King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Memorial Table. F o u rth— Thè inv isib le Church,— be­ lievers in th e risen Lord, w ith nineteen centuries of Christian histo ry which— if He did not rise— has been based upon a delusion. The presence o f' th e Holy Spirit in th e life of a believer, and th e power which He gives for a Victorious» life, is self-evident to th e believer’, and suffi­ cient evidence to the world. PRACTICAL POINTS. (1) No need' to stum ble over th e resur- . rection story; th e stone has been removed. (2 ) The pall of th e tomb giv,es place to the su'nlight of H is person. (3 ) ’The love bond links Mary and her Master. (4 ) We neéd not tò reasofi about His resu rrection ; we re st in th e fact. ( 5 ) There m ust be definite dealing w ith th e backsliding denier. (6 ) Have you èyèr been fnean enough tò Sày ‘T know no t th e Man?” (7) The Church m ust feed th e sheep and shepherd th e lambs. ( 8 ) The te st of rea l loyalty to Christ is love. (9 ) Love is more m anifest by life than by’lip. (10) The tithe clock is set for each of us; therefo re, we ough t"to settle down and m ake th e most of the '..time. (1 1 ) ; No matter* w h eth er' olir souls are tran sm itted , or our bodies tra n s­ lated, we g rav itate to Him." ^ p . Christ Is A live. Charles VII, who. deserted Jo an of Arc, was advised by a cou rtier to de­ stroy th e black m arble monument raised over th e rem ains of th e g reat Duke of Bedford. LESSON He . replied, “Let., ILLUSTRATIONS him repose in peace, W . H . P ik e and :,:be th a n k fu l ., th a t he does re­ pose: were he aw ake he would make

th e sto u t h earted among us trem b le.” This is why infidles, worldlings and sin lovers w ant to forget th a t Christ is rise n i ji Christ’s R esurrection Surety for Our Resurrection. Dr. Simpson, of th e Christian Mis­ sionary Alliance, tells of a little girl who h ad h er hand am pu tated by a surgeon in th e hospital. She asked th a t she m ight see it, and said, ■ “Good­ bye, hand, you helped me to m ake clothes for dolly, to get my sums at school, to w rite to m amm a; b u t now good-bye, b u t I will get you back again a t tb e resu rrection .” F a ith Makes th e R isen Christ Real. Some Christians are like th e African who was told by th e m issionary th a t th e w ater in England, in th e w inter, became h ard so th a t a man could walk on it. He did not believe it. Some­ tim e after, th e native w ent to England w ith th e m issionary and he took him ou t to th e riv er and stepped on th e ice. But he could no t persuade his A fri­ can friend to step on it. “ No,” he said, “ never saw it so; I have lived fifty years in my country, and I never saw a man w alk on a riv er before.” We do no t see dead people rise d u r­ ing our en tire life here, b u t we know Jesus rose and is alive, a t God’s rig h t hand. Modern R esurrection. I t is said th a t in th e tim e of the Em peror ’ H adrian, a man died soon afte r ho had eaten plentifully of rasp ­ berries. He was buried a t Dorchester. Some fo rty years ago th e rem ains of th is man, together w ith coins of the Roman Em peror were discovered' in a coffin a t th e bottom of a barrow , th irty feet und er th e surface. The man had th u s lain undisturbed som e. one thou ­ hund red years. B u t the most curious, circum stances connected w ith th e case was, th a t th e raspberry seeds were recovered from th e stom-

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