King's Business - 1960-11


the world


' J O b ° aN

Biola Sponsored : IIIIILK A N D MSSSIONA I&Y i CONFERENCE .lO U R N E Y April 14 to May 4, 1961

THRILLING DAYS OF CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP and Bible study with pastors, Christian workers and friends. Services will be held in places of special interest and significance.

V is iting :



Conference Speakers

T h is is y ou r op p ortu n ity to visit th e birth p la ce o f Chris­ tia n ity— to w alk w h ere Jesus and H is d iscip les w alked and labored— to tra ce th e Saviour’s steps to C alvary— and to visit th e open tom b. In th e ligh t o f p resen t w orld cond ition s, th e p rop h etic m essages, con feren ces w ith m issionaries and op en discus­ sions w ill b e m oit sign ifican t, in spirational and in form a- One low Price— $1495.00 Round, trip air fare on scheduled airline from Los Angeles Hotels , meals (breakfast only in London , Paris and Rome) Transfers , sightseeing, guides and tips. Covers:

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Dr. Louis T. Talbot

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

SPEC IAL OFFER TO PASTORS By special arrangement with Crusader’s Bible Studies, trip will be offered free from New York, to pastors se< enrollees in home studies courses covering the entire 200 lessons. For details, fill out the coupon and mail t<


La Mirada, California Attn: Dr. Oran H. Smith Count me in; Deposit check for $100.00 enclosed. Please send more information. Please send details on the Earn-Your-Tour plan.


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To Alaska via the famed "inside Passage" aboard Canadian Pacific's Princess Louise from Vancouver, B.C., June 6, returning June 14. Our Bible teacher will be Dr. Harold L. Fickett, Jr., Pastor of First Baptist Church, Van Nuys, Calif, formerly of Tremont Temple, Boston. Our music director: John M. Gustafson, the west's most popular tenor! All expense steamer trip only $235 up (Canadian funds).

To Hawaii via jet from any West Coast city leaving June 18, for the finest vacation of your life: 12 brim-full wonderful days in "The Paradise of the Paci­ fic." Stay at the world famous Moana Hotel on Waikiki Beach. Complete sightseeing; I u a u; meet and hear local pastors and missionaries; all expenses, only $378.

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TOUR PERSONALITIES top to bottom Dr. Harold L. Fickett, Jr. John M. Gustafson

Dr. J. Lester Hamish Dr. Janies T. Martin

These top-rated vacations re­ quire an early reservation so W RITE NOW for a descriptive tour folder.

I I Street............................................................................. I • City.............................................................. Zone.............. State. I i I Name...................................................................... I DR. JAMES T. MART IN , Pastor ■Chevy Chase Baptist Church I 1209 East Garfield Avenue I Glendale 5, California I Please send information about: I Q Alaska Cruise; j~ l Hawaii Vacation;

F~j Pan-Pacific


T P t io K i n g © A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board NOVEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 51, No. 11 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home /M ii THE KEY TO AMERICAN SURVIVAL — George L. Ford .............. 13 BANQUET EVANGELISM BY BILL JONES — Carl Blumay .............. 14 CONFLICT AND VICTORY — Gordon Chilvers .................................. 16 CONQUERING JUNGLE BARRIERS ........................................................... 18 THE IMPORTANCE OF A CHRISTIAN HOME — Kenneth Taylor.. 20 ARE YOUR LIPS CONSECRATED? — Jack Leigh ............................. 22 NOT YET — Vance Havner .................................................................... 24 THE BEST ADVICE I EVER HAD — Vivian McClellan ................ 28 THE BELL THAT RANG AGAIN — Ethel Hansen ............................. 56 NIGERIA'S CHRISTIAN CHURCH PREPARES FOR INDEPENDENCE — W. Harold Fuller .................................... 64 f a t a ) A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 10 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ........................ 30 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................. 37 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ....................................... 42 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................. 43 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James 0 . Henry ............................................ 44 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 46 GOSPEL BROADCASTING — Al Sanders .............................................. 47 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................................... 50 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ..................... 54 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles .............................................. 55 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................................................ 63 Column! READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 5 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................................................................................. 9 HOMILETICAL HELPS .................................................................................... 31 NUGGETS OF GOLD ......................................................................................... 32 TOWN AND CAMPUS NEWS .................................................................. 60 ClMH This month's scene should give cause for remembrance of that which the Lord has done for us throughout this year. May we, with the Apostle of old, declare, "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place" (II Cor. 2:14). — All Rights Reserved —

