Biola Broadcaster - 1967-03


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M As&CH, 1 ASP , With Fëbrtiëry Radio Features


T H E B I O L A I N S T I T U T E H O U R CALIFORNIA Arrovo Grande-San Luis Obispo KÓAG 1280 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY 550 4:00 PM . Sun KWSO 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF Fresno-Dinuba KRDU 1130 8:30 A.M. MTWTF Lodi-Stockton KCVR 1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Los Angeles KBBI 107.5 (FM) 8:30 A.M. MTWTF KTYM 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF KGER 1390 10:30 P.M. MTWTF Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Paradise-Chico KEWQ 930 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF San Bernardino-Riverside KACE 1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF KFXM 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. Santa Cruz KSCO 1080 8:30 A.M. Sun. KSCO 99.1 (FM) 8:30 A.M. Sun. San Diego KBBW 102.9 (FM) 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF



i B R O A D C A S T E R Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 7 No. 3 MARCH, 1967 STAFF President ..............S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ....................... ALSANDERS Production ................... BILL EHMANN Printing ..................... CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIOLA SCHOOLS & COLLEGES 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California 90638 CONTENTS P S A L M 1 2 1 — A l S a n d e rs.— 3 T H E T I D A L W A V E — J. R ic h a rd C h a s e ............. 8 P A N E L D IS C U S S IO N S ......... 12 C O L O S S IA N S — L lo y d T . A n d e rs o n ...........2 9 C O V E R : T h is b e a u tifu l scen e w a s ta ke n b y M rs. M a rth a B o n a r o f Boise, Idaho. O n e is re m in d e d o f P sa lm 46: " G o d is o u r r e f u g e a n d stre n gth , a v e ry p re sen t h elp in trouble. T h e re fo re w ill n ot w e fear, th o u g h th e earth b e rem oved, a n d th o u g h the m o u n ­ ta in s be carried in to the m id st o f the sea: T h o u g h the w aters the re of roar a n d b e troubled, th o u g h the m o u n ta in s sh a k e w ith the sw e llin g th e re o f." Controlled circulation postage paid at La Mirada, California


910 4:00 P.M. Sun.

San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY

1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1440 10:30 P.M. Sun. 1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF OREGON 790 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 580 10:35 A.M. MTWTF 630 8:30 A.M. MWF 800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 550 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 1490 8:00 A.M. MWF 1390 9:30 A.M. MTWTF



Albany-Eugene KWIL Ashland-Medford KWIN Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KWIL

Portland KPDQ KPDQ

93.7 (FM)


Blaine-Vancouver,, B.C. KARI

Seattie-Tacoma KGDN

Spokane KCFA

Walla Walla KTEL



Continued on page 11

YOUR CHR ISTIAN WILL Did you know that there is a way to invest in Biola for the training of students while saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately you may be able to leave more money tor your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT

P S A L M 1 21

by Al Sanders

B ack at the B oston A irport , scientists from the Massachu­ setts Institute of Technology have devised a very interesting plan to assist airplanes to land during severe weather when fog has completely en­ veloped the runways. Small tubular pipes have been installed along the strips, from one end to the other. When the ceiling is zero and visi­ bility is nil, the man in the control tower can push a button and tiny jet streams or rivulets of chemicals are shot up into the air, causing the fog to condense and fall to the ground as rain. In all of our lives, from time to time, we are enveloped by a fog. It has a tendency to put us into a fit of depression as we grope in the dark, not understanding what the fu­ ture may be. We too cannot see life’s “runway” before us. The 121st Psalm is just such a portion given by God to help us see the future a little more clearly. I like to think of this Psalm, the 121st, as “the Psalm that lifts every fog.” In the 120th Psalm we find a com­ pletely different mood. This chapter tells us of the problems, the difficul­ ties, the frustrations which abound in everyone’s life. The spiritual fog was swirling around the writer. The 121st chapter, however, shows that the Psalmist learned the secret of rising above the circumstances. Notice, first of all, that this is “a song of degrees” or, in better trans­ lation, “a song of ascents.” Fourteen Psalms are in this group of pilgrim­ age melodies, the 120th through the 134th. The children of Israel sang these songs as they were on their journey to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. The Holy City is some 2500 feet above sea level, which meant traveling over many dangerous and

difficult foot paths to get there. There were rocky borders and high hills that had to be crossed. On their way up, however, the Israelites could be heard singing such songs of praise to the Lord. Each one of us, as believers, is on an earthly pilgrimage. Of course, we are heading for a City much higher than Jerusalem’s 2500 feet. Our eter­ nal destination is for that City whose Builder and Maker is God. Psalm 121:1 begins with the posi­ tive declaration, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills.” That’s a beauti­ ful poetic statement; however, the writer is not talking about the hills in general. Actually, there is no pro­ tective power in mountains or rocks, no matter how high they might be. As a matter of fact, many of the hills through which the children of Israel had to pass were filled with thieves and robbers, who presented many problems. The reference here has to do with one specific hill, name­ ly Mt. Zion, the place where God dwelt, the place to which the chil­ dren of Israel looked for their help in time of trouble. Generally we associate valleys with discouragements or problems. It is understood when a person says that he has had a “mountain-top experi­ ence,” that if has been a high, happy period. We know that down in the valleys are problems and frustra­ tions. David poignantly wrote, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” Yes, there are some diseases, contracted in the valley, which re­ quire the higher air for healing and restoration. We need to ascend into the hill of God too for restoration for our souls. Notice the little verb lift. This means that we must look from our- 3

