King's Business - 1919-12



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tion th e sincerity, or decry th e schol­ arship of th e advocates of th e radical criticism and th e New Theology. He adm its th a t many of them are undoubt­ edly endeavoring to do w hat they be­ lieve to be th e will of God. While th is is tru e, he states th a t, nevertheless, they are th e victims of a false educa­ tion and of a g reat religious delusion of which they them selves are uncon­ scious. D A N IE L IN T H E C R IT IC ’S D EN “Daniel in th e C ritics’ Den” by Sir Robert Anderson, has ju s t been issued by P ickering and Inglis in a revised and enlarged form. I t is an answer to th e critical views on Daniel as exploit­ ed in th e works of Dean F a rra r and P rofessor Drivler. P rofessor D river’s recent book on Daniel m arks an epoch in th e Daniel controversy. H itherto th e re has been no work in existence which English exponents of th e skepti­ cal theories would accept as an ade­ qu ate expression of th e ir views, but now th e oracle h as spoken. The most tru ste d champion of th e higher criti­ cism in England has form ulated the case ag ain st Daniel. Sir Robert Ander­ son’s book seems to meet th e attack at every point. We are giving herew ith one of the strik in g argum ents set fo rth for the au th en ticity of th e book of Daniel. “As for Dr. F a rra r, his book rem inds us of a p rivate prosecution conducted by th a t type of lawyer whose rem un er­ ation is proportionate to the vehemence w ith which he presses every point again st th e defendant. It never seems to have crossed his m ind th a t th e re may possibly be two sides to th e ques­ tion. Here, then, we have everything which can possibly be urged against th e Book of Daniel: th e inquiry re­ mains. W hat fu rth e r can be said in its defense? Let us call a few of the w it­ nesses. “F irs t comes the mention of Daniel, th ree tim es repeated, in th e prophecies of Ezekiel (xiv. 14:20 an d xxviii. 3 ). The critics urge th a t a man so famous as the Daniel of the Exile is rep re­ sented to have been in the book which bears his name, would have filled a

T H E C R IS IS IN T H E CH U R C H AND C O L L EG E . When Dr. G. W. McPherson,, super­ in tend en t of th e New York City Tent Evangel, came ou t la st year w ith his hook “The Modern Conflict Over the Bible,” in which he reviewed th e prog­ ress of th e m odern apostasy ini o u r churches and colleges, th e re were many who said “This is only a cheap h a r­ angue. I cannot believe these things again st our noble m inisters and col­ lege professors.” The fac t is th a t Mr. McPherson p u t th e knife in so deep th a t many challenged him to prove his assertions. He has now done so. H is la test book by th e above title has ju s t reached our hands. Mr. McPherson comes fo rth w ith quo­ tation s of th e most blasphemous char­ acter, tak en from th e authorized text books of leading colleges and sem inar­ ies. He goes fu rth e r. P robably few persons have been so favored as has Mr. McPherson, in learn ing th e opin­ ions of many of th e learn ed educators in America regard ing th e religious problems in the th ink ing of th e uni­ versity men. Sometime ago, Mr. Mc­ Pherson w rote to all th e leading educa­ to rs asking them certain questions in regard to th e religious opinions gen­ erally accepted in th e ir institutions. He received 211 answers- from dis­ tinguished men. These replies are classified as follows. B aptist 45; Methodist 39; P resby terian 19; Dutch Reform 5 ; Episcopalian 5 ; L u th eran 7; Disciples 9; United P resby terian 6 ; Congregational 22; United B reth ren 4. These answers are printed, th e names of the w riters being used wherevor perm ission could be secured, otherw ise th e names om itted. I t is th e la st word to be said on th e subject. No one pan again accuse Mr. McPherson or any o ther defender of th e evangelical faith of exaggerating th e situation. No one can again doubt th e w idespread and hellish apostasy from th e faith in Amer­ ica. We purpose from tim e to tim e to fu rn ish our readers w ith some extracts from th is compilation. It should be said th a t Mr. McPher­ son does no t attem p t to impugn th e motives, assail th e characters, ques­

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