King's Business - 1919-12

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S city and la ter those in th e villages. All women were ordered to wear flat-sole shoes such as the teachers had on, on pain of fining. Those who dem urred were summoned to the m ag istrate’s yamen and ordered to pay a dolla-r w ith a w arning of higher fines to come. Thousands of feet have been unbound in th is place. E astern Engineering, th e monthly technical supplement of the London and China Express, recently contained the_ following: “The discontinuance of th is practice (the opium h ab it) will be has­ tened and rendered more complete if sub stitu tes are provided and made easily obtainable. F rom th is point of view, developments in the brew ing and dis­ tilling trad e are not only Anticipated, b u t are to be fostered. There is little doubt th a t in the near fu tu re th e F ar E ast will offer a larg er demand for p lan t and equipment for distilleries, breweries, and aerated w ater factories. “Considering th e facts mentioned in th e foregoing paragraph in conjunction w ith conditions in the F a r E ast gener­ ally, it becomes evident th a t the m ar­ kets in th is p art of the world now m erit increased atten tion from m anu factu rers catering for th e requirem ents of th e brew ing and distilling trad e s.” The following is a copy of a p ro test signed in Chefoo, North China: “As proposals have appeared in certain pa­ pers advocating the establishm ent of B ritish and American brew ing and dis­ tilling plants in China, w ith th e in ten ­ tion of continuing th ere a trad e pro­ hibited by the United States of America, and since it has been stated th a t ‘de­ velopments in the brew ing and distill­ ing trad e in China are not only antici­ pated, bu t are to be fostered,’ we, the undersigned B ritish and American mis­ sionaries resident a t Chefoo, North China, do hereby strongly protest against any such action as proposed, and urge Christian jou rn alists, and all op­ posed to the liquor trade, to do all in

1163 th e ir power to prevent such proposals m aterializing.” This p ro test has been signed by th e following: B ritish residen t m issionaries.............. 55 B ritish visiting m issionaries.............. 8 American residen t m issionaries......... 22 Swedish residen t m issionary.............. 1 Norwegian visiting m issionaries...... 2 All th e Foreign Doctors (i. ,e., 2 B ritish, 2 American, one of the B ritish being H ealth Officer for Chefoo) ................................................. 4 92 While th e income of th e China Inland Mission during the four years of th e w ar rose from £ 82,326 to £ 115,172, th e silver value of th e income in China fell from 665,541 taels to 578,444 taels. This is due to in tern ation al financial conditions. The Mission is called upon to face a most perplexing financial prob­ lem as a result. Do you know th a t the Chinese have unusual memories? It is not an uncom­ mon th ing for boys and girls in our mission schools to memorize from one to four of the Gospels. LABOR GLORIFIED Our Lord went first to fishing boats and not to schools (Matt. 4:12 -22 ). Learning is a p t to be proud and aggres­ sive and hostile to th e simplicity of the Spirit. There is nothing like plain glass for lettering in th e light. Our Lord w anted tran sp a ren t media and so he went to th e simple fishermen on the beach. “ God h ath chosen th e foolish th ing s of the world.” By choosing la­ boring men, our Master glorified labor. He him self had worn th e w orkm an’s clothes. The w orking man, if he only knew it, is wearing th e imperial robe. He can do th e same for us th a t he did for th e humble fisherm en.—Dr Jow ett. Total signatures ................

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