This command of the Risen Chnst is being carried out through the media of about 50 radio stations from coast to coast and several foreign stations. Heard in State of Israel. Many write for the Prophecy Edi­ tion New Testament. These are followed up by mail and personal calls whenever possible. Classes are held where Jewish people gather in homes. Some are finding Chnst as Saviour-Messiah. We covet your prayerful support. Send for free copy of your maga­ zine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. Coulson Shepherd, D irecto r (FOUNDED 1937) ___ 1 l-.-L-i______________



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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor

PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

ADVERTISING — for Information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An- eles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by hurch- Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50 six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business/'

THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE MISSION (TEAM) 2845 W. McLean Avenue, Chicago 47, Illinois Dept. K-110



reader reaction

STAND FOR THE TRUTH I am writing this letter to say how glad I am that you are so definite for the fundamental Gospel. The editorials by Samuel H. Sutherland have been of spe­ cial blessing to me. I am so disappointed with some men whom I used to think were true to the Scriptures. I hope you keep it up! R. I. Humbert), Flora, Indiana. REVIEW OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST BOOK Thank you for your review of the book of Seventh - day Adventism by Walter Martin. Ever since the book was first pub­ lished I felt that Mr. Martin was inade­ quately informed about this cult. While the book is well written and does contain some accurate material that is helpful, I feel that it will do more harm than good. Frankly, I feel that the booksellers would render a service by returning all of their stock to the publisher. Dr. Lehman Strauss, Pastor, Highland Park Baptist Church, Highland Park, Michigan. YOUNG PEOPLE'S REACTION The High School Christian Endeavor Society of Chowchilla wishes to thank you for the wonderful article, “ A Saint Enters His Rest” (August, 1960). Rev. Walter Sutherland was the sponsor of our group and pastor emeritus of our church for many years, and we all loved him dearly. He was with the C.E. societies until the week before he became ill. His influence has reached over more than a generation of young people in Chowchilla and we do truly know him to be a saint. His love, his example, and his teaching have made a lasting impres­ sion on us and have played a great part in molding our lives. W e know we shall always remember this wonderful man. The High School Chriiti.n Endeavor Society, First Presbyterian Church, Chowchilla, California. COMMENTS ON EDITORIAL May I thank you sincerely for that pow­ erful and timely Message from the Edi­ tor on Catholicism (July, 1960). Your consistent stand is a real source of rejoic­ ing to me, and I just thank the Lord more than I can tell. May He continue to guide and direct you in defending the faith. Dr. Charles W. Mayes, Pastor, First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif. DISTRIBUTION IN INDIA One of the tract distributors in our area gave me a copy of your publication and all of the members of our congregation were able to read it. I have the privilege of working in 1+ churches with a Chris­ tian membership of about 7,000 souls. There is a real hunger in the hearts of these people for the things of the Holy Bible. Thank you for sending this mis­ sionary the magazine which we can all profit from. Jesudason Retnam, Ambasamudram, South India.

to its TEACHING METHODS with electronic equipment With the installation of modem electronic equip­ ment, Moody Bible Institute has taken another giant forward step, in the teaching of languages. New technique being used is finding wide accept­ ance in secular schools, colleges and the armed forces.

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W hat n ew la b m eans to MBI stu d e n ts ••. 1• Affords opportunity of personal language study with the help of electronic tutor. By means of a double tape recorder, student can listen to native speak the foreign language and listen to him­ self repeating the same words. He can compare and evaluate as many times as he wishes. 2 . Student can progress entirely at his own rate of learning, with as much repetition as he needs, with nothing to stop him but his 3. Currently, the MBI language library consists of more than 260 tapes in Spanish and French. 4. Daily classwork includes listening assignments of classic lit­ erature, Bible passages and basic conversation.. 5. Speed of learning is greatly increased and research studies indicate, from a qualitative point of view, that students who have been exposed to lab methods do far better than those who have had no contact with the lab. own ambitions and talents.


at MBI

New three-room speech recording center at MBI is being used for classes in practice teaching, preaching, public speak­ ing and storytelling. It is possible to record from these rooms in a central control center at one time. Teacher can signal by means of intercom­ munications system. With these facilities, stu­ dent will have at least two recordings of speech­ es made during a semes­ ter. Then he will have opportunity to listen to them critically by him­ self, or together with teacher for his evaluation. Two of the rooms in the sp eech cen ter are equipped with closed cir­ cuit television. As stu­ dent speaks or preaches before a TV camera, the teacher and part of class retire to a small viewing room where they watch student on TV set. This permits discussion and evaluation of student performance while speech is in progress, without interruption. New TV Classrooms

While this laboratory method is revolutionary and the facilities new and exciting—it is only a tool. At MBI this effective tool is helping train future mis­ sionaries to reach the 2,000 tongues as yet without the gospel.