heaven and earth. When disappoint­ ments, discouragements, problems, and frustration come, what we need, without doubt, is powerful, constant, efficient help. Think of the tempta­ tions that so frequently assail us. How vividly they are impressed up­ on our minds regardless of our age, young or old. The solicitation to evil may be envy, jealousy, an immoral thought or a goal of some selfish materialistic purpose. Our old nature constantly seeks to gain the ascen­ dancy and to be in control. Unless we seek the Lord’s help, allowing His Holy Spirit to direct us, we will be defeated and overcome by Satan. If we want to know true victory, we must let the Lord bring the deliver­ ance He has promised. While men constantly fail, God is always at hand to help. Not too long ago, our local news­ papers carried the interesting, and yet rather terrifying account of the experience of a woman who lives up in the Hollywood Hills. About 2 a.m. on a Saturday morning she was awakened by the sound of scratch­ ing at her front door screen. Tip­ toeing into the living room, she was horrified to see the form of a man outlined against the light of the street. He was cutting a hole in her screen, evidently trying to get to the lock on the front door. Hurried­ ly, she returned to her bedroom, picked up the telephone and dialed the police department. After two short rings, a voice at the other end answered, “All of our phones are busy; please be patient and hold the line. This is a recording.” This really panicked the woman, so she hung up and tried it again. But still the im­ personal, measured voice informed her that the best help she could re­ ceive for the moment was a record­ ing. By now, the sound at the front door was more persistent, so she be­ gan screaming at the top of her lungs. Porch lights started to come on at neighbors’ homes and the would-be intruder fled into the night.

selves to someone else. Some years ago, when President Roosevelt died suddenly, the occupant to succeed in the White House was Harry Tru­ man. The pressures of the fighting during those last days of World War II were tremendous. Reporters once asked President Truman how he was able to keep his sanity in the face of it all. He explained, “I have what I call a ‘fox hole’ in my mind. When things press in all about me, I just pull myself down, shut the lip over the top, and never allow myself to think about any of these things until I have had a chance to rest and face them refreshed.” While that may have worked for him, there is some­ thing far better for the child of God. The Bible reminds us, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide unto the shad­ ow of the Almighty.” This is where our strength and suppo rt comes from. How often though do we look up? Try an interesting experiment. Look straight ahead. Now, without moving your head, only your eyes, look up for a second. Wasn’t that difficult? How hard was it just to lift up your eyes? You may be tired, but this is no strain. There is no question about the Lord’s provision for our problems, as the second verse assures “My help cometh from the Lord which made

Sutherland Hall, first structure to be erected on the Biola Campus in 1959, contains more than 20 classrooms and 20 faculty offices. Pic­ tured above are some of the students between

In checking on the story, the news­ paper discovered something alarm­ ing. At peak busy times over the weekend, there are so many calls flooding the police switchboard that the recorded devise has to be used. Too many, at one time, are all ask­ ing for help. There’s nothing else can be done. Rather a frightening situation, isn’t it? While police pro­ tection may not be available at a moment’s notice, God’s supply of help is always there the second we lift up our eyes and look unto Him. Think of the power at His disposal! As we consider God’s creative pow­ er, the stars and planets, remember this important fact: the Lord would rather see them destroyed than that one thing should happen to you apart from His own divine and perfect will. In verse three of Psalm 121, we read, “He will not suffer thy foot to be moved. He that keepeth thee will not slumber.” The idea of not allow­ ing our feet to slip was important for the itinerant Jew, on his way up the steep precipices of the hills sur­ rounding Jerusalem. Those Palestini­ an mountains were treacherous and somewhat rugged like the cliffs of the Grand Canyon. We read in the 37th Psalm, “Though he fall [stum­ ble] , he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with His hand.” Slipping symbolizes the misfortunes of life, physical moral and spiritual. Next, we are told that the Lord will not slumber. God never gets drowsy as do many on a warm Sun­ day in church. How good the Lord is to give us families! Our three children are such a delight to us. When our teenage daughters were smaller, they never liked the dark. I suppose I had the same problem. Sharon had twin beds and was al­ ways glad when her younger broth­ er could sleep in her room. While her brother is four years younger, Sharon still was glad to have him. When asked why, she honestly re­ plied, “Well, daddy, I know in case

I need help there’s nothing he could do, yet it’s just nice to know that maybe he’ll be awake while I’m asleep. It’s nice to go to sleep, think­ ing that maybe someone in the house is still awake.” This reasoning was not strange for a youngster and it gave me the opportunity to tell her again about our wonderful Lord who

REST I w o u ld not a sk T h e e w h y M y p ath sh o u ld be T h ro u g h stra n g e an d sto n y w ays— T h o u leadest m e! I w o u ld not a sk T h e e how L o s s w o rke th gain, K n o w in g that som e d a y soon — A ll shall be plain. M y h eart w o u ld n e ve r d o u b t T h y love a n d care, H o w e ve r h e a vy seem s T h e cro ss I bear.

N o r w o u ld I, Father, a sk M y lot to choose. Lest, se e k in g se lfish ease, T h y best I lose. G iv e r o f eve ry gift, T h y ch o ice Is best, A ll-w ise Eternal Love— In T h e e I rest. Y ie ld in g to T h y w ise hand, Safe In T h y w ill; N o t a sk in g w h y o r how — Let m e be still. L o o k in g o n th in g s unseen, B y fa ith I see G lo ry e x ce e d in g great W o rk e th fo r me.

