Farmingdale: How To Overcome Back Pain

Look in the’s a bird, it’s a plane... IT’S THE ALTER G!

Patient Success Spotlight

An incredible environment!

The client I’m most excited to see utilize our Alter-G are our former patients. For some patients they simply get back to their pre-injury routine at the gym or on the track, but for many patients, especially

“ Whatdo I thinkofFarmingdalePhysicalTherapy West? Simply, it is the best PT practice around! Butch and his crew: therapists, assistants, aides and staff are all top notch! Butch combines years of practical experience with a deft and clever wit which makes the workouts entertaining as well as effective. Be assured, beneath Butch’s genial witand I’ll-be-here-all-week-folks,-folksdemeanor, there is a fierce professionalism and an almost supernaturalknowledge.Whatever theailmentor obstacle, Butch knows what will fix the problem.

our older patients, they struggle to remain active and maintain the improvements they saw with therapy, while being safe. This is where the Alter-G can swoop in like Superman and save the day! We offer Alter-G packages here at FPTW that anyone can purchase, even if you’re not a patient or never have been. There is no prescription necessary to come into our office and use the Alter-G. Licensed physical therapists are always on hand to answer any questions you may have and offer guidance. Call the front desk today at 516-731-3583 and schedule an appointment to step into the Alter-G and “up, up, and away!”

And when he adds his ubiquitous ‘Big Dog’ or ‘Go easy on my knee, you monster’, I know all will be well. When my brother and I brought our mom to Butch for treatment, he managed to get a smile out of her at a time when she had so little to smile about. Sucharehisgiftsofhealingboth thephysicalandemotional. Itcanbenocoincidence that so many future physical therapists intern at Farmingdale PhysicalTherapy West, or that so many of the aides in the practice are studying physical therapy themselves. Butch’s clinic is a warm and welcoming place for everyone, and the perfect place to learn theartandcraftofPT.FarmingdalePTWest isnota familyaffairsimplybecause Butch’s wife Gloria (“Glo”), daughter Jillian, and son Rich also work there; the family consists in thebondamong therapists,aides,staffand themany,manypatientseach ofwhom is treatedwith individualattentionandgenuineaffection.WhileFarmingdale PhysicalTherapyWestmayhave theonlyAlter-Gapparatusaround, itsgreatestasset is its people. Everyone-everyone-who works there contributes to the particular magic that is Farmingdale Physical Therapy West. I consider myself lucky to be treated by Farmingdale Physical Therapy West-the best PT practice by far!” - Robert F.

Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before It’s Too Late.


SUPPORTED BRIDGE Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by the finger tips. Inhale and lift the hips, place a block under the sacrum. Keep the chest open. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times. Strengthens Lower Back Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing back pain.

CALL TODAY! 516-731-3583 Ifyouareclose toorhavemetyour insurancedeductible for theyear, thennow is the time to come in for Physical Therapy! Are you feeling aches & pains? Need to work onyourcore?Letushelpyougetaheadstart for2018.Contactus today toschedule your appointment. An insurancedeductible istheamountofmoneythatyoumustpaybeforeyour insurance companypaysforyourmedicalservices.Ifyourdeductible ismet,yourPhysicalTherapy may not cost you anything. Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeriesorhaveachronic illnessareespecially likelytohavea$0balanceremaining on their out-of-pocket expenses. This means that the cost of physical therapy could be minimal or completely covered by the patient’s insurance plan.

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