Biola Broadcaster - 1967-03

experience which is the mark of the growing Christian (Eph. 1:17; Phil. 1:9). The measure of this knowledge of God’s will is suggested by the strong word “filled with.” “To walk” expresses the purpose of being filled with knowledge and spiritual understanding. Knowledge for its sake alone may be disastrous, but if acquired for the purpose of direction in life, it may become the

• fruitful unto every good work. Sound theology will produce the right kind of living. The right kind of living always produces fruit. In verse eleven Paul’s prayer is a desire for power. He knew that to know to do the will of God and to bear fruit for Him, the believer must have supernatural power. He prays that they may be “empowered with all power.” It carries the idea of s p i r i t u a l and moral enablement (Eph. 3:13; 4:23). Paul prays that there will be power of comprehen­ sion of the great verities of God, wisdom to assimilate the g r e a t truths, and energy to live them out under all circumstances. This power is characterized by the phrase “according to the might of H is glory.” The word (krator) “might” is an old word for perfect strength. In the New Testament it is applied only to God. The ascending scale of Paul’s prayer should be closely observed. He starts with lowly saints in Co- lossae and ascends via the cross of Calvary upward to the throne of the ascended Lord. This is possibly one of the great­ est Christological passages in the New Testament, for in these six verses Paul sets forth a system of Christology. The person and work of Christ is set forth in a majestic way. The heresy of the Gnostics challenged every fibre of his being. They had greatly disturbed the faith of the church by their false theories of mediatorship between God and man. Their doctrine of the physical or material as being evil, and God as being holy and refusing to have anything to do with it, was casting a dark shadow over the deity of Christ. Their chain of emana­ tions and aeons robbed Christ of his sole place as the Redeemer of man­ kind. Paul’s prayer plunges right into the apologetics of Christ’s suffi­ ciency for redemption. A greater treatise has not been written on the divinity of Christ. 32


» . . m Mr. J. R. Bramer (left), Biola controller, dis­ cusses with Mr. Keith Sisco, and Miss Jane Clark, some ot the mailing procedures for THE KING'S BUSINESS magazine, published since 1910. THE KING'S BUSINESS has enjoyed a circulation growth of more than 1 5 % in re­ cent months. The publication is "dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home." Excellent features appear which are helpful to the family and spiritual maturity. boon of God. The nature of this walk is charac­ terized in the word “pleasing.” A good translation would be, “meet­ ing all his wishes—not all his com­ mands or precepts but the extra de­ sires of his heart.” The Christian, however, is to anticipate everything that regards the wishes of his Sav­ iour. The next exhortation is to be

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