— G ra ce E. T ro y

never slumbers or sleeps. During the terrible blitz attacks on London by the Germans during World War II, a Christian woman al­ ways seemed calm and rested, no matter how great the intensity of the blombing raids of the night before. When asked how it was that she seemed so relaxed and refreshed, she

replied, Well, you see, I always sleep peacefully. The pastor says that God never slumbers or sleeps, so my feeling is that there’s no use for the both of us to stay awake. As long as He’s watching, there’s no use for me to do so too.” That’s a good principle by which to go. Our care and protection is actually God’s busi­ ness. All too often we live as though we were orphans and that no one was concerned about us. The fourth verse of this Psalm tells us of refreshment: “Behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber or sleep.” There is a line of differentiation between slumbering“ and sleeping. To simplify it, slum­ bering could be though of as dozing or dazing the few moments before one slips into sleep. The Lord doesn’t get sleepy, nor does He go sound asleep. You remember that gods in ancient times were allowed to sleep once in awhile as mortals do. Re­ member when Elijah was contend­ ing with the prophets of Baal, as recounted in I Kings 18:27? There is in it a passage of very -wry hu­ mor. The old prophet, the man of God, Elijah, urges the followers of Baal, “Call them a little louded; may­ be they’re alseep. Or maybe they’ve gone off on a vacation.” It must have been quite an embarrassment for those foolish pagan priests. Psalm 127:2 expresses it in these beautiful words, “He giveth his beloved sleep;” In other words, “He that giveth His beloved sleep will never Himself go to sleep.” The next thing we are told is that the Lord will keep us. The words keep and preserve are actually the same in Hebrew. In these eight verses of Psalm 121 we find them used no less than six times. In verse 5 of Psalm 121, we read, “The Lord is thy keeper. The Lord is thy shade upon the right hand.” We need this covering, this protection from heat of the day. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Al­

mighty. There are scorching prob­ lems that arrive in full bloom as a result of the heat of the noon day sun. Our lives are so often filled with problems. We need that avail­ able help which only the Lord can give. We are told that He is our shade upon our right hand. This was the side which was left unprotected by A DEATH BED A s I lay s ic k u p o n m y bed I heard the m sa y " I n d a n g e r." T h e w o rd seem e d ve ry stra n g e to m e C o u ld a n y w o rd seem stra n g e r?

" I n d a n g e r " o f escape fro m sin, F ore ve r a n d fo re v e r? O f e n te rin g that m o st h o ly place W h e re evil entereth n e v e r? " I n d a n g e r " o f b e h o ld in g H im , W h o is m y s o u l's salvation, W h o s e p ro m ise s su sta in m y soul In blest a n tic ip a tio n ? " I n d a n g e r " o f so o n s h a k in g o ff E a rth 's last re m a in in g fetter, A n d o f d e p a rtin g h e n ce to b e W it h C h ris t w h ich is fa r better? It is a so le m n th in g to die, T o face the K in g im m ortal; A n d each fo rg iv e n sin n e r sh o u ld T re a d so ftly o 'e r the portal.

B u t w h en w e h a ve co n fe sse d o u r sin s T o H im w h o can d isce rn the m A n d G o d h as g iv e n pardon, peace, T h o u g h w e co u ld n e 'e r deserve them , T h e n d y in g is n o d a n g e ro u s th in g; S a fe in the S a v io u r's k e e p in g T h e ra n som e d o n e is g e n tly led B e y o n d the reach o f w e ep in g. the shield which was generally car­ ried on the left side in order to cover the vulnerable heart. So, this sug­ gestion is that whatever the need may be, whatever the side that has the potential spot of attack from the enemy, God will be there to protect us. Now verse 6 says, “The sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon

quite common. The phrase was to the effect that if anyone should contest the will, it was ordered that he should receive the sum of one dollar. It was just one sentence, of a gen­ eral nature, so but it took care that eral nature, but it took care of no no eventuality was overlooked. This is what the Psalmist is doing in add­ ing a line in God’s contract with the believer to cover every eventuali­ ty, “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil.” The summary is given to us in verse eight of this 121st Psalm: “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more.” What a promise! Coming in for fellowship; going out for service. Now, when we read, “from this time forth,” we know it refers to the time when we lift up our eyes and look to the Lord rather than to others. “Delight thy­ self in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” The problem is that too many of us have had our eyes upon the desires and not upon the Lord. This is where disappointments, d is tre s s , failure and frustration come in. From the moment you lift up your eyes and look upon Him, He is going to take care of you. He is going to give you those things which are necessary to a well-balanced life. Here is the way by which we can have the fog and difficulties of life lifted from us if we look unto the Lord. Are you willing to try it? Will you let the Lord have His way? The Bible gives us the wonderful as­ surance that there is hope and vic­ tory for our souls as we look to the Lord. Let me put it in the words of the poet, “We mutter, we sputter We fume and we spurt; We mumble, we grumble Our feelings get hurt. We can’t understand things,

by night.” You remember that when the children of Israel were traveling through the wilderness, God gave them a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. While these two wonderful and miraculous pro­ visions were used as a means of guidance, there was something more to it than this. Clouds from God protected the children of Israel from the scorching rays of the day’s sun, and the fire was used to keep them warm at night. So, the Lord provides a shadow or a shade for us from the rays of the scorching activities of life. He also gives us the warmth of the fire of His presence in order to protect us from the cold chill which so often envelops the soul. In verse seven of Psalm 121, we read, “The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil.” This is what we might call the general contract which God wants to sign with us. If He has not touched upon some area of life that is of concern to us today, then He says, “This is what I offer. This is the opportunity you have of making sure that no matter what difficulty might come, I will take care of it.” Some time ago some of our work­ ers were discussing with a wonder­ ful Christian couple, who wanted to remember the work of the Lord in their will, the disposition of their property. As we were chatting with them, (of course, with us was a born-again Christian attorney) they stated that since they had no chil­ dren, and only distant relatives who lived dissolute lives, they wanted their funds to be used to further the Gospel cause. They had investi­ gated and found that their kin were not in need and that the money would only be spent in drink or some other form of worldliness. They asked the attorney, “Isn’t there some way we can protect ourselves so that they will not come into court after our death and try to take away this money which we want used for the Lord’s work?” He inserted some­ thing into the will which evidently is

