Biola Broadcaster - 1967-03


w ith Dr. Sam u e l H . Su th e rla n d a n d Dr. C h a rle s L. F e in b e rg

Q. San Francisco, Calif. — “Was Lazar- rus in Luke 16 the same Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead?" A. No, these are two different in­ dividuals, as a close comparison of Scripture will readily reveal. Q. Fresno, Calif. — “In Daniel 10:3, we read that the prophet ate no pleasant bread, neither did he anoint himself for three weeks. How do you harmonize this action with the command of Jesus that when a per­ son fasted, he was to anoint his head and wash his face?" A. This quotation of our Saviour is from Matthew 6:17. Daniel was to receive a message concerning the fu­ ture of Israel. He prayed for 21 days. While the answer was given out the very first day, the one who brought it was hindered. Other pas­ sages in the Old Testament reveal that when a man was giving him­ self over to achieve something for God in prayer, he fasted and did not anoint himself. The intercession was that which was paramount in his life. There was not the time for per­ sonal grooming. A great deal of time was not taken with his apparel. We must note the context in Matthew, however, for the Lord is talking about being seen of men. Daniel wasn’t performing his spiritual ex­ ercises where others could ordinarily see him. The hypocrites in our Lord’s day did this, however, and that is why there is the pronouncement against them. Q. “In the 17th and 18th chapters

of Revelation, we have the descrip­ tion of the destruction of what ap­ pears to have been a world system, or what had been a city, which seems to have ruined the world both poli­ tically and financially. What might be the meaning of the word Baby­ lon? Secular history speaks of a Babylon which was one of the three wonders of the world but was de­ stroyed centuries ago. Would the Babylon in Revelation be an emer­ gence of that or is this in Revelation just all spiritual?" A. Secular history tells us of the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the so-called seven wonders of the ancient world. The word “Babylon” comes from the term Babel which means confusion. This city was the center of empire headed up by Nebu­ chadnezzar and Belshazzar, the two most famous rulers of the nation. This all was destroyed centuries ago by the Medo-Persians. There are those who think that the Babylon referred to in Revelation is a re­ building of this ancient and wicked land. It would seem, however, that it would be best to take the name spir­ itually. It will actually be built and will epitomize confusion and evil as was personified in the old Babylon. This will be the headquarters of the anti-christ du ring the tribulation period. Q. Escondido, Calif. — ■ “When do we enter the Kingdom of God, and when do we enter the Kingdom of Heav­ en?" A. Unless we are clear on this mat- 12

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