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MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. K-0-262 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois W illiam C ulbertson , president S. M axw ell C oder , dean Please send me a copy of: □ Life at Moody □ Latest M oody catalog

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reader reaction (coni'.)

DISLIKES MAGAZINE I have been reluctantly receiving your magazine in the mail for the past few years. I have absolutely no interest in it whatsoever. I subscribe to the magazine of my own church and since I possess a Bible I have plenty of reading material at my disposal without yours. If you per­ sist in sending this unwelcome intruder into my home I shall collect the heaviest load of the things I can get and send it to you C.O.D. I’m frankly sick and tired of throwing your rag away every time the postman leaves it. Please keep it out of my way. I am not going to sign my name and address because you will prob­ ably send the rag to me if I do. E ditor ’ s N o te : Frequently our Christian readers are anxious to help spiritually needy people. They provide gift sub­ scriptions for their friends, and hence, letters such as the above are occasionally received. W e thank God, too, however, for the wonderful comments of those who find the Cord as Saviour through the kindness of a loved one at this season of the year. These letters are much more common, for which we are grateful. HINDU CONVERT WRITES I am a monthly reader of THE KING’S BUSINESS. I must say this magazine is of much blessing to my soul. It covers a great scope of practical Biblical and spirit­ ual upliftment to enable one to turn his faith loose upon God. I am a horn hindu, saved 11 years ago. Our country is sur­ rounded by communism in a population of less than half a million. I am a pastor of a mission work and would appreciate your prayers. P.S. Please put me in the “ pen-pal” column. Patrick L. Singh, 23 Dowding Street, Kitty E.C.D., British Guiana, South America. COMMENT ON EDITORIAL I wish to report an apparent error in your excellent article in the October number which has just arrived. On page 7—right at the end of your article, you say: “ Paul said, ‘With a great sum obtained I this freedom.’ ” If you are referring to Acts 22:28— may I call your attention to the fact that — Though Paul wrote these words they were uttered by the chief captain. And Paul’s answer was: “ But I was free born.” J. E. Pettersen, Pacific Palisades. E ditor ’ s N o te : W e regret very much an omission which occurred in our October editorial. It reads “ Paul said, ‘W ith a great sum obtained I this fr ee d om a n d of course it should have read, “ The Roman chief captain said to Paul, ‘ W ith a great sum obtained I this freedom ’ to which Paul replied, ‘But 1 was free born.’ ’’ The sense of the article was not affected by this error, but nevertheless w e are sorry. The incident is described in Acts 22:28 and has to do with Paul’s Roman citizenship. No doubt many readers noted the slip.

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IS THERE PIONEER BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS? If you respond to adventure in stories o f the frontier days — if you sometimes feel a strange kinship with the men and women who conquered the Old West— then you have pioneer blood in your veins. Pioneering days are not over. Today in out-of-the-way rural communities American Sun­ day-School Union missionaries are pioneering in Gospel work — starting Sunday schools in isolated communities like those below.

Mr. Evon Hedley, conference director for the 7th annual Youth for Christ winter conference at Boca Raton, Florida, has set the dates from Janu­ ary 30 to February 5. YFCI speakers include Dr. Ted Engstrom and Rev. Dave Breese. Dr. Harold W. Boon, president of the Accrediting Association of Bible Col­ leges and president of Nyack Mis­ sionary College, presided at 14th an- ual meetings of the AABC held in Chicago last month. Sessions were conducted at the Moody Bible Insti­ tute. Dr. Kenneth Strachan has announced that from now until April, 1961, will be the dates set for the next “ Evange­ lism in Depth” effort for Costa Rica. Nicaragua was the target for last year’s evangelical thrust. Mr. J. C. Penney, founder of the J. C. Penney Stores, celebrates his 85th birthday with the publication of his new book, “VIEW FROM THE NINTH DECADE,” published by Thomas Nelson and Sons. His first store, started in 1902, has grown to a chain of 1700. Rev. Don McCrossan (left), director of the Victory Service Club, Los An­ geles, cuts the birthday cake for the 19th anniversary of the service men’s

Mr. Bill Burchett, program director of Latin America Mission’s radio sta­ tion TIFC, San Jose, Costa Rica, re­ ports a new opportunity in mission­ ary broadcasting. The facility was permitted to broadcast live coverage of the recent conference of the Or­ ganization of American States. A de­ finite increase in listeners was im­ mediately noted. Mr. Charles R.