Our vision grows dim, When all that we need Is a moment with Him.”



by J. Richard Chase

T wo crucial problems are facing Biola today. The first is “How can we provide our students with the best Christian faculty and adequate modern equipment?” Naturally, most Christian schools have limited finan­ cial resources. This means the fac­ ulty often has to carry excessive teaching loads on minimal salaries. This is quite unlike our tax-support­ ed institutions. We believe we have the faculty and equipment at Biola to do an excellent job in many areas. We feel, however, that we could do even more if funds were available to strengthen the faculty as well as adding some much-needed equipment. Christian young people deserve the best! The second problem we face is that expanded enrollment is impossible until we have the necessary facili­ ties. It is not fair, nor possible, to ask the present student body to move over while we “jam” in more. In­ creased dining facilities, an expand­ ed library, and an auditorium where the entire student body can meet for Chapel are crucial. As progress is made, we will not have to keep turn­ ing away Christ-dedicated young people. The Christian dollar can only be stretched so far. An institution such as Biola should be of primary importance in Christian g iv ing . Without ministers of the Word, our churches wither and die spiritually. The consistent emphasis upon the Bible uniquely equips men and wom­ en for spiritual leadership in all areas of testimony. As one further example, think of the spiritual vacu­ um that would be created in our pub­ lic schools if Biola’s graduates were not there. More and more Christian organizations are looking to Biola

for educated and dedicated staff members. In recent years, our nation liter­ ally has poured billions of dollars into scientific education and re­ search. The result has been an up­ surge in scientific technology. In like manner, a significant increase in giving to Christian educational in­ stitutions will produce a notable rise in both the quality and quantity of dedicated Christian young people who are ready to serve here and abroad in all walks of life. What an impact this would have on our world! This is why we encourage you to remember Biola regularly with your stewardship funds so that we can staff our churches, mission­ ary organizations, and other Chris­ tian enterprises with the kind of young people who are adequately educated in their vocation as well as in the Word of God.

The Biola Library is always a place of activity. Here students work on assignments in prepara­ tion for class projects. One of the problems the Library is facing, however, is a lack of sufficient space for necessary books. It is hoped that the Library may be expanded in the near future as the Lord provides. Books are always needed in the Lord's work at Biola. If you have some you would like used for this purpose, please contact us. Donation receipts are issued for such gifts of books.


parables and pearls

(A S F E A T U R E D O V E R T H E B IO L A H O U R )

lives. Medical statisticians tell us that every 10 minutes, day and night, some­ one in the United States is being given a blood transfusion. Many times, if the plasma were not available, the life would be lost. Medical science is to be commended for this program which since its first use many years ago has made it possible to save an untold num­ ber of lives. Yet no matter how much human blood an individual gives or re­ ceives, this can never blot out his sins. This is why our Lord Jesus Christ gave His blood for sin-diseased man­ kind. The Word of God tells us, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, accord­ ing to the riches of His grace.” I f you reject the blood of Christ, there is no heavenly court which will intervene and force you to accept this life-giving provision. The disease of sin will finally and eternally claim your soul. The Bible points out, “For without the shedding of blood there is no remission [of sins].” Every man must answer the question, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” * Darkness will not put out the lamp— or testimony; it only makes them shine brighter. * * * UGLY BROWN BANANA SKINS Through the years, many of our Biola students have gone on to serve the Lord as missionaries with the Wy- cliffe Bible Translators. This organiza­ tion is doing a tremendous work in reducing to writing the unwritten lan­ guages of tribes which have never heard of the Lord Jesus Christ. They come up against many difficult but al­ ways interesting problems. Down in Guatemala, where the In­ dians are known fortheircolorful * *

SINCERE, BUT WRONG Our newspapers seem to be filled with stories of tragedies. Many times these happen to people who are most sincere. For instance, a pilot was seeking to land his plane in Ontario and radioed for “approach landing” instructions from the tower. The Federal Aviation Agency controller on duty instructed him to drop from a safe altitude of 10,000 feet to 7,200. He did so, crash­ ing into a mountain near San Bernar­ dino. He and his two passengers were killed. FAA officials explained, “It was a one-in-a-million case of mistaken identity. The controller mistook two planes on his radar screen. The pilot had failed to make a position report to another air controller along his route.” Death was the result, although everyone involved was certainly sin­ cere. What we are saying is an age-old truth. When it comes to the matters of life, as well as eternity, sincerity is not enough. “There is a way that seem- eth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” How can a man be certain of entering heav­ en? Only the Lord Jesus could assur­ edly affirm, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” * When God has an especially bright crown for a soul. He first imparts an equally heavy cross. * * * BLOOD DONORS In these times of national emer­ gency, we are rightly reminded of the need for those who will give blood do­ nations. A man in Norfolk, Nebraska, Martin Leu, has given 200 pints of blood in four and one-half years to the Lutheran blood bank. Undoubtedly, his acts of kindness have saved many * *

