King's Business - 1919-12



pre-existing capacity to learn, bu t Christ creates th e capacity and supplies the in­ struction. P e te r’s education consisted in th e gradual supplanting of the Simon life and n a tu re by th e P etren e charac­ teristics. The impulsive, vacillating, un­ tru stw o rthy disciple under th e tu ition of th e Master becomes the rock-like, lion- h earted Apostle. SATURDAY, Dec. 27. Matt. 16:13-24. P e te r’s G reat Confession. Matthew’s Gospel may be diagram ­ med by a gradually ascending line as far as chapter 16:21. P e te r’s g reat con­ fession m arks the apex. W ith the 'p h ra se “ from th a t tim e fo rth ,” the line begins to descend un til it reaches the cross. P eter was the spokesman of all. The conviction of th e M aster’s Deity had come to them , not by th e ir own unaided reasoning powers, b u t by Di­ vine revelation. The first objective in th e school of Christ had been attained. They could now apprehend the founda­ tion upon which th e fu tu re .church should be erected. When th is conviction and confession come to any man, a new life begins. Acts 8:37. He straightw ay becomes a constituent member of th a t sp iritu al edifice formed to be a h ab ita­ tion of God th rough the Holy Spirit. SUNDAY, Dec. 28. Jo h n 13:5-16. Jesu s Teaches P e te r T ru e Greatness. Teaching by precept is good. Teach­ ing by example is better. The ideal teaching is not symbolized by a guide post which merely points th e way. “Of all th a t Jesus began both to do and teach.” Acts 1:1. He did w hat He ta u g h t first and th a t made His teaching au tho ritative. When a teacher says “Do as I say, not as I do,” th e g reat space between precept and practice, weakens th e precept if it doesn’t invalidate it al­ together. In th e upper room the Master gave an impressive object lesson in hu­ m ility and self-denying service th a t

could never be forgotten. He reversed all earth ly stand ard s and showed th a t greatness is m easured by service. He is th e g reatest man who serves the g reatest number. MONDAY, Dec. 29. L uke 11:1-13. The School Of P rayer. Redemption makes us kings and priests unto God. In both p riest and king the chief th ing is power, influence 'and blessing. Royal ' power descends. P riestly power ascends. In our en thron­ ed Priest-K ing, kingly power depends on priestly power. He is able to save because He lives to intercede. The church discovers and avails herself of her highest power in th is age in in te r­ cession. There is nothing so im portant as to study and practice the science and a rt of prayer. Lord, teach us to pray! The Word of God is our m anual of devo­ tion, our book of common and of un­ common prayer. The only condition of entering th is school is to believe th a t God h ears and answers prayer, to give us whatsoever we will, John 15:7, and whatsoever we ask in Je su s’ name. John 16:23. Life is for learning. Life is more th a n m eat and drink, and education is more th an a means of securing these. Education is for the enlargem ent and enrichm ent of life and th is comes through building up th e personality, T ru th must be personalized. There m ust not only be an intellectual grasp of the tru th , it m ust possess the feel­ ings and will and influence every choice. Character is caught not taugh t. Only as we sit a t th e feet of Jesus and learn of Him can we become responsive to the tru th which is in Jesus. Eph. 4:21. As one m ust learn obedience before he is fitted to command, so must he be TUESDAY, Dec. SO. L uke 12:13-21. The School Of Life

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