Hennlx, Jr., execu­ tive with a na­ tionally k n o w n w a t c h company for many years, will join the staff of the Radio Bible Class in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hennix was for­ merly associated with Youth f o r C h r i s t Interna tional.

Charles Hennix, Jr.

Dr. Joseph Free, professor of archae­ ology at Wheaton College, has an­ nounced that he will be conducting four tours abroad and one in the United States this next year under the auspices of the College. The first sailing is scheduled for February 25. Mr. James Z. Nettinga, secretary of Education and Information for the American Bible Society, has declared December 4-11 as Universal Bible Week, with Christians in all parts of the world taking part, urging others to read the Scriptures. Prof. J. Herbert Kane, former mis­ sionary and now a member of the faculty of Barrington College, Provi­ dence, R.I., has revised the classic evangelical book, “The Progress of World Wide Missions,” originally written by Dr. Robert H. Glover. Har­ per and Brothers have published the revision. Dr. Glover served as home director for the China Inland Mis­ sion. Dr. Clarence W. Cranford, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of Wash­ ington, D.C., has just had 17 of his messages published in book form by Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. “ His Life our Pattern” follows an earlier publication by the Bible teacher, “ Taught by the Master.” Dr. Ray Stedman, pastor of the Penin­ sula Bible Church of Palo Alto Cali­ fornia was one of the featured speak­ ers during Orient Crusades’ recent (more "People in the News" on page 49)

McCrossan cuts Anniversary cake, center. Sponsored by the Union Rescue Mission, the club has enter­ tained more than two and a half million men free in this period. Free In form a tion H ow y o u can stu d y th e B ible BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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A MESSAGE from the editor by: Samuel H. Sutherland re: Academic Freedom Today a great deal is

Mr. F IX IT ’S BIBLE ADVENTURE Films Old Testament characters and events take on new life as Mr. Fixit opens his Bible Story Book to the children of his neighbor­ hood. Use these colorful and exciting films for family gatherings. Sun­ day School, Children’s Church and Released Time classes. Write ¡or catalog.

heard about "academic free­ dom". Anything that limits or curtails academic free­ dom, so-called, is supposed to be a bad thing. Recently one of the "new evangelical" scholars wrote an article which appeared in an eastern religious magazine in which was stated, "We may write out a strong creed, put it into the charter of the col­ lege in such a way it can never be changed and vigor­ ously enforce it . . . but such a policy will inevit­ ably lead to academic medi­

ocrity."* But, this is not necessarily a dilemma at all. It is entirely possible for a thorough-going scholar also to have a strong creedal conviction. Furthermore, it is entirely possible for an institution of higher learning to have a strong creedal position and to attract to itself faculty members who likewise have the same convictions and who are also outstanding scholars in their own fields. A creed is simply a compilation of doctrines which have been arranged into an orderly system of truth as it is re­ vealed in the Word of God. Some academicians talk much about academic freedom, as though it will be necessary for one throughout his life constantly to be changing his views, ideas, notions, and even his convictions in order to be considered a first-rate scholar. But the Word of God has some very clear things to say about individuals of this type: "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowl­ edge of the truth" (II Timothy 3:7). A scholar is looking for truth. The scholar who has found truth in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ need not look further, for He is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free . . . If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:32-36). A scholar then discovers that all other learning either points to or stems from the Person of Jesus Christ who is God, the Second Person of the Trinity. Thorough-going scholarship is to be commended and re­ spected. But there is a vast difference between such scholarship and the irresponsible excursions into one's mental aberrations which lead only to high-sounding ideas