handwoven materials, each of the twen­ ty tribes has its own distinctive cloth­ ing. Most of them, however, favor a bright red. They like to weave stripes into their patterns. To these natives, red has always been associated with happiness. You can imagine the mis­ sionaries’ concern in translation then with a verse such as Isaiah 1 :18, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” Red here means sin and sadness. So that the In­ dians would understand, a missionary was led to translate the verse in this interesting manner: “Though your sins be as the stains of the ugly brown ba­ nana skin, they shall be as white as the glistening snow.” In other words, he wa8 describing sin in terms which would express to them the ugliest thing in all the world. This gives us just a small fraction of an idea of how sin looks to the Lord. The only possible cleansing is provided through the shed blood of our Saviour on Calvary’s cross. “I f any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” * Since God numbers our hairs, remem­ ber that He also numbers our tears. * * * DANGERS OF DRIFTING Everyone has favorite scenic spots in our country. Few can begin to com­ pare with the grandeur of Niagara Falls. Some years ago a ship known as the “Lorna” sailed down the river. The captain lost his way and missed the en­ trance to the cut-off canal. Unaware of the impending danger of destruction, he headed straight for the falls. He merely thought passing people along the shore were being friendly when they waved excitedly, trying to warn of the peril. Suddenly, as if by a mira­ cle, a great gust of wind blew the ves­ sel onto the rocky reef of Buckhorn Is­ land. A few moments more of drifting and all on board would have been killed. The powerful whirlpools above the falls would have sucked them on to the edge of the watery precipice and then send them plunging over the roar­ ing cataract to certain doom and de­ struction. Today, on the voyage of life, there are many carefree sinners who * *

may observe God’s ambassadors signal­ ing frantically to them to change their course toward heaven. These without Christ seem unmindful of their eternal danger, sailing carelessly onward with­ out any pilot or guide. The Bible says that there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Drift no longer, friend; let Jesus save and guide you across the wave, lest you sink into a sinner’s grave, drifting aimlessly over life’s sea. * Be more desirous of meeting God in your troubles than in getting out of them. * * * SEEING ONLY H IM Of all of his artistic masterpieces, without question Leonardo Da Vinci’s greatest creation is “The Last Supper.” It was out of the agony of his own soul that he painted this breath-taking canvas. He wanted to make sure that every detail would exactly coincide with Scripture. Before he finished, a close friend was invited in for a frank ap­ praisal. Standing at a distance, the critic was overcome with admiration and exclaimed, “My, what a beautiful goblet in the hands of Christ!” DaVinci grasped the palette and brush and with a firm stroke painted out the drinking cup. He resolutely explained, “I would have people see but one person, Jesus Christ, not the cup from which He drank.” The magnificent painting was refined until it came out as we know it today. We as believers need to real­ ize that we’re the only picture those in sin and darkness can see. Let there be nothing tomar the vision of Him. Never forgetthat we are1living epis­ tles, known and read of all men. * If our circumstances find us in God, then we will find God in all of our cir­ cumstances. * * * W INN ING EITHER WAY An elderly saint of God whose home was in Scotland was making her first Atlantic crossing on the way to see her daughter in New York. She had no other living family member. On the high seas a tremendous storm broke 10 * * * *

The only thing to dampen his enthusi­ asm was the expected moment when the waiter would bring the check. When he sought to pay he was told, “Why, Sir, there’s no charge for your dinner. The money you paid for your ticket in Boston covered the cost for all meals aboard ship.” That must have been quite a revelation for him. No doubt he berated himself for living on star­ vation rations. Yet, when you stop to think about it, there are many people who are not willing to partake of those blessed things which the Lord has pur­ chased and provided for us by His death on Calvary’s cross. We cling so tenaciously to our time, talen , and tithe, to our very lives, for some strange reason, fearful of completely trusting Christ our Lord and Saviour. The Word of God says that the Lord will provide for all of our needs. Therefore, we are to “take no thought for the morrow, what ye shall eat, what ye shall drink or wherewithal ye shall be clothed. . . . Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteous­ ness; and all these things shall be add­ ed unto you.”

upon the vessel and people were in mortal fear of losing their lives. Trying to comfort his passengers, the captain made his rounds of the cabins, instruct­ ing the people to remain inside and be as quiet as possible. When he knocked on the door of this dear Scottish wo­ man, however, he found her singing, instead of fretting like the others. For a moment he wondered if she had gone crazy with fear. Urgently he cautioned her, “Ma’am, don’t you know this ship could sink at any moment? A time like this is serious.” In her beautiful broad brogue she answered with a smile, “Captain, I have two daughters. One lives in New York, and the other lives in Heaven. The way I look at it is if the vessel makes America, I ’ll be with my daughter in New York. I f it goes down, then I ’ll be with my daughter in Heaven. Either way it can’t but be a wonderful meeting.’’ The Apostle Paul had this in mind when, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he penned, “For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.” Either way he would be a winner. How blessed to have the confidence that to be “absent from the body” is to be “present with the Lord!” * It is sad when our troubles try us more than our transgressions. * * * UNUSED GIFTS Travel has always been fascinating to me, as well as stories about those who are privileged to go abroad. Have you heard about the man who bought a steamship ticket in Boston, heading for a cruise to New Orleans? The fare was so expensive that he decided to take along an ample supply of cheese and crackers, feeling he couldn’t afford to buy meals on board. What a diet! It took all the will power and stamina he could muster to keep from succumb­ ing to the aroma of the hot meals at dinner-time, as excellent dishes were being served. Finally, on the last night out, it was all too much for him. Re­ gardless of the cost, he determined to eat his fill. The meal that evening was more than he could have anticipated. * *

