King's Business - 1919-12



2 7 :2 0 ). They succeeded in pu tting Him to death, b u t they could no t do away w ith Him, for He rose from th e dead, and “ lives in th e power of an endless life” (Heh. 7 :1 6 ). The above will suffice to show th a t th e Greek word “ apollum i” does not mean extinction, therefo re when it is applied to th e fate of the im penitent it denotes th e lost condition into which sin and unbelief have placed them . The believer is assured th a t th e resu lt of the Lord’s giving Christ is th a t he “ should not p erish ,” and Christ assures His sheep “ they shall never p erish ,” (John 3 :16 ; 1 0 :2 8 ). W hat is th e logical con­ clusion to any th ink ing m ind b u t th a t those who are no t th e Lord’s are in th e opposite sta te to th a t which th e re­ deemed are found— lost, consciously, and th a t for ever.. The Meaning of “DESTRUCTION” I shall th en be confronted by the word rendered “ destruction.” The Greek word “ apoleia” occurs tw enty tim es in th e New Testam ent. Twice it is rendered “w aste” (Matt. 26 :8 ; Mark 1 4 :4 ); once “ die” (Acts 2 5 :1 8 ); eight tim es “ perd ition” (Jo h n 17:12; Phil. 1 :28 ; 2 Thess. 2 :3 ; 1 Tim. 6 :9 ; Heb. 10 :39 ; 2 Pet. 3:7;, Rev. 17:8, 1 1 ); twice “ dam nable” (2 P ete r 2:1, .3 ) ; once “ pernicious” (2 P eter 2 :2 ) ; and six tim es “ d estruction” (M att. 7 :13 ; Rom. 9 :22 ; Phil. 3 :19 ; 2 P eter 2 :1 ; Acts 8 :20 ; 2 P et. 3 :1 6 ). As to the meaning of th is word: 1. D estruction means to be “lo st and ru in ed .” Cremer says: “ It denotes the state afte r death, wherein exclusion from salvation is a revealed fact; wherein man, instead of becoming w hat he m ight have been, is lost and ru in ed .” 2. D estruction th e an tith esis of life. Olshausin gives a sim ilar explanation: “According to a deeply sp iritu al idea th e Scriptures in general escribe tru e being to th e creatu re only in connection w ith th e origin of th a t being, where sin dissolves th a t connection th e re death

steps in, and hence he who lives in a state of sin is called dead. Accordingly destruction is to be taken as the an ti­ thesis to life and equal to death. By th is an annihilation of substance is not intended, b u t the idea of tru e life, th a t of spirit, requires consciousness, and n o t th a t of th e senses merely, b u t of a sp iritu al consciousness. This is w ant­ ing where th ere is a deprivation of spir­ itu al life generally, and the n a tu ra l or fleshly man only vegetates. Such a condition, therefore, is called th e ab­ sence of life, or d eath .” 3. D estruction means banishment.' There is ano ther word tran slated de­ stru ctio n ' (o leth ro s). It occurs four times, and in each case is rendered “ destruction.” P aul said th a t the b ro th er in th e Church a t Corinth, who had been guilty of fornication, had to be delivered to Satan “ for th e d estru c­ tion of th e flesh” (1 Cor. 5 :5 ). He also declared th a t “ sudden destruction” would come upon the self-confident sin­ ners (1 Thess. 5 :3 ) ; and in m s le tte r to Timothy he w arned the hun ters for riches to beware lest th e riches should lead to sin, which would “ drown men in destruction” (1 Tim. 6 :9 ). The o ther passage of the Scripture is a very significant one, for it declares th a t the persons who know not God, and who have no t obeyed th e Gospel, will be “ punished w ith everlasting destruction ,” and th a t punishm ent will mean banish­ m ent “ from th e face of th e Lord, and from the glory of His m igh t” (2 Thess. 1:9, R. V .). C. H. Spurgeon once said: “ If Hell is nothing else, it is etern al separation from God.” T h at is w h at the Spirit says. He tells us “ etern al destru ction” is banishm ent from th e presence or face of the Lord.” To behold th e face of th e Lord means salvation, tran sfo rm a­ tion, satisfaction, and joy. Not to be­ hold th e face of th e Lord means sin, darkness, dissatisfaction, and m isery.—r

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