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couched in multi-syllabic words which may or may not mean a thing to the reader or the hearer. In the field of phi­ losophy alone, history is filled with the accounts of the dismal failure of men who enjoyed their academic freedom. They constructed their own elaborate systems of philos­ ophy only to have the philosophers of succeeding genera­ tions knock their systems down to build their own systems of philosophy upon the ruins of those who preceded them. For untold centuries mankind has been engaging in intel­ lectual pursuits with all the academic freedom he could possibly desire. And where has it led him? The answer is quite obvious. Of course it is true that through the centuries there has been accumulated a great mass of facts which in many ways has made life easier and more comfort­ able. But mankind's academic freedom has not led him in the slightest to an understanding and application of those facts for his moral and spiritual betterment and real peace of mind! An immature and emotionally unstable generation still cries out for academic freedom in order to find out truth. But truth has already come in the Person of Jesus Christ, and the self-styled intellectuals whc are con­ tinually craving academic freedom would do well to dis­ cover Him and let Him reveal to them what freedom really is. Academic freedom is to be commended in areas of re­ search where ultimate truth as found in the revealed Word of God does not pertain. But it is dangerous indeed for one, especially one who is a professing Christian, to tam­ per with the truth of God's Word under the guise of aca­ demic freedom. It is almost as though such a one were putting his own puny little mind up against the infinite mind of Almighty God and boasting that his own intellectual prowess were greater than His. We would do well to hear more of our moral and spiritual responsibilities to God and to the Word of God and to hear less of man's pusilani- mous efforts to achieve academic freedom. Christians everywhere would do well to consider care­ fully before they place their dedicated funds into the hands of institutions of higher learning whose faculy members are always sounding out the cry for academic free­ dom, placing it in contradistinction to the Scriptural convictions of their fellow faculty members or of the school as a whole.

W IL L IAM CULBERTSON P resid en t, M o o d y B ib le in stitu te speaks on the fundamentals of the faith THE F U T U R E - PROPHECY “ How little we hear of the sure word of prophecy. An unbelieving generation questions the possibility of such a word. A church tinctured with or largely given over to unbelief turns away from this sure word as either impossible or too diffi­ cult to understand. Doubt, dislike of the doctrine and its demands for holy living, indifference to this word—all these and many more add up to the careless, world­ ly, unthinking, convictionless religion of many who profess to be Christians. “ Prophecy thunders its message to the ear that will hear. The voice of prophecy already fulfilled— some in process of ful­ fillment right now—calls us from our spir­ itual sleep of death. ‘That they may see, and know’ (Isaiah 41:20) is God’s purpose in giving men to understand what shall occur. His challenge of old was, ‘Declare unto us what shall happen . . . show us things to come’ (Isaiah 41:22). “ He who knows anything of the history of Egypt through the centuries, he who has walked through the still ruins of Baby­ lon and Nineveh, he who has felt the eerie quietness of ancient Petra, he who has walked in the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon or who has looked across the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee knows the ac­ curacy and, in many instances, the terrify­ ing fulfillment of God’s prophecies. “ Apostasy abroad in Christendom (II Thessalonians 2:3), moral breakdown (II Timothy 3:1-5), activity in the Near and Middle East (Amos 9:15, Acts 15:16-18) are but a few of the more general prophe­ cies that may well relate to our own day. “ Prophecy gives hope to the believer, but it also says very plainly, ‘Prepare to meet thy God.’ ” Every Christian should have a copy of William Culbertson’s book God's Provision for Holy Living, a happy blending of Bible study and practical exhortation. 112 pages, paper bound. For your free copy, write Moody Bible Institute, Dept. K-0-870, 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.

President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

*Dr. Bernard Ramm, Author. Article titled, "Can Chris­ tian Schools Find Their Way Out?" First published in "Gordon Review" and reprinted by permission in Eternity Magazine, Sept., 1960.



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TAMPA February 5 TA LLAHASSEE February 11 GAINESVILLE February 12

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surroundings and influences. Communism has one billion people under its control after only forty years, while all branches of the Christian church—Catholic and Protestant—number only 820 million after 1900 years. The Bible is no longer the best seller. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have taken second place to Marx, Engells, Lenin and Stalin. Over two-thirds of the world has abso­ lutely no knowledge of Christ. The church must now face the question, “W ill the gospel be heard in Russia before the Russian missile is heard in America?” Our only hope is the spiritual regeneration of the Russian people and leaders. We are where we are because of what we are. The love of luxury, the breakdown of integrity and the sexual immorality of America are sapping its spiritual and moral strength. Newsstands are flooded with filth. Truthfulness and honesty are scoffed at on every hand. Juvenile hood­ lums roam the streets in gangs. These are symptoms of the sickness of America— the sickness of sin. It is the dis­ ease from which other great nations have died and it will be fatal to America if it is not stopped. Before we can expect regeneration in Russia we must see revival in America. The key to American survival is the Christian home. Here is where character can be molded and standards established. Here is where Christ can be brought to the child and the child to Christ. And here is where parents can renew their spiritual resources for the demands that America’s gravest hour places upon all of us. Edward Hunter is America’s outstanding authority on Communist brain-washing methods. He told a meeting which I attended that to develop mental survival stamina that will keep our service men from giving in under com­ munist pressure it is necessary first of all to have faith and confidence. This, he said, the military admits it cannot provide. It must be built into the life of the boy long before he enters service. It is the job of the church and the home. If the home fails in its part there is little the church can do and nothing the government can do to make up the deficiency. In this hour of crisis the family altar can mean more than the conference table, intercession can be more im­ portant than summit talks and Christian training more essential than the boot camp. The Christian home can save America. end

