handwoven materials, each of the twen ty tribes has its own distinctive cloth ing. Most of them, however, favor a bright red. They like to weave stripes into their patterns. To these natives, red has always been associated with happiness. You can imagine the mis sionaries’ concern in translation then with a verse such as Isaiah 1 :18, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” Red here means sin and sadness. So that the In dians would understand, a missionary was led to translate the verse in this interesting manner: “Though your sins be as the stains of the ugly brown ba nana skin, they shall be as white as the glistening snow.” In other words, he wa8 describing sin in terms which would express to them the ugliest thing in all the world. This gives us just a small fraction of an idea of how sin looks to the Lord. The only possible cleansing is provided through the shed blood of our Saviour on Calvary’s cross. “I f any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” * Since God numbers our hairs, remem ber that He also numbers our tears. * * * DANGERS OF DRIFTING Everyone has favorite scenic spots in our country. Few can begin to com pare with the grandeur of Niagara Falls. Some years ago a ship known as the “Lorna” sailed down the river. The captain lost his way and missed the en trance to the cut-off canal. Unaware of the impending danger of destruction, he headed straight for the falls. He merely thought passing people along the shore were being friendly when they waved excitedly, trying to warn of the peril. Suddenly, as if by a mira cle, a great gust of wind blew the ves sel onto the rocky reef of Buckhorn Is land. A few moments more of drifting and all on board would have been killed. The powerful whirlpools above the falls would have sucked them on to the edge of the watery precipice and then send them plunging over the roar ing cataract to certain doom and de struction. Today, on the voyage of life, there are many carefree sinners who * *
may observe God’s ambassadors signal ing frantically to them to change their course toward heaven. These without Christ seem unmindful of their eternal danger, sailing carelessly onward with out any pilot or guide. The Bible says that there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Drift no longer, friend; let Jesus save and guide you across the wave, lest you sink into a sinner’s grave, drifting aimlessly over life’s sea. * Be more desirous of meeting God in your troubles than in getting out of them. * * * SEEING ONLY H IM Of all of his artistic masterpieces, without question Leonardo Da Vinci’s greatest creation is “The Last Supper.” It was out of the agony of his own soul that he painted this breath-taking canvas. He wanted to make sure that every detail would exactly coincide with Scripture. Before he finished, a close friend was invited in for a frank ap praisal. Standing at a distance, the critic was overcome with admiration and exclaimed, “My, what a beautiful goblet in the hands of Christ!” DaVinci grasped the palette and brush and with a firm stroke painted out the drinking cup. He resolutely explained, “I would have people see but one person, Jesus Christ, not the cup from which He drank.” The magnificent painting was refined until it came out as we know it today. We as believers need to real ize that we’re the only picture those in sin and darkness can see. Let there be nothing tomar the vision of Him. Never forgetthat we are1living epis tles, known and read of all men. * If our circumstances find us in God, then we will find God in all of our cir cumstances. * * * W INN ING EITHER WAY An elderly saint of God whose home was in Scotland was making her first Atlantic crossing on the way to see her daughter in New York. She had no other living family member. On the high seas a tremendous storm broke 10 * * * *
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