


Fall Wellbeing Insights by Shannon Esau – CEO GET RID OF SOFT DRINKS AND GO FOR TEAS

I absolutely love drinking tea especially during the fall and winter months! Not only is it comforting to have a nice warm cup of tea in your hand it is also great for your body and overall health!

Sugar & Calories Soft drinks have no real value and instead offer a negative impact on the body. Most sodas contain high amounts of sugar or “fake” sugar and neither of these are healthy for us and can increase cancer and other diseases. Tea on the other hand is zero calories and full of antioxidants like catechins and flavonoids that reduce risk of cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular concerns, supports brain health and boosts immune system. Power of Antioxidants in Tea Studies show levels of catechins can increase metabolism and stimulate the breaking down of fat in the body. This is why adding green or white tea to a weight loss program can be helpful. Green and white tea have the highest levels of catechins and other powerful antioxidants. Caffeine Energy Another benefit is the aspect of caffeine in tea. Tea is not as high in caffeine as coffee so it does not create the jolt in the body that can occur with coffee drinking. A comparison would be coffee is about 100mgs and green tea is about 25-30mgs of caffeine. Remember though the longer you steep the more caffeinated your cup becomes! Caffeine can bring a focus and energy just not too much and be careful drinking caffeine late in the evening.

True Teas Most of these benefits come from what

is called “true teas”. These are green, white, black and oolong teas made from the same plant – Camellia Sinensis. Herbal teas are different and have many healthy benefits. They are made from herbs, flowers, roots or other natural ingredients.

I love to mix true teas with herbal teas for an overall health support and to create an enjoyable beverage!

One of my favorite additions to any tea is adding in the herb peppermint. This adds a nice refreshing taste, no additional caffeine, increases energy and supports digestive issues. Peppermint is also excellent to breathe or drink for headaches.

If you need to sweeten tea go for a local honey and add just a teaspoon.

When purchasing teas make sure to understand the source and go for organic as much as you can! Now I am ready for my personal favorite blend of green, white and peppermint – Enjoy healthy tea drinking!





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