by Dr. George L. Ford Executive Secretary N.A.E.

A m e r ic a ’ s first line of defense is the Christian home, for it is not guided missiles but guided morals that are our great need today. There is no question but that this is the gravest hour we have ever known. We are only ten minutes away from destruction by atomic missiles. If war comes there will be no time for the mobilization of American productive strength, for it will be all over in less than half an hour. I recently heard an American Senator say that in case of atomic war 25 or 30 million of us will die before we wake up the next morning. The situation is just as bad for the church. For every one that is won to Christ twenty-five are bom into heathen



B ANQU E T EVANGE L I ST by Carl Blumay

Bill Jones has always been a phenomenal man. When he graduated from Franklin High School in Los Angeles he went into the printing business and in just a few years was owner and editor of five community newspapers in the Greater Los Angeles area. However, an overly-friendly relationship with Old John Barleycorn and the gambling habit impaired his future in the news publishing business and in time Jones saw his newspaper empire crumble. Later, he found his childless marriage was gradually heading for trouble with divorce seemingly inevitable. Jones gave tens of thousands of dollars to the church from 1942 to 1952 in order to help salve his troubled conscience. But, this didn’t help. He was brought face-to-face with the fact that he needed Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour through the influence of Bill Bright, director of Campus Crusade for Christ. He made a full acceptance of the Lord and his decision soon found him attending Hollywood First Presbyterian Church, where he and his lovely wife Agnes, also con­ verted, are active members. Their conversion solved their marriage problems and Bill and Aggie have since adopted five small children. Through all this drama and excitement, Jones was trying to operate a technical publishing business which he started in 1942. Following his conversion the busi­ ness began to grow and, along with it, his income, until today he is in a top income bracket. The Jones live on 10% of their income, and all other income is donated to his “ banquet evangelism.” During the past two years Jones footed the entire bill for the annual President’s Prayer Breakfast in Washing­ ton, D.C., attended by the nation’s leaders. He has con­ ducted banquets for scores of worthy Christ-centered organizations.

W h e n W. C. (Bill) Jones became a born-again Chris­ tian in 1952, the matter of giving money to Chris­ tian causes was not new to him. He had been doing it for years when not a Christian. But, his conversion experi­ ence shed a new light on his stewardship, and he bega: to wonder how he could make his giving more effective. As a publisher and businessman, he felt his money should be put to work and should establish a growth pattern in order to accomplish more for Christ. The need became clear with prayer. He noticed that many worthy causes failed because those who backed them could not raise the necessary funds. Others barely kept going on a shoestring. Since Jones was an affluent man, he began helping some of these struggling organizations by scheduling fund-rais­ ing banquets and paying all the costs himself. “The $100 I would give for a banquet to help out would, in time, grow to $1000 and more,” said Jones. Some ban­ quets have increased his original investment as much as 30 times for the organization he hoped to aid. Jones asks no fee. Nor does he expect any of his banquet expenses to be returned. His “ banquet evangelism,” as he terms it, is entirely altruistic. With all this early encouragement Jones continued doling out his own funds until today he is recognized as the nation’s leading expert on how to run a fund-raising banquet. During the past year he organized and paid the bill for more than 50, with half of these in foreign countries. Up to press time he had conducted more than 150 banquets. Now Jones is busy trying to arrange for a Christian banquet in Russia, and has visited Moscow five times in the past year to study the possibilities. On one of these trips he accompanied Billy Graham.



