King's Business - 1919-12



How Shall W e Keep Our Balance L et’s see— flesh, hone, no blood,— th en dead— a mummy. F o r 2000 years Jesus has occupied a mummy body. Go farth er. He has blood, flesh and bone. Then Heaven must ru n a com­ m issary d epartm en t to supply H is body w ith food, and we are to suppose He has lived bodily 2000 years. Oh, h u t He is m iraculously preserved. Yes. But— No, I do no t mean to lim it God’s power,— h u t I do believe He has good sense. God can’t make a body live w ithou t food. More, death m ust come to every living thing. I t’s th e law of N ature. If th e re are physical bodies in Heaven, they m u st he k ep t alive by food,— and filling N atu re’s law they must have all th e physical passions, and in due tim e m u st die. Take ano th er View. Jesus Christ is in Heaven, pure spirit, which can he th e only ju st claim to imm ortality. J u st about now He is coming to reign a thousand years. He is coming bodily. Wl^ere is He going to get his body? We know how He came a t th e glad Christm as time. In like m anner to be born again? No. Then w here does He get His body? Then when th e trum p e t blows, all th a t are in th e grave are to come fo rth and be caught up in th e a ir to meet the Lord. Physical bodies, you understand. When th u s g athered togeth er they are to hover over Jerusalem ,— and reign a thousand years. So one of these en thu siasts inform ed me. T h at’s certainly a strik ing sight. Jesu s holding cou rt in th e air, and the sain ts floating around having a good tim e.. The same question of supplies confronts one. If they are going to live 1000 years, it will requ ire more food th a n all th e arm ies -that fought th e Huns. W hat is Jesu s to do in th e air? Why, th e Jews Will be gathered and the te rro r of His th rone in th e sky will convert them . How easy. L et’s get th a t airy th ron e down to earth . W here are you to make your h eadquarters, I asked one. Jerusalem . Jerusalem . Oh, in th a t d irty little city. How many w ill th e re be of you? will it be ju s t 144,000,— or all th a t now live? Saints,— and all th a t slept, to occupy th e chief city? The Holy City would w in 144,000 additional, call for a lively building en­ terprise. He is to be king, an u n fo rtun ate word ju st now. Is He going to establish forced conversion of th e Jews?

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