continued from page 2 THE BIOLA HOUR OTHER STATES

Albuquerque, New Mexico




8:00 A.M. MTWTF

Caldwell-Boise KBFM

8:30 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 P.M. MTWTF

94.1 (FM) 94.1 (FMÎ


910 910

Denver, Colorado KLIR


12:00 Noon MTWTF

Jacksonville-Orange Park, Florida WAYR 550

1:00 P.M. MTWTF

Kansas City, Missouri KCCV 1510 Lapeer, Michigan WMPC 1230 Newton, Kansas KJRG 950 KJRG 92.3 (FM) Orlando, Florida WVCF 1480 Phoenix, Arizona KHEP 1280 KHEP 101.5 (FM) Providence, Rhode Island WRIB 1220 Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970 Tuscon, Arizona

9:00 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:30 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 P.M. Sun.

1490 1490




w ith Dr. Sam u e l H . Su th e rla n d a n d Dr. C h a rle s L. F e in b e rg

Q. San Francisco, Calif. — “Was Lazar- rus in Luke 16 the same Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead?" A. No, these are two different in­ dividuals, as a close comparison of Scripture will readily reveal. Q. Fresno, Calif. — “In Daniel 10:3, we read that the prophet ate no pleasant bread, neither did he anoint himself for three weeks. How do you harmonize this action with the command of Jesus that when a per­ son fasted, he was to anoint his head and wash his face?" A. This quotation of our Saviour is from Matthew 6:17. Daniel was to receive a message concerning the fu­ ture of Israel. He prayed for 21 days. While the answer was given out the very first day, the one who brought it was hindered. Other pas­ sages in the Old Testament reveal that when a man was giving him­ self over to achieve something for God in prayer, he fasted and did not anoint himself. The intercession was that which was paramount in his life. There was not the time for per­ sonal grooming. A great deal of time was not taken with his apparel. We must note the context in Matthew, however, for the Lord is talking about being seen of men. Daniel wasn’t performing his spiritual ex­ ercises where others could ordinarily see him. The hypocrites in our Lord’s day did this, however, and that is why there is the pronouncement against them. Q. “In the 17th and 18th chapters

of Revelation, we have the descrip­ tion of the destruction of what ap­ pears to have been a world system, or what had been a city, which seems to have ruined the world both poli­ tically and financially. What might be the meaning of the word Baby­ lon? Secular history speaks of a Babylon which was one of the three wonders of the world but was de­ stroyed centuries ago. Would the Babylon in Revelation be an emer­ gence of that or is this in Revelation just all spiritual?" A. Secular history tells us of the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the so-called seven wonders of the ancient world. The word “Babylon” comes from the term Babel which means confusion. This city was the center of empire headed up by Nebu­ chadnezzar and Belshazzar, the two most famous rulers of the nation. This all was destroyed centuries ago by the Medo-Persians. There are those who think that the Babylon referred to in Revelation is a re­ building of this ancient and wicked land. It would seem, however, that it would be best to take the name spir­ itually. It will actually be built and will epitomize confusion and evil as was personified in the old Babylon. This will be the headquarters of the anti-christ du ring the tribulation period. Q. Escondido, Calif. — ■ “When do we enter the Kingdom of God, and when do we enter the Kingdom of Heav­ en?" A. Unless we are clear on this mat- 12

cording to His purpose. Those of us who are blessed with good health, however, must realize that it is so easy to give advice when we aren’t going through similar trials. Illness and depression are very real condi­ tions. We must rest on such reassur­ ing promises as, “Thou will keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trust- eth in Thee.” There is no better solu­ tion for overcoming despair than to fix one’s mind upon the Lord Him­ self. How easy it is for us to dwell on self! Only where our hearts are directed constantly toward Him can we overcome these periods of depres­ sion. If the condition persists we would suggest counsel with a doctor, a Christian psychologist, or psychia­ trist who might be able to give pro­ fessional assistance. If it is a spir­ itual condition, however, there is no “short cut” ; we must keep our minds and hearts stayed on the things of Christ. Q. Kansas City, Mo. — "Matthew 18: 23:35 has been a puzzle to me. Since a debt forgiven is considered paid, how can God revive a debt against one whom He has forgiven?” A. The setting here is Peter’s com­ ing to our Lord Jesus and asking how often he should forgive his brother’s sin. The disciple wondered about seven times. The Saviour told him he should lose track and not count for the number should at least be 490. The Lord is showing how that man’s forgiveness is seldom forthcoming. God, however, is just the opposite. The standard is given for us in Ephesians 4:32. If you have trusted Christ for salvation, you know forgiveness on the basis of the Word of God. You will never have that sin brought before you for condemnation. This passage teaches us that we must never put a limit on the amount God will for­ give. We are to be constantly forgiv­ ing the other person. 13

