King's Business - 1919-12



upon the cross. It would have been a g reat trium ph for Satan could he have kep t Jesu s in th e underworld. I t is possible th a t he sought by every means to do so, b u t as Sampson carried away the gates of Gaza upon his shoulders, so our Immanuel entered th e iron gates of death and to re th e b ars a w a y F a r r . The strongest of all evidence of th e resu rrection is the very existence of the Church itself. The disappointed, tim id and disheartened disciples were not ma­ te rial out of which to build a conquer­ ing Church. Their sudden tran sition from sorrow to joy, from gloom to hope, from weakness to streng th , can be ex­ plained only by some new faith which had been born in th e ir hearts,-4-Welch. Nothing b u t th e m iracle of th e resu r­ rection could dispel the doubts which th reatened to drive away th e faith of th e disciples a fte r its object into the eternal night of death.— Baur. The W ise Men V isit th e Baby Jesus. Matt. 2:1-12. Memory Verse.— “We saw his sta r in th e east and are come to worship him .” Matt. 2:2. Approach.— You all look so bright

and happy th is morning, I really be­ lieve you all know of an ex tra happy tim e th a t is coming in a few days. We cannot help being PRIMARY AND happy when Christ- BEGINNERS mas is coming, can Mabel li. M errill we? While you are feeling so happy, it is a good tim e for us to nam e some of th e good things we have received from God th e F ath e r. Food and clothes, m others and fath ers, b ro th ers and sis­ ters. (Give th e children a chance to nam e o th e rs). It is a good th ing for us to nam e over our gifts from God so we w ill rem em ber w hat a loving heav­ enly F a th e r we have. The very best g ift God gave us was th e Lord Jesus who came th e first Christm as morning. God sen t us Jesus w ith H is love. P ray ­ er. LesSon Story.— (A t le ft of sand table place some blocks surrounded by a card board w all to rep resen t Bethlehem . Use toy camels w ith men on back for wise men in search of Jesus. Suspend a sil­ ver s ta r over Bethlehem w ith a black th read . Show picture of worship scene of wise men before th e Baby Jesu s in th e sta b le ). How many have had a

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