On Tour Logistics Driver Helps Us Grow Through People Like You Referrals On Tour Logistics driver RON KEITH has helped us grow by referring People Like You, and his key has simply been sharing his experience with others who ask about the Averitt team. TOUTING THE BENEFITS OF AVERITT “A lot of people come up to me out on the road,” says Ron, who has been with Averitt since 2015. “They see how I’m dressed and how I keep my truck, and we start talking.” One big plus Ron shares with them is our overall benefits package. “I let people know what kind of company Averitt is and what they can look forward to,” explains Ron, who served as a driver-trainer before moving over to our On Tour Logistics team. “I tell them, ‘If you want longevity, a good retirement and benefits, this is the place to be.’” Ron is also thankful for our family-oriented culture that he’s seen firsthand. “When I first started working here, my mother got leukemia,” Ron recalls. “My leader told me, ‘Take all the time you need to be with your mom.’ If you have issues that come up, you don’t get the runaround. It’s a wonderful company.”
HELP US GROW = E ARN REFERRAL REWARDS When you refer People Like You, you’re helping ensure our culture stays strong for the future. And when your referrals are hired to Averitt, you can earn $1,000 in referral rewards! To learn more about our People Like You referral program – including referral tools, a list of open positions and other resources – visit InsideAveritt.com/PeopleLikeYou . T m On Tour Logistics driver RON KEITH has found People Like You by simply sharing his experience of working with Averitt.
SHOWING THE POWER OF ONE MORE People Like You are very important for our future success, because you know others who would be a great fit for our culture. These associates earned referral rewards after their referrals were hired to the Averitt team! Associates Referring People Like You, Earning Referral Rewards
Tampa preventive maintenance associate FRANK BENNETT
Bowling Green dock associate JOSH GILLIAM
Knoxville freight clerk LIZ BISIGNANO
Orlando dock associate JOSUE HERNANDEZ
Tri-Cities transportation specialist JOHN LIVESAY
Houston preventive maintenance associate GREG MARTINEZ
Atlanta West team shuttle driver GARY MILLER
Dallas dock associate TYRONE SMITH
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