Biola Broadcaster - 1967-03

days when Paul penned these words, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it simply meant “the market place.” Corinth was a pagan city. Be­ lievers were saved out of the most abject idolatry. Since the slain ani­ mal sacrifices to idols would not be entirely consumed by the pagan priests, the residue would be placed on sale. People knew where the meat came from and many would not touch it for that reason. In other words, Paul was saying, “See whether the matter is good for your life and for your sustenance and that it will not cause a weaker brother to stumble” (I Cor. 8:13). Of course, we are not to buy those things which are dishonoring to God. This refers to those things which, in themselves, are not wrong, but might appear wrong to the uninstructed. Q. Eugene, Ore. — “Does the Bible verse, 'Perfect love casteth out fear’ refer to the fear of illness and death?” A. Yes, it most certainly does, along with all other types of fear, such as that regarding the future as well as present problems. As we keep our minds and hearts upon the Lord Je­ sus Christ, the dreads and anxieties of life are put aside. The Lord gives us grace to meet every need and emergency of the moment. Q. Pasadena, Calif. — “Were the Lao- diceans saved or were they only pror fessors of salvation (Rev. 3:14-20)?” A. There were, of course, seven dis­ tinct historical churches in Asia Minor at the time of the writing of this wonderful book. The spiritual histories of these assemblies have been given to us in the second and third chapters of this important por­ tion of God’s Word. Even though the Laodicean church was lukewarm, this speaks of the congregation as a whole which was apostate and un­ believing. Within it, doubtless, there were those who were true children

of God by faith, but the majority of the people in this church were not saved, but only professors of salva­ tion. Q. San Luis Obispo, Calif. — ",Some say that sickness is evidence that a per­ son is walking in darkness, and poverty is evidence of a lack of faith. Do you think that either of these is true?” A. No, neither of these is necessarily true. Some of the most radiantly joy­ ful Christians are those who have been on beds of sickness and pain throughout their lives. In the midst of suffering there is manifested a

Pictured above are some of the temporary facilities which are being used for the business offices of Bioia. It is hoped that an adminis­ tration building may be built In the near future. Bioia does not borrow money from the government, but builds as the Lord provides funds for the structures needed. triumphant glorious Christian vic­ tory of faith through the Lord Jesus Christ. To be sure, in some instances sickness has come because a person is walking in spiritual darkness, away from the Lord. Just because one is poor, however, certainly does not show a lack of faith. Q. Phoenix, Arlz. — “Why is it that you speak of God’s love and justice when it tells us in the Bible that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land? Then, be­ cause Pharaoh did not let them go, 21

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