King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N ES S they trie d very h ard to prove y ia t Jesus was a had man and ought to he killed, yet they could not find one single w rong act He had ever done; He was perfect and free from all sin, and God his Heavenly F ath e r, could have saved him from dying, h u t God knew some one who had never done a single w rong th ing would have to die tp save all th e people who would believe on Jesus, th a t is all who would take Jesus as th e ir Saviour, and Jesus, God’s Son, was th e only one in all th e world free from sin. Then afte r they had tried Jesus, we see them lead H im out th rough th e gate, over across the stream and up a lonely road to a hill where stood th ree crosses. They cruci­ fied Jesus and nailed H im to one of these crosses, and two thieves were p u t on th e o ther two crosses, one on eith er side of Jesus. A fter Jesu s was dead some of his friends took down His body from th e cross and tenderly w rapped H im in white linen clothes and p u t sweet perfumes on and then they carried th e body to a new tomb and p u t it in, and a larg e stone was rolled up to th e opening in the tomb and th e king sealed it w ith his seal and

1144 ano ther man praying, and while he is praying an angel comes to him and com forts and' streng th en s :him . My! how well you have told me th e story we had la st ■wreek from th e word pic­ tu re. Now our story today begins rig h t in the garden where th e la st one ended. 'The one disciple who was no t w ith Jesus in the garden had a wicked h ea rt because he h ad never let Jesus come into his life, and while Jesus was pray­ ing w ith th e o ther disciples nearby, th is wicked disciple whose nam e was Judas, was in th e city telling some very wicked men who w anted to k ill Je?us, ju s t, where they could find Him, and these w icked men gave Ju d a s some money fo r telling them where Jesus was. Ju s t as Jesu s finished praying these wicked men, w ith Jud as leading on, were coming up th e road leading into th e garden, and Jesus could hear them talk ing and see th e lig h t from th e torches, fo r it was late a t night. Jesus did n o t try to get away from th e men, for He knew it was necessary' for Him to die to save everybody who would believe on Him, and so th e men tak e Jesu s and lead Him away to th e city and have a trial, h u t even though

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P i l a t r e s v e r d ic t of Christ J e s u s vv-as: u l f ind no f a u l t in him.” ¿ .s r e . ¿> s * / e s u ± // re d a n d ¿d>e Same. re-rd/c? w'/f be renderied rr) your c a s e — ¿bus C a n y o u a for/fy G-ed a nd serre. manff/hd yf^ms/6

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