ter, we shall have the Gospels in utter confusion. God is the sovereign Creator and Redeemer. Everything, including Satan, is answerable to God. Nothing is hidden from Him. This is one meaning of the Kingdom of God. It also signifies, however, those who willingly submit them­ selves to the Lord. As an example. Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6). If we do not know Je­ sus Christ by faith, if we have not by experience known His saving grace through conversion, we are not in the kingdom of God. The term “Kingdom of Heaven” actually comes from the prophecy of Daniel showing us that the heavens do rule. It sig­ nifies the rule of the heavens on earth. John the Baptist preached it, Christ preached it, and the twelve preached it. It is the Messianic king­ dom. In this, however, is both pro­ fession and possession. There are both wheat and tares. Those who are in the Kingdom of Heaven by faith in Christ are in the Kingdom of God in actuality. There is an over­ lapping, but the Kingdom of God is entered now through faith. Be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Q. Tacoma, Wash. — “I have had a physical impairment which has left me depressed and incapable of serv­ ing and helping. What can I do to overcome these feelings of depres­ sion?” A. We are very sympathetic with this individual as well as the many others who are in similar circum­ stances. We can say with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” We can also assure ourselves with the knowledge that “His ways are not our ways.” He makes no mis­ takes. He desires for us that which is His very best. We can boldly state that we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to those who are the called ac­

Q. “Religion is so widely discussed today that it appears we may he in a period of revival. Do you think this is true?” A. We must certainly distinguish be­ tween “religion” and “Christianity.” While the former is quite in vogue, yet the way of faith is not the popu­ lar path. There is no real change of life in those who are interested merely in religion. A simple defini­ tion to keep in mind is that “reli­ gion” is pictured as man groping around trying to find God. Chris­ tianity, however, is God reaching down and bringing man back to Him­ self. There is not any real revival in Christianity although in the world today religion is being widely dis­ cussed. Q. Colorado Springs, Colo. — “When we get to heaven, will our loved ones who are there mean any more to us than others? Will we he able to talk to them?” A. Yes, we certainly shall be able to talk with our loved ones, as well as with our Lord Jesus Christ, and with saints of ages past. There is no verse of Scripture to tell us if they will mean more to us. How could they be any less near and dear to us then? The relationship will actually be deepened and heightened. Q. Medford, Ore. — “Our Lord Jesus promised, ‘My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’ Since my salvation, however, my life has seemed ex­ tremely difficult. Today, relig ion seems to be cars and television sets. Anyone not interested in these things is looked down upon. I am confused as to what my attitude should be on these things.” A. It is a sad commentary on the times in which we are living to see so many professing Christians pos­ sessed by material possessions. They are worshipping in a sense, a golden calf, just as really as the people of

Israel did back in the wilderness at Mt. Sinai. Our Saviour has given us this clear-cut declaration, “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” You are not what you possess; you are what possesses you! Paul re­ minds us as he speaks to the Corin­ thian Christians, “These things are temporary, and transitory; they will pass away.” The Lord has told us that His burden is light. Following salvation many people find life ex­ tremely difficult. The reason is that the unsaved are in the lap of the wicked one. They have only to please themselves. The devil has as his pur­ pose, however, striking at you for this is his way of striking at Christ. Even if one did not trust the Lord Jesus Christ, he would find this world a very difficult place. Lis­ ten to the way in which they char­ acterize this life as a “rat race.” This is not a very elevated exist­ ence, is it? While we have outward afflictions, these are but for a mo­ ment. They will soon pass away. How can they be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in and through us? Q. Billings, Mont. — “I have often

Pictured above are some of the Biola students who are attending school from foreign coun­ tries. From left to right are May McLeod, Trinidad; Grace Ko, Formosa; Ruth and Esther Tsai, China; and Yasco Yoshizaki, Japan. Biola has a number of foreign students who are preparing to return to their own lands to become witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ.


preacher has been talking about, or to be interested completely in all of his discussions.” A. Doubtless this individual is not alone in the feelings expressed. John 4:23-24 is the authoritative word from our Lord Christ Himself. Wor­ ship does not require outward trap­ pings. There are certain things that may be conducive to our service; however, none of them are essential. No one can approach God to worship Him spiritually except the one who has already trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour (John 14:6). If we don’t get all we should out of what a preacher is saying, it may be the fault of a difficult presentation he has given. His terms may be too hard to understand. At Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary, we advise our stu­ dents to make the message just as simple as possible. The perfect pat­ tern, of course, is the Lord Himself. He spoke so that all could readily understand. Then there is also the aspect of the listener’s interest. He

heard it said that the raptured saints ivill again come to the earth to rule after the time of the battle of Arma­ geddon. I f this is true, could you show me some Bible references?” A. It would help you if you had a Bible with the Scofield Reference Notes. There are so many passages with an eschatological meaning, that is, dealing with future events. In Revelation, 19:11 we see the pic­ ture of our Saviour’s second coming in glory. Verse 14 tells us about the armies which were in heaven who followed Him. This all engulfs the battle of Armageddon. The armies which come are made up of the great company of believers. They don’t have to do any battle; they don’t even have implements of war. It is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who is going to overcome the armies of the antichrist. The redeemed saints will merely come along with Him. Chapter 20 gives us the information on His millennial reign upon the earth. We shall rule with Him. We are going to enjoy all the privileges of ruling without any of the “head­ aches” or responsibilities. Q. Riverside, Calif. — "Do you think home missions are now more impor­ tant than foreign missions, due to the many closing doors around the world?” A. We certainly do not believe for a single moment that this is true. There are doors which have closed, to be sure; however, other doors are now opening. Actually, it is not real­ ly correct to speak of home and for­ eign missions, thus dividing them, for the field is the world. Every heart without Christ, remember, is a mission field. Q. Denver, Colo. — “How should I worship God after our Sunday morn­ ing service? I always feel that I should have received more out of the meeting. I find myself hard- pressed to really grasp what the

