King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


anti-christian. Our mission desires w orkers for th e Moslem field— specially train ed , gifted and called, b u t we u rgently need w orkers for (even if not b rillian tly endowed) th e P agan tribes and we w ant a host of them and w ant them NOW. AMERICA Foreign m issionary work is not lim­ ited to heathen lands, as th e following will prove: “Twenty years ago th e Swami Vivi- kenanda began m issionary work in America. Now his follow ers' in this country claim 100,000 converts and seventy-four meeting places. The sun god, Buddha and other heathen deities have temples in New York City, Boston, P ittsbu rg , W ashington, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, San Francisco, Los An­ geles and Seattle. Los Angeles has the well known temple to th e worship of K rishna, where th e rites, of pure E ast Indian type, are carried on by Amer­ icans. In th e beau tifu l $100,000 Magdazzin temple in Chicago is a young woman, daugh ter of a form er P resbyterian elder, though she now; worships th e sun god, and is its priestess. Theosophy, ancient Buddhism , th e P ersian faith of Abbas Effendi and a horde of o th er non- American and non-Christian religions are found in the United S tates.”— The Continent. INDIA The age-old system in India by which a member of any one of th e 1584 castes composing any H indu community must m arry w ithin his own caste prom ises to be broken up th rough the efforts of young H indu radicals and Christian m issionaries. The la tte r have won the radicals over to th e ir way of thinking and they have combined to urge the passage of th e H indu in tercaste m ar­ riag e bill recently introduced into the

viceroy’s council by the Hon. V. P. Patel. Word to th is effect was received a t the h eadqu arters of th e Methodist Episcopal centenary movement from S. W. Clemes of th e Meerut conference, N orthern India. He w rites th a t all India is tre ­ mendously worked up over th is issue. Serampore College, founded by W il­ liam Carey, recently celebrated its cen­ tenary. The Government of India in recognition of its hundred years of serv­ ice presented to it abou t $50,000. The College is now interdenom inational and affiliated w ith th e University of Cal­ cutta. CHINA The Illicit Traffic in Morphine in China seems to be backed by the Jap ­ anese Government, inasmuch as it has th e financial support of th e Bank of Japan. Yet Jap an is a signatory to the Agreem ent forbidding th e im port of morphia into China as well as of appli­ ances for its m anufacture and use. Such “ scrapping” of diplomatic paper makes Ja p a n ’s presence in th e League of Na­ tions of doubtful utility. Persécution is draw ing tog ether the Christians among th e aboriginal tribes of w estern China. Many have been driven out of th e ir villages because they be­ lieve. As a consequence whole villages have separated, Christians combining w ith believers from o ther villages to form new villages. At p resen t th e re are four villages in which every fam ily wor­ ships God. T h at th e 65,000 native Chinese Meth­ odists in all China have pledged $865,- 000 to th e Centenary F und is a won­ d erful fact when one considers th e Lilli­ putian incomes of th e Chinese. The Chinese au tho rities are in various places ordering th e unbinding of women’s feet. Mrs. F alls w rites in China’s Millions th a t in Thsien, Shansi, they sent two lady teachers in the g irls’ Government School, accompanied by two policemen, to visit all homes in the

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