Biola Broadcaster - 1967-03


by J. Richard Chase

T wo crucial problems are facing Biola today. The first is “How can we provide our students with the best Christian faculty and adequate modern equipment?” Naturally, most Christian schools have limited finan­ cial resources. This means the fac­ ulty often has to carry excessive teaching loads on minimal salaries. This is quite unlike our tax-support­ ed institutions. We believe we have the faculty and equipment at Biola to do an excellent job in many areas. We feel, however, that we could do even more if funds were available to strengthen the faculty as well as adding some much-needed equipment. Christian young people deserve the best! The second problem we face is that expanded enrollment is impossible until we have the necessary facili­ ties. It is not fair, nor possible, to ask the present student body to move over while we “jam” in more. In­ creased dining facilities, an expand­ ed library, and an auditorium where the entire student body can meet for Chapel are crucial. As progress is made, we will not have to keep turn­ ing away Christ-dedicated young people. The Christian dollar can only be stretched so far. An institution such as Biola should be of primary importance in Christian g iv ing . Without ministers of the Word, our churches wither and die spiritually. The consistent emphasis upon the Bible uniquely equips men and wom­ en for spiritual leadership in all areas of testimony. As one further example, think of the spiritual vacu­ um that would be created in our pub­ lic schools if Biola’s graduates were not there. More and more Christian organizations are looking to Biola

for educated and dedicated staff members. In recent years, our nation liter­ ally has poured billions of dollars into scientific education and re­ search. The result has been an up­ surge in scientific technology. In like manner, a significant increase in giving to Christian educational in­ stitutions will produce a notable rise in both the quality and quantity of dedicated Christian young people who are ready to serve here and abroad in all walks of life. What an impact this would have on our world! This is why we encourage you to remember Biola regularly with your stewardship funds so that we can staff our churches, mission­ ary organizations, and other Chris­ tian enterprises with the kind of young people who are adequately educated in their vocation as well as in the Word of God.

The Biola Library is always a place of activity. Here students work on assignments in prepara­ tion for class projects. One of the problems the Library is facing, however, is a lack of sufficient space for necessary books. It is hoped that the Library may be expanded in the near future as the Lord provides. Books are always needed in the Lord's work at Biola. If you have some you would like used for this purpose, please contact us. Donation receipts are issued for such gifts of books.


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