King's Business - 1919-12



King of Glory. He is both Son of God and son of man. As He is on the throne forever, He will reign not only over Is­ rael but over all men. TUESDAY, Dec. 16. Luke 2 :1 -1 4 . The Angel And The Shepherds. The announcem ent of th e Saviour’s b irth was not given in th e royal palace of Herod or to those who sit in the seats of the m ighty, b u t to humble shepherds guarding th e ir flocks by night. “F ear n o t” is th e u sual preface when God speaks to man. I t is an exhortation occurring more th a n fifty tim es in the Bible. The word “ Gospel” comes from “Good-spell” and means good tidings or news. I t is for all nations in all ages and produces g reat joy. It came to the Jews first, Is. 9:6, bu t its blessings are for all mankind. The city of David is Bethlehem th u s literally fulfilling Micah 5:2. They would recognize th e child Je ­ sus from His clothing and location. There was nothing su p e rn a tu ral about th e sign of th e swaddling clothes. In th e E ast it is a custom both then and now, to w rap an in fan t from neck to heels in a long strip of cloth several inches wide. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 17. Luke 2 :15 -20 . Shepherds Seeking Christ. The antipodes of th e hum an race met a t th e manger. The first to recognize and bow before th e holy child were the humble shepherds. Then followed the Sages, those wise men from th e E ast who may stand for th e intellect of the world which m ust bow beneath the scepter of Christ. May th is not be a picture and prophecy of His universal s\vay? Only under th e dominion of Christ can the peace of th is world be es­ tablished and m aintained. A rmaments can not secure it. The league of nations can not create it. Only by acknowledg­ ing th e sovereignty of Christ can the nations of th e world become Christian. All o ther re stra in ts and b arriers are

ready spokesman, gave another prompt and splendid confession of the Saviour’s Deity, saying “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thoù h ast th e words of etern al life, and we believe and are su re th a t Thou a r t th a t Christ th e Son of th e living God.” MONDAY, Dec. 14. P salm 4 6 :1 -11 . Help In Trouble. This is a song of trium ph celebrating some h istorical victory for Israel like th e deliverance of Hezekiah or the Berachah victory of Jehosaphat. The three-fold Selah divides the Psalm into th ree parts. The first p a rt shows God H imself to be th e present help of His people. The second p a rt expresses g rati­ tude. God is a riv er broad and deep, flowing calmly on, bringing peace to all who tru s t Him. There are - precious names applied to God. H annah first calls God ' ‘Jehovah of hosts.” 1 Sam. 1 : 1 1 . The name is found seven tim es in th e P salter. The “ God of Jacob” is used th irte en tim es to express th e tru s t of th e w riter. This especially ap­ peals to us as we th in k of Jacob at B ethel and Peniel. The th ird p a rt of the Psalm is a paean of praise. The storm has passed. The victory is won. God alone is exalted among th e nations of the earth . MONDAY, Dec. 15. Isaiah 11 :1 -10 . The P rince Of P eace. The prophet speaks of th e royal line of Jud ah as being cut off, as a tree is cut down, and a shoot is springing forth from its roots. Christ was to come from th e fam ily of David. Matthew’s genealogy makes th is clear. Isaiah has left us a more complete prophecy of the coming, n atu re and m ission of th e Mes­ siah th a n any other prophet. .Through H is virgin mother, His ancestry is traced to Ju d a h on th e one hand and Levi on th e other, th u s uniting th e kingly and priestly lines of trib a l d esce n t He is no t only th e P rince of Peace b u t the

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