King's Business - 1919-12



sand ta b le). These men lived a long way from th e little town of Bethlehem where the Baby Jesu s was born. These men knew from the Bible th a t Jesus was coming into the world, and now God told them in a most w onderful way th a t He had come. One n igh t as they were looking into th e sky they saw s sta r which was much larg er and b righ t­ er th a n any of th e re st of th e stars. The Wise men watched th is sta r very closely and joyfully, for they knew this was the sta r which was to guide them to the place where the Baby Jesus was. They took clothes and food enough to la st them for th e long journey, and beau tifu l presents to give to th e little Christ child, who was to be th e ir king. I t took many days riding on th e cam­ els bu t a t la st th e W ise men came to th e little town of Bethlehem where the sta r had guided them and now th e star stood rig h t over th e place where Jesus was w ith Mary and Joseph, and they knew He was th e wonderful Baby who should become th e K ing of th e world. Taking out th e ir presents they knelt before th e Christ child and worshiped. The Wise men then sta rted back to th e ir: homes very happy because they had seen the dear Lord Jesus and had given Him th e ir best gifts fo r H is b irth ­ day. Are we going to give anything to Jesus on His birth-dky? When we love people we are glad to give them pres­ ents. W hat do you th in k Jesu s would like best on His birth-day? The best p resen t we can give Jesus is ourselves, and th en all th rough th e year we will be giving H im a sm iling face and loving words and helping hands. We can give Jesu s a birth-day present by giving presents to others for H is sake, espe­ cially th e little boys. and.girls. who are poor and do no t have much Christmas. (Mem. Verse.) Closing P ray er.— Dear Lord Jesus we th a n k thee for coming down here on earth, to be our loving Saviour and King, and help us to love thee.

b irth -d ay th is week and brought th eir pennies? All rig h t C lara we will sing our birth-day song, and then we will all count and see how old C lara is, and then We will know howfmany candles to light. Seven years old. These lighted candles ' burning for C lara’s birth-day, make me tliiiik of a beau tifu l b irth ­ day we are going to remember before long. It is the birth-day of a Wonder­ fu l Baby, for whom no little, soft crib was ready when He came, bu t whose coming m ad e, the whole world happy. Now if you will be very quiet I will tell you about th is W onderful Baby. A g reat many years ago a woman named Mary and her husband, Joseph, w ent to a city called Bethlehem to stay for a little while. They went to hotels and houses, b u t th e re Were so many people in th e city th a t every place was full, and th e only place these people could find was a barn where they lay upon th e hay. And now listen, th a t very n igh t Jesu s was born, and Mary, His m other w rapped H im up warm ly, bu t where was th e crib? The. only place she could find was t i e manger, the place from which th e anim als ate th eir hay. T h at n igh t as th e shepherds were watching th e ir flocks bn th e hillside an ex tra b rig h t ligh t shone Upon them," which frightened them very much, bu t an angel came vdown from heaven and ;told them no t to be afraid, for th is light :was only to tell them about a little baby th a t was born in a m anger in a city near by. Then a g reat many angels •came and sang th e first glad Christmas ¡song. A fter th e angels w ent away, th e !shephefd;s/'wen^. t b 'th e city and found ’th e Baby Jesus asleep on th e hay. They worshiped Him and w ent away ,to tell o th ers about- th e Wonderful Baby. So now we will always remem ­ b e r th a t our Christmas Day is Jesu s’ ;birth-day. I wonder how many of you ¡would like to te a r about some-men who \ carried .b irth -day presents to Jesus iwhten he. was a little baby.? . (Uncover

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