


Vitamin C, well-known for its benefits as a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Did you know that vitamin C brightens, improves skin elasticity, decreases wrinkles, boosts skin’s immunity and more? Let’s dive into this powerhouse ingredient and the types of vitamin C found in our Pigmentation Solutions formulas. Vitamin C More than an Antioxidant

Gardenia stem cells help further increase collagen and act as an MMP (Matrix Metalloproteinase) inhibitor, restoring firmness to skin.


This AM antioxidant and skin lightener contains 20% L-Ascorbic acid, plus collagen-stimulating peptides to further reduce the signs of photo-aging. SYN-COLL is a powerful peptide that mimics the body’s mechanism to produce collagen. Excellent to use in conjunction with our Vita-Bright Elixir for the ultimate antioxidant protection.


Brightening the skin is one of the many properties of this ingredient. Vitamin C works as a tyrosinase inhibitor, slowing the formation of melanin in skin. This is very beneficial for sun-induced hyperpigmentation and melasma. It is also a preventative to use when exposed to the sun for long periods of time. Skin will experience a brightening boost and reveal a more even complexion when applying a vitamin-C serum as part of a morning regimen. We know when we consume vitamin C it helps boost our body’s immune system, but it works for the skin too! Wounded and compromised tissue has been shown to have a decrease in vitamin C levels. The topical application can help reduce inflammation at the wound site while increasing keratinocyte differentiation, collagen synthesis, re-establishing the stratum corneum. As mentioned earlier, vitamin C has incredible antioxidant properties. It can reduce UV-induced DNA damage and lipid peroxidation. Studies have shown vitamin C applied topically, delays the effects of chronic UVA and UVB exposure. This means we see a decline in skin wrinkling, a reduced number of sunburned cells and overall reduction in damage to the DNA.

Pigmentation Solutions formulas use two forms of vitamin C, l-ascorbic acid and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. L-Ascorbic acid is the chirally-corrected form of ascorbic acid. This water-soluble antioxidant that has gone through a chemistry process to increase vitamin C’s natural properties. L-Ascorbic acid is known for its potent antioxidant and collagen- boosting properties however, it can be stimulating and drying on sensitive skin, in addition to its ability to oxidize quickly. Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, also known as MAP, is a more stable, less irritating form of vitamin C. It too is water-soluble and has potent antioxidant properties. This form of vitamin C has demonstrated its ability to be more effective at inhibiting tyrosinase, increasing brightening and lightening hyperpigmentation.


Help boost your brightening and cellular protection results by adding one of these formulas into your AM regimen today!

Loaded with potent plant-based stem cells and 20% magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. Not only does this formula help lighten and brighten complexions, but it increases hydration, boosts collagen synthesis and skin’s immunity. The Edelweiss stem cell has a clinical study where participants experienced a 15% wrinkle reduction to crow’s feet after 20 days of use. The





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