King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


ach, and sown a in th e garden of th e H o rticu ltu ral Society, where th e y germ ­ inated and grew into h ealthy i bushes. Dead for 1700 years, yet alive. Some years ago, a vase herm etically sealed was found in a mummy p it in Egypt, by th e English trav eler, W ilk­ inson, who se n t it to th e B ritish Muse­ um. The lib ra ria n then having unfor­ tu n a te ly , broken it, discovered in it a few grains of w heat , and one or two peas, old, w rinkled and as h ard as a stone. The peas, were plan ted care­ fully under a glass on th e 4th of June, 1844, and a t th e end of th irty days these old seeds were seen to spring up into new life. They had been buried probably abou t 3000 years, perhaps in th e tim e of Moses. W h at a day it will be when all those who have been placed in th e ,tomb shall hear, th e voice of the Son of God and. they th a t h ea r shall live. “Thus will I lay. me down in peace, When .called to leave, th is vale of tears. , For, ‘In my flesh shall I see God,’ E ’en though I sleep two thousand years.” Who changed th e day of worship from the original Sabbath to th e first day of the week? Ponder th e tenacity w ith which th e Jews held on to COMMENT FROM th e ir Sabbath given MANY SOURCES in Eden and but- K. h . B rooks tressed amid* the th u n d ers of S inai. Yet in New Testam ent times, w e find Jews changing th e ir tim e-honored Sab­ bath to th e first day or L o rd ’s Day, call-> ing it afte r a man. We cannot have an effect w ithou t a cause. . The res­ urrection was the cause.—-Evans. Cometh early. Jesus rose early to save,- early to pray (Mk., 1;3&) and early to preach (Lk. , 21:38).,—rlnglis. Mary was early, bu t. God was earlier, To the v. 1. ' F irs t day of th e week.

is soul’s-early, th e re is ever God’s earlier, —-Crawford. Those who follow Christ to th e. last in His hum iliation, w ill be the earliest to meet Him in. H is exaltation, — Sel-. Mary Magdalene. - F o rgetting all H is’ predictions, •or •otherwise- -view­ ing it. as a hope rather, th a n as a fact which lay w ith in ;th e possibility »of ac­ complishment, they - came , bringing, spices which they had prepared. How can you account for the stubbornness of this, view of d eath ?—.P arker. When it was y et d ark . A new day was about t o , dawn fo r the. world, T h at was .the first significance of the resurrection. Every­ th ing was to .b e seen in a new light.— Jow ett. Stone ta k en away. Mary came expectingUto find a g reat stone between her and th e object of h er -affections, b u t instead she found Jesu s between her and th e dreaded difficulty,-—McIntosh.mb V. 2. Cometh to P eter. Peter; - though he had denied- his 1 Master had ‘ not deserted his 1 Master’s friends; by th is appears the’ sincerity of his repen­ ta n c e ’ th a t he associated w ith the dis­ ciple whom Jesus loved. The 1 disciples keeping up th e ir intim acy w ith him teachds us to resto re those w ith a sp irit of meekness who have been faulty/—U Henry. Taken away th e Lord. Thus w e! often in our -ignorance and unbelief put a d ark construction upon facts th a t are really fra u g h t w ith th e gladdest mean­ ing,— Torrey. T hat grave being empty, th e whole earth is em pty to her. The dead Christ was more to ,.h e r th a n a living world. She can b u t stand and, lay her head upon th e stone and le t her tears flow from, a broken h eart. , In all this, we have th e picture of a real and profound grief. To Iffary, our Lord re­ membered His prom ise “He th a t loveth me shall be loved, of my F a th e r and I will love him and m anifest myself .to him .”— Dods. v. 4. So they ran . H aste character-, ized the resu rrection day and ,th ere should be haste in, th e proclam ation un­ til He comes.—K. B. The saints have

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