King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S placed a guard of soldiers to watch, so th a t no one could steal th e body away. The king and th e wicked men did not care anything abou t th e body of Jesus, b u t you rem ember Jesus had told them He was going to rise from th e dead, and they though t his dis­ ciples or some friends would ta k e the body out of th e tomb and th en say He had risen from th e dead. This p art of our story is sad, hu t th e la st p art makes us very happy, for the th ird day a woman w ent to th e tomb w ith some more sweet perfumes to pu t on Jesu s’ body, and found th e tomb empty, and two angels, one a t th e head and the o th er a t th e foot of th e empty tomb. When th e woman whose name was Mary saw th a t th e body of Jesus was gone she wept bitterly, and when the angels asked her why she was weep­ ing she said unto them , because they have tak en away my Lord, and I know no t w here they have laid Him. As she tu rn ed away from : th e grave, whom do you th in k she met? Yes, Jesus, but she did no t know H im u n til He spoke h er name, and th e n how quickly her te ars were tu rn ed into smiles. Ju st like th e little seeds w e' p lan t in the garden, when they p u t fo rth th e little sp rou t to make a new plant, it is neces­ sary for th e old seed to die. The re a ­ son th is is th e best sto ry in th e Bible is because it tells us th a t all who love Jesu s will live again too and be w ith Jesu s in heaven for ever. If we love Jesus we will no t he afraid of dying a t all. Closing P ray er.—O ur dear heavenly F a th e r we th a n k thee for raising Jesus from th e tomb to live forever w ith all th a t love and tru s t Him.


lical Word. This title implies, natu rally , th a t it is in th e power of man to eject Christ from H is universe or th a t Christ is b u t a concept and this, indeed, is the w rite r’s view. He defines Christ as “th e p aren tal instinct, th e sp irit of love th a t lies do rm an t in us all,.........a com­ posite photograph of th e best Christians the new convert sees abou t him . He is the embodiment of th a t group con­ sciousness of th e Church known as the Holy Spirit. . . . . Christ is simply the reflex of local m oral codes. It is is diffi­ cult to affirm th e id en tity of th e living Christ and th e h istoric Jesu s,” etc., etc. Such is th e an tich ristian ity to which th e Chicago University theologians a t­ tach th e ir trade-m ark. The w riter, however, has well-justifified misgivings on one point. He rig h tly says: “ If th ere is one th ing we m iss in the liberal Christianity which more and more prevails it is th a t sense of & g reat sustaining moral power which used to be th e glory of th e evangelical churches. E thical sensitivenfess is here aplenty in the liberal movement, h u t I am not sure about moral power.” The reason is th a t th e living Christ is not in and th rough and behind it.—1- Record of Christian Work. SUNDAY LOAFERS • “Are you too tire d to go to chu rch ?”; L isten to the words of Robert J. Bur­ d ette: '. ‘‘T h at’s sheer .nonsense. There isn ’t a place on th e continent so restfu l as the chureh. You are going to lie around th e house all day; snooze in a hammock; loll in a rocking-chair; go to sleep over a. hook. T h at isn’t, resting , th a t’s loaf­ ing. Tell yourself honestly— you like to th in k you are honest—»did y o u ever in all y o u see a loafer who.looked rested? R esting is: th e h ard est work in th e world, when you m ake work .of it.” ’ *

THE CHICAGO TRADE MARK “ Shall We Discard the Living C h rist?” is the ra th e r blasphemous title of an a r­ ticle in the University of Chicago’s Bib-

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