Biola Broadcaster - 1967-03

of sin rather than of getting at the root of the probleml There are those who have never received Jesus Christ as Saviour, yet they think they can go to Heaven just by striving to follow the Golden Rule. This is no better than drilling holes in the middle of the pud­ dle instead of repairing the roof. The Bible forcefully reminds us that “the heart of man is deceitful and desper­ ately wicked; who can know it?” Out­ ward reform is vain. We need to follow the exhortation of Scripture, given by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). * * * The best tranquilizer is actually a clear conscience. * * * TRUE HUM ILITY There is an interesting story, told in the long ago by Martin Luther, con­ cerning a certain mountain ledge. The space was just wide enough for one goat to pass. On one side was a per­ pendicular cliff, while on the other was a sheer mountain abyss. Face to face, two goats tried to figure out their next move. It wasn’t possible to back up or turn around. The ledge was too narrow. No doubt if the animals had possessed m e n ta l capabilities, they probably would have met head on, butt­ ing each other until one of them met destruction in the chasm below. Instinc­ tively these beasts had the answer and showed much better sense than most humans. One of them stretched out, re­ clining on the trail and allowing the other goat literally to walk over him. In this way both were saved. One had to be willing to humble himself in order for the other to pass over in this man­ ner. “Goat sense” was good common se n se . How often it’s our stubbornness that results in tragedy. We find it so difficult to say we are sorry when prob­ lems arise in the home. So frequently we hear people say, “Well, it’s the principle of the thing I’m fighting for.” Remember, the principal thing is love. The Bible tells us that love is kind and 8 eeketh not his own. When you see a fault in someone else, before you criti­ cize, stop and think of two or three of your own. 2 7

FOUR THINGS MONEY CAN 'T BUY Some businessmen had met to discuss matters of mutual interest. All of them were successful in their various fields, yet they had the intelligence to know that there are some things money can’t buy. One fellow, evidently richer than all the others, volunteered to give any of his friends a $5,000 check for their favorite charity if they could name just four things he couldn’t purchase with his wealth. One of his thoughtful asso­ ciates, who happened to be a real Chris­ tian, had no trouble in making up a suggested list. Do you think you could name four? Here’s his list: First, a baby’s smile. No amount of cash re­ sources could buy that. Second, youth, after it is gone. While we might like to have it back, all the gold remaining in Fort Knox couldn’t help. Third, the love of a good woman. Those of us who have been happily married through the years can appreciate this point. Fourth, and, most important of all, is the fact that no matter how big an in­ dividual’s bank account is, he can’t buy an entrance into heaven. The Word of God says, “Not by works of right­ eousness which we have done.” In oth­ er words, no matter how much money you give to the church or to charities, this can never change your standing before God.Eternal salvation comes only bysimply believing on Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as your Saviour from sin. •k * * God is more interested in making you what you ought to be, than in giving you what you think you want, * * * AVOIDING PROBLEMS People have many ancient and fool­ ish ways of getting rid of problems. One of the favorite stories of Marine Corps veterans is of a barracks which was leaking severely during a down­ pour. A base carpenter was called in to make repairs. Seeing the puddle of water in the middle of the floor, he got a large drill out of his toolbox and made a hole in the floor so that the wa­ ter could drain out. He was quite proud of his handiwork, for no matter how badly the roof leaked, the water had a place to run out. What a picture this is of man’s effort to doctor the effects

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