King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


swept away before th e unbridled pas­ sions of un regenerate man. THURSDAY, Dec. 18. Luke 2:25-35. Simeon And The In fa n t Jesus. In tim es of apostasy, when th e official leaders are degenerated, th e sp irit of tru e religion frequently m anifests itself among the humble members of the low­ est class. Simeon and Anna are such unofficial agents. The song of Simeon rem inds .us of the Davidic Psalm s. Its concise p regn an t sentences summarize th e history of fu tu re ages. He infuses a drop of bitterness in his message which no joy ever lacks in a world of sin. The h atred which will be vented upon Jesus will pierce th e h ea rt of Mary like a sword and bring out th a t hostility to God which th è people hide under an out­ w ard show of devotion. W ith prophetic insight th is aged sain t saw w hat was in the h e a rt of th e Jew ish nation and also th a t the holy child would prove the occasion, for th e hidden h atre d to be poured fo rth against God and man in th e person of th e Messiah. FRIDAY, Dec. 19. M atthew 2:1-11. The V isit Of th e Magi Scripture is select as to th e number and names of th e Magi. Their gifts are typical. Gold stands for .the world’s wealth, frankincense for th e world’s worship, m yrrh for th e world’s b it­ terness. All were offered to Christ. The visit of. th e wise men was a t least fo rty days afte r the b irth of Christ. He was born in a stable, Luke 2:7, bu t the Magi found Him in a house. Matt. 2:11. The flight into Egypt imm ediately fol­ lowed th is visit. Circumcision took place eigh t days afte r b irth and th e pre­ sen tation in th e Temple, th irty -th ree days a fte r th e circumcision. The crush of passing pilgrim s would soon be over and we may be su re th a t ju st as soon as th e virgin m other was able to be moved, the faith fu l Joseph would tran s­ fer her to some o ther place, humble in­

deed for th e ir means were lim ited, but where rest and com fort could be secur­ ed. SATURDAY, Dec. 20. M atthew 2:13-23. Caring F o r The Child Jesus. Prophecy is intentionally obscure th a t Satan and wicked men may not be able to und erstand it and thw art th e purpose of God. Satan m ight have been taken by surprise a t the first advent. Be th a t as it may, he lost no tim e seeking the destruction of th e new born babe, caus­ ing every child in th e vicinity to be put to death, to make sure of his prey. God is never taken by surprise.- H is preve- nien t mercy provided a way of escape and when th e mercenaries of blood­ th irsty Herod slaughtered th e innocents of Bethlehem , th e holy fam ily was far on its way to Egypt, where they found asylum as long as th e cruel ty ran t lived. SUNDAY, Dec. 21. Isaiah 9:1-7. The Glory of th e P rin ce of Peace. The Old Testam ent prophets p ain t a glowing picture of th e Messiannic reign. His Deity is clearly indicated in the titles th a t are applied to Him. The an­ cients conceived th e globe to rest upon the bowed shoulders of th e m ighty At­ las. So strong is th e P rince of peace, however, th a t one shoulder is sufficient to su stain th e government of th e world, vs. 6 . The Davidic glory reached its climax in th e reign of th e super-splendid Solomon bu t th e seventy-second Psalm shows the glory of Messiah’s reign as far transcending Solomonic splendor. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will bring th is to pass. MONDAY, Dec. 22. 1 Jo h n 1:1-9. W h at We Have Seen And Heard. John w rites of th a t which was from th e beginning. It was not anything th a t came into existence bu t which already existed from eternity. He joins etern ity to life and life to God. The life was

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