As a keen manipulator on the banquet scene, Jones has set up a set of rules for the proper method of conducting a religious fund-raising banquet. His first rule is to end the banquet by 9:30 p.m. “This may surprise many people, because too many fund-raising banquets quit closer to midnight,” he said. “ Just when the people attending are ‘sold’ on the necessity of giving to the cause, the banquet drones on past this important psychological peak and the cause becomes the loser.” He said that after 9:30, there is a law of apathy among banqueters, and the longer the feast continues, the less those attending it will give. “ It’s like a person over-staying his welcome,” Jones explained. Bane of Jones’ existence is the long-winded speaker who just won’t quit on schedule. His second rule is that there should never be more than four people on the program, and talks should all be direct and to the point. “What a speaker can’t say in 20 minutes shouldn’t be said,” he remarked.

One of the faithful attendants at the annual Presidential Prayer Breakfast, sponsored by International Christian Leadership and hosted by Mr. Jones, is the Vice-President, Richard Nixon. H ere he chats with the man who is responsible for “ banquet evangelism” around the world.

Having adopted orphan children from Korea, Mr. Jones has had a vital interest in the work of World Vision and its outreach around the world. On behalf o f this endeavor for Christ, banquets have been held in key cities across the country, as w ell as in Japan. Dr. Bob Pierce talks with his friendly host.

1961 w ill doubtless be a key year for evangelism in Tokyo, with World Vision sponsoring special meetings in the city. Under the auspices of Mr. Jones, banquets w ere held in Osaka during the recent campaign held by Dr. Bob Pierce. Pastors and key businessmen were invited to the meetings. He feels, too, that the “ feeling” of the banquet must never get away from the purpose. The theme must always revolve around the focal point—the funds needed, and why they are needed. Other important points are location, selecting the right group, and setting the proper mood. The menu is impor­ tant, too. An eight-course dinner takes too long to serve and usually results in a “yawning party!” Jones is also convinced that people actually want to give to a good cause if the banquet is properly managed. When Jones decides to give a banquet, he must first be thoroughly convinced that there is a real need. The Banquet Evangelist is on the personal Board of Directors of evangelist, Billy Graham. Currently he is busy writing a book on what he has learned about managing successful fund-raising banquets. The name of the book will be, “ Come and Dine.”



W hen Adam sinned God made an extraordinary announcement to Satan: “ I will put enmity be­ tween thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15). Here God reveals to us His plan to the world and its redemption. It was a prediction of a perpetual conflict bringing injury to both parties. The serpent would attack the woman’s seed secretly and treacherously. It would be from the back and beneath the heel. On the other hand, the serpent was to be decisively defeated, and that by Man. In particular, there is a reference to One Man— the Man Christ Jesus. “As the Serpent is represented as bruising the heel of the man, and is distinguished from his seed in God’s direct address to him as ‘thou’ . . . it seems to be necessary to think of the seed of the woman as culminating in an individual victor” (C.A. Briggs). A Messiah was thus promised Who would save the world Satan had ruined by successfully tempting Adam and Eve. Satan had now one main objective in life— to prevent the birth of the Messiah. He was determined to prevent the fulfilment of God’s plan. God at first gave the largest statement possible— that the Messiah would be man. So Satan needed to kill all the males before he could be sure he had succeeded. The time came when God narrowed the channel through which the blessing could flow. He confined the Messiah to the descendants of Abraham. “ The Lord had said unto Abram, . . . I will make of thee a great nation, . . . and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:1-3). The seed of Abraham is specifically said by Paul to be Christ (Gal. 3:16). Satan had now but to exterminate the race of the Jews and there could be no Messiah through the seed of Abraham. At one time in history, all the Jews were concentrated in Egypt. The difficulty seems then to have diminished. Further, Satan had a willing agent at hand—Pharaoh. He was disturbed by the pace at which the Jews increased. Then he considered the possibilities of war. He realized that if the Jews allied themselves to his enemies, he would have an increased burden in defending himself. A plan was formulated. It was this: The Egyptian midwives were to allow the little girls to live, but to kill all the little boys. Pharaoh and Satan had reckoned without God. The women feared the Lord so at the peril of their lives the baby boys were spared. Instead of the race perishing “ the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty” (Ex. 1 : 20 ). Satan worked again. “ Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, Every son that is bom ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.” If the plan worked, there would be no male Israelites left and so no Messiah. Whether any little boys were treated as Pharaoh suggested we do not know, but one certainly was not—the child Moses. He was saved by Pharaoh’s own daughter. He was brought up at the Palace and there trained in all the wisdom of Egypt. Thus Pharaoh

