King's Business - 1919-12

THE HOME OF THE Bible Institute of Los Angeles

iHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiim Used only for the Definite Purposes of Institute Work %

illllllUIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliUlllllilllllllllNIKIilllllllHIlillllllllinillUiml Owned and Controlled by the Institute and free from Debt %

In th e Center of a G reat City SOUND IN DOCTRINE— SANE IN DEPORTMENT— SINCERE IN DEVOTION— SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS FOR GOD. HANDLING TRUST FUNDS. The Bible In stitu te Building Company, holding in tr u s t th e g reat p la n t erected fo r th e w ork of th e B ible In stitu te of Los Angeles, is incorporated u n d er th e law s of th e S tate of California, to carry on th e business of train in g men and women fo r Christian work, th e publish­ ing of religious books and lite ra tu re , th e teachhqg an d preaching of th e Gospel in th is and o th e r lands, and th e hand ling of funds fo r definite Christian work.; an d th e deed to its p rop erty is based upon a statem en t of doctrine which includes th e following: T he verbal insp iratio n of th e W ord of God. , O ne God ex istin g and m anifesting H im self in th ree persons, F ath er, s o n and H oly S pirit. The v irg in b irth of God’s Son, Jesu s C hrist. The pre-existence of th e L ord Jesu s C h rist. T he ato n in g w ork of Jesu s C h rist fo r th e sin s of m ankind. T he personality of th e H oly S p irit. . T he im portation of th e divine life of God u n to th o se who accept Jesu s C h rist as Saviour, and confess H im as Lord. b T he etern al pun ishm en t of th o se w ho re je c t Je su s C hrist. T his statem e n t of doctrine, of w hich th e above is a synopsis, is signed by every m em ber of th e faculty and th e heads of all d epartm ents of In s titu te w ork, th e first of every year. N o one can preach or teach in th e In s titu te w ho does no t hold th ese tru th s. A violation of th is tru s t w ould invalidate th e deed to the pro p erty . T h e p ro p erty is w o rth m ore th a n a m illion dollars, and is u sed Ne n tirely for th e definite w ork of th e In stitu te . T h ere is no comm ercialism in connection w ith th e w ork, and n ever can be. T he In stitu te will receive a g ift of funds and c o n tra c t to pay a fair ra te of in te re st on sam e du rin g th e life-tim e of th e giver. T he In stitu te will agree to ad m in ister a n y sum s com m itted to it for th e benefit of any m issionary organization designated, w ith o u t charge. The In s titu te w as designed and h as been an d is being u sed for one single purpose—th e sav in g of souls and th e sanctifying of th é sain ts th ro u g h o u t th e w orld. It h as dem onstrated its business ab ility , and offers its services to a n y of God’s people w ho a re seeking in th ese perilous tim es to have th e ir funds carefully and w isely adm inistered for th e fu rth erin g of th e in te re sts of th e Gospel and glory of H is Son. W e invite inquiries. W e are here to serve. S T

m e n t io n “ k i n g ’ s b u s in e s s ”

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a n s w e r in g

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a d v e r t is e m e n t

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