Members of the Biola staff, along with officials of Family Stations, recently met together on the Campus to discuss the importance of Gospel broadcasting. From left to right are Mr. Thomas Ed Steele, director of radio for Biola; Mr. Bill Clark, general manager of KECR, San Diego; Mr. Bill Mansdoerfer, director of Family Stations, San Francisco; Mr. Roger Booth, general man­ ager of KBBW, San Diego; Mr. Harold Camp­ ing, president of Family Stations, San Francisco; Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president; and Mr. Al Sanders, vice president of Public Rela­ tions for Biola.


a chosen vessel of God ordained to baptize, in a baptism of repentance, so that the nation would be ready to receive the Messiah when He came. Q. Wichita, Kant. — “Does the state­ ment in Luke 12:7, ‘Even the hairs of your head are numbered’ really mean that God knows just how many hairs each person has?” A. Yes, it does mean exactly that. God is abso lu tely infinite. What might be impossible for us is as nothing to Him. Do not limit God. Along with just the physical fea­ ture of this truth, it also under­ scores the tenderness of God in His marvelous care and concern for us. Q. Portland, Ore. — “When do you think little children should be per­ mitted to partake of the bread and wine at Communion? How old need they to be? Do they have to be mem­ bers of the church?” A. There is no definite answer that can be given concerning this since so many variables enter in. No one can specifically suggest the so-called “age of accountability.” Some chil­ dren, younger than 11 or 12, may be ready earlier. It really depends upon the preparation they have received and the understanding they have de­ veloped not only concerning Christ, their Saviour from sin, but also what communion really is. It would seem that if a child comes to the point of really trusting the Lord, giving evi­ dence of his faith, he may be ready to partake of the communion ele­ ments and fellowship. Q. Vancouver, B.C. — "7 am confused about the statement in James 5:16 telling us to ‘confess your faults one to another.’ I have many faults. Some of them I would not like to repeat to others. Is it not enough to confess them to God?” A. The wrong interpretation of this

Students have the opportunity of employment as they maintain the grounds on the 75-acre Biola Campus in La Mirada. Pictured above are some of the young men as plans are prepared for planting a new lawn on one of the playing fields. A small stream flows through the Campus. The valuable water is conserved for irrigation purposes. In the background are the gymnasium and music buildings. may be thinking of other things. Ask yourself, “Where is my inter­ est?” Perhaps you have heard of the woman who was complaining to the pastor that she didn’t get anything from his sermon to take home with her. He wisely replied, “Well, per­ haps it’s because you didn’t bring anything empty along to put it in.” Q. Chico, Calif. — “The Bible says a Christian should be wise as a ser­ pent and as harmless as a dove. The use of the word ‘serpent,’ it seems to me, is a little unwise as far as Christians are concerned.’’ A. The words “as wise as” are to be stressed. It doesn’t say we are to be “like” a serpent. As another example, the Lord’s coming is “as a thief” in the night. He isn’t coming “like” a thief to steal and to harm. He is, however, coming quietly, without any warning. Q. Santa Barbara, Calif. — “Who bap­ tized John the Baptist f ” A. There is no indication in the Bi­ ble or even in other writings that gives us an answer to this. He was

verse has caused many heartaches and even major divisions in churches. The meaning of this passage is that when an individual has wronged an­ other, these things should be made right between them as well as being confessed to the Lord. They should not be “confessed” to any outside party whatsoever, much less public- ally. If you have wronged another by speech or action, this needs to be made right with the injured party, not to those not concerned. Q. Spokane, Wash. — “How is it pos­ sible to follow the Lord’s command when Jesus said we should become os ‘little children’?” A. It doesn’t mean that we are to be unlearned and gullible. A little child, however, is generally the per­ sonification of one who has real and worthy faith. He has not yet learned to be suspicious and critical. So, we are to have complete faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the faith of a child but not the mind of a child. Q. Bakersfield, Calif. — “I am puzzled by the Bible verse which says that Christ was made perfect through suffering. I thought that He was al­ ready perfect.” A. There is so much about Christ that is beyond our human and finite understanding. There has never been in the world, nor will there ever be again, a personality like our Sav­ iour. He was 100% human and at the same time 100% divine. While He was God of all eternity, yet in the incarnation, He became very man of very man. There were certain things true of Him because of His deity as well as of His manhood. As an example, our God never gets weary. When the Lord rested in Genesis 2, it wasn’t because He was tired. This was a rest of satisfaction in that which He had accomplished. God isn’t thirsty or hungry. Jesus was God-Man. The things that are

Dr. J. Richard Chase (left), academic Vice President of Biota, presents the championship trophy to Biola basketball co-captain. Bob Thune. The Biola "Eagles" won their own Biola Invitational Tournament with a perfect record. common to us were also true of Him. Anything common to the human body, apart from sin, was true of our Lord Jesus Christ. The perfection through suffering about which Scrip­ ture speaks does not place the em­ phasis upon Christ’s deity but rather on His humanity. In His humanity Jesus learned things that He already knew in His divine consciousness. This is how we explain Luke 2:52. This is a picture of how, in taking on our human form, Christ went through all of the processes of growth known to human beings. Christ was already perfect from all eternity. Nothing can be added to deity. Remember, however, that deity took upon humanity. This is the only area of growth or maturing known to the Saviour. Q. Redding, Calif. — “It seems that every time I try to get close to the Lord and every time He pours out spiritual blessings upon me, I later experience a time of extreme depres- Continued on page 20 17

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