Protestantism. The National Asso ciation of Evangelicals (N.A.E.) is made up of individual churches, some of which are denominational in scope. It is on the evangelical side of the theological spectrum. As far as other independent churches are con cerned, the majority of these are probably affiliated with The Inde pendent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA). There is also the International Council of Christian Churches which has affiliated with it the American Council of Churches, which is fundamental. Unfortunately many of the Prot estant denominations have departed from the faith, going into a social Gospel and renouncing their sacred calling to proclaim the great funda mentals of the faith. * Life without its shadows is life without its grace. * * * God does not comfort, u« to make ui comfortable, but to make us comforters. * * * The man who cannot be angry at evil lacks enthusiasm for good. . . . Every time you turn green with envy, you are ripe for trouble. * * * The only thing you get for nothing is failure. * * * Our temper often gets us into trouble and usually our pride keeps us there. * * * The cost of failure is greater than the price of success. * * * Some grumble because they don't get what's coming to them, others because they do. * * * In this hour in which we live it is hard to believe that America was founded to avoid taxation. * * * We often show a very fine command of the English language when we say ab solutely nothing. 25 * *
Marshburn Hall, important new structure of Biola, houses the Alumni and Missions em phases of the school. In addition, Public Rela tions and Administrative offices are located in the building, plus a 250-seat auditorium-class- room which has been built in memory of Miss Emily J. Alexander, faithful Bible woman for the school. had not sinned he would have gone on living indefinitely. The Lord gave him ample warning. Not only did he die spiritually, but also physically. Death came because of Adam’s sin. While people have suffered long ill nesses through the years, they have never suffered as Christ did. He died an agonizing death for sinners, to take away our sin. When we suffer it is only because we are physically related in the human family to Adam, descendants of the head of the human race. Q. Visalia, Calif. — “One hears about so many different associations and councils. I wonder if you could help me get them straight in their mean ings. There is the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, and the Evangelical Asso ciation. Can you tell me to which the fundamental churches belong?” A. The World Council of Churches is made up of the various National Council of Churches with which Biola has never and will never have any affiliation. The group largely rep resents the liberal and modernistic (ecumenical movement) element in
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