Orange County Insight July 2024

Stay Informed and Track Planning Applications Using the Current Planning Projects Page

By: Josh Frederick, Planning & Zoning Services Manager, Orange County Development Services Department

Did you know? Submitted applications for various land use proposals, including rezonings, special use permits (SUPs), ordinance amendments, comprehensive plan amendments, etc., are readily available to review on the Orange County website. Visiting these pages regularly can help demystify the planning and zoning application process and help residents stay better informed. All applications are hosted on a dedicated page called “ Current Planning Projects ,” accessible via the Planning & Zoning Services webpage. Each application also has its own project page which contains the application documents and plans, a description of what ’ s proposed, an interactive location map, contact information for the planning staff lead (in case there are questions), and more. Each page is refreshed periodically with updated information and documents as the application proceeds through the public process. Generally speaking, applications will follow the same basic steps, including: 1. Application Review - Upon receipt, Planning & Zoning Services accepts the application and assigns a Project Number and Staff Lead. If anything is missing or more information is required, the applicant is notified. 2. Application Review Committee (ARC) Review - In this step, a committee considers the application and its impacts. Members may provide feedback which will help the applicant revise their application. For example, ARC Review Committee members may include representatives from Planning & Zoning, the Virginia Department of Transportation, the Culpeper Soil & Water Conservation District, the Sheriff ’ s Office, Fire & EMS, and other agencies which could provide important and useful input regarding the potential impacts of an application. 3. Town Hall (if applicable) - The applicant may hold Community Meetings before an official public hearing. The applicant hosts the meeting to clarify the purpose of their application. At these meetings, the public may ask questions of the applicant to better understand the project. 4. Staff Report - Staff create a detailed report regarding the characteristics and details of the application, analysis of impacts, supporting information, and staff recommendations. It is presented to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, and is available for public review online. 5. Planning Commission (PC) Meeting - This is the first of two public hearings required for most applications (rezonings, comprehensive plan amendments, special use permits, etc.) Staff and the applicant will address the PC, after which a public hearing will allow for public input. The PC will decide whether to recommend approval or denial of the request to the Board of Supervisors. In some cases, the PC may choose to defer the decision to a later meeting date to allow for more information to be gathered and presented. 6. Board of Supervisors (BOS) Meeting - This is the final step and includes the last public hearing. The application will be presented, noting the PC recommendation. The applicant may address the Board. A public hearing will be held to allow for public input, then the Board will decide to approve or deny the application. In some cases, the Board may choose to defer the decision to a later meeting date to allow for more information to be gathered and presented. The goal of the Current Planning Projects page is transparency and a well - informed public, which supports the Board of Supervisors ’ Digital Citizen Initiative. For information about public hearings for either the Planning Commission or the Board of Supervisors, please visit the online Agendas and Minutes Center.

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