King's Business - 1919-12

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RODEHEAVER ‘‘Sunday’s Fam ous Song L eader” having re tu rn ed from France, w here he “b rig h t­ ened th e co rn ers” of cam ps, trenches and hospitals, continues his good w ork w ith his songs, his sm iles and his fam ous Trom bone in th is country. “Awakening Songs” £3 S3 O ur la te st gospel song book, prepared under supervision of M r. R odeheaver, for general church and Y. M. C. A. purposes; 256 pages. Single copies: M anila, 22c; lim p, 25c; cloth, 35c; postpaid. Q uantities of 100: M anila, $18; limp, $22; cloth, $30; n o t prepaid. A sk for ' com plete catalog, etc. Special remainder edition of Gospel Hymns and Songs. Cloth, $25 per hun­ dred while they last. B IOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal.


The Seven Little Handmaids of the Bible Object Lessons of Scripture 8 Pamphlets Illustrated No. 1 to 8—12 Object each“ P am phlet . The Set of 8 $1.25 Get the Eight, price 15c, each postage prepaid. Order by number Rev. Chas. Eickenberg 4029 N. Hermitage Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. The Christian Life and How To Live It Byw. h . G r if f it h t h o m a s , d . d . Deeply devotional and faith-building m essages. A help to th e fullest realization of all th a t God has provided for every tru e believer in C hrist. 12 MO., CLOTH, 75 CENTS, NET. TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE COL PO R TAG E ASS’N. 810 N orth L a Salle S treet, C hicago

T rust and O b ey ”


T h is well know n gospel song gives th e title to a sp len d id g ift b o o k o f D r. S amm is’ poem s. P rin te d in two colors. Ju st th e th ing fo r a C h ristm as rem em b rance. T h e re a re th re e styles of b inding. P a p e r a t 5 0 c ; C lo th a t $ 1 .0 0 , an d L e a th e r a t $2 .00 . S end now to THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles 53 6 -5 5 8 S ou th H ope S treet, Los A ngeles, C alifornia

M E N T IO N “ k i n g ’ s B U SIN E SS^* W H E N A N S W E R IN G T H IS A D V E R T IS E M E N T

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