h e a rt flings a lie to his lips and he denies his Lord. B u t th e Lord has not done w ith Peter. He is still in th e making. Some day he will

ju stify his new name. Some day we shall find it w ritten , ‘‘when they saw th e boldness of P ete r they marveled.— Jow ett. v. 27. P e te r denied again. A lie begets a lie un til they come to genera­ tions.— Sel. Having once comm itted himself, th e two o th er denials followed as a m a tte r of course, yet th e th ird de­ nial is more guilty th a n th e . first. He had tim e to th ink , tim e to remember his Lord’s w arning, tim e to leave the place if he could do no b etter.— Expos. Bible. The Lord, was more grieved by th is denial of P ete r th a n by th e blow of th e officer. Jesu s is less grieved by th e opposition of avowed enem ies th an by th e denial of professed friends.— Torrey. Je su s Dying and Living Again. John 19:17, 18; 20:11-18. Memory Verse.— “He loved us and sen t his son.” I John 4:10. Approach.— Boys and girls did you ever have a little garden and plan t some seed in it? P erh ap s you ju st couldn’t w ait for it to come up, and th en maybe you PRIMARY AND dug up one h ill to BEGINNERS see w h at th e little Mabel L. M errill seed was doing, and if you did you can te ll me w hat happened to th e seed you p u t in th e ground when it sent a lit­ tle new shoOt o r sp ro u t upw ard to make th e new plant. Yes, when th e new p lan t came ou t of th e seed, th a t little seed died and becam e a new plant. P rayer. Lesson Story.— Now th is morning first of all I am going to p ain t you a picture, not w ith brush and paint bu t a word picture, and then you see if you can tell me who th e people are in th e picture. In a beau tifu l garden ju s t inside th e gate are eigh t men; th e n fa rth e r on are th ree more men, and ju st a very little fa rth e r on is

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