made a full provision of home and education for the one who would defeat his plans. This boy was God’s destined deliverer of His people. Yet Satan soon tried again after the Jews had been delivered from Egypt and began their wilderness march. He worked on the heart of Pharaoh encouraging him to pursue them. Soon Israel found themselves literally “ be­ tween the Devil and the deep blue sea”—the Red Sea. The drowning of the Israelites would have suited Satan well. But God had His plans. A way was opened through the sea and Israel passed through as on dry land. All Satan accomplished was the destruction of his agents— the Egyptians. Centuries passed and God once more narrowed the channel. To David God said: “ I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels.” “ And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever” (2 Sam. 7:12, 16). Satan has now but to destroy the seed of David and his purpose will be completed. How near he came to accomplishing his purposes! His agent this time was a woman—a wicked woman, Athaliah. Ahaziah the King was dead and “ when Atha- liah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal” (2 Kings 11:1). Had Satan won this time? Not quite. Jehosheba “ took Joash the son of Ashaziah, and stole him from among the king’s sons which were slain; and they hid him, even him and his nurse, in the bedchamber from Athaliah, so that he was not slain.” All apparently de­ pended on one little boy. God preserved him through all dangers. In due course they brought forth the king’s son and anointed him as king. Satan’s agent, Athaliah, was soon slain. God had preserved the royal seed. During the exile Satan made another victorious attack on the people of God. Judah had gone into exile. Haman, second in power to the King, asked for a decree to slaughter the Jews. “ Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all people; neither keep they the king’s laws; therefore it is not for the king’s profit to suffer them. If it pleases the king, let it be written that they may be destroyed” (Esther 3 :8,9). The king agreed. What would happen to the Jews now? God intervened. A sleepless night for the king gave him the opportunity to consult official records. This revealed that a Jew had saved his life. As a result the King spared the Jews. Through prophet after prophet, the theme is maintained until it is taken up by the angel in the annunciation to Mary: “ Thou shalt bring forth a son, . . . : and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1:31-33). So “ when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law” (Gal. 4:4). Satan had now to concentrate his attack, not on a

C O N F L I C T -A J X T D

by Gordon Chtlvers



tempts to destroy Jesus. In the early part of His ministry, Jesus preached at the synagogue of His native town, Nazareth. The people listened intently and marvelled at the gracious words which came from His lips. But Satan was present as well and roused the people to furious enmity. They “ rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong” (Luke 4:29). As the ministry went on, Jesus encountered the growing opposition of the Pharisees. Our Lord healed a man on the Sabbath day and the people were furious. “Therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day” (John 5:16). When He later told them that He lived before Abraham, they “ took up stones to cast at him” (John 8:59). Again when He announced to them that He was the One Who did God’s will and works, “ they sought again to take him” (John 10:39). But all things worked according to the time and method which God had planned. God said that Christ should defeat Satan even though he did his utmost against Him. Jesus died, but by dying wrought our salvation. Jesus was victorious. “ This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses . . . being by the right hand of God exalted” (Acts 2:32, 33). The final picture shows the complete fulfillment of the prophecy. Jesus is seen as the “ Faithful and True, and

race, but on an individual. Speed was essential for the time was short. Every day brought Satan’s defeat nearer. He began operations immediately. The Wise Men came from the East and asked Herod where the king was to be born. Herod, the next agent by Satan, was horrified. Was he to lose his throne? He asked the wise men to tell him where they found the child. He would pretend wor­ ship while planning murder. God intervened, warned the wise men and they returned home without revisiting Herod. He was furiously angry, and no doubt Satan was as well. Herod though again, and this time he planned a murder which he thought would account for the child. He “ sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had dili­ gently inquired of the wise men” (Matt. 2:16). But God moved first. “ The angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him” (Matt. 2:13). Satan was so near, but so far. As Christ came to manhood and began His life’s work Satan had various methods of trying to defeat Him. At the outset of Jesus’ ministry Satan tried the method of direct temptation. The first temptation was a frontal attack to turn Christ from the will of God. God said a certain object was a stone. Would Christ say, “ No, it is bread?” The next temptation (taking the order given by Matthew) was more subtle. Would Jesus not get accept­ ance from the people by falling or flinging Himself down from the pinnacle of the temple? God had promised to keep Him, Satan assured Him. Yet it was the third temptation which was the most crucial. The kingdoms of the world were offered to Christ by Satan if only He would offer an act of worship. The kingdoms of the world would come under the authority of Christ anyway;, why not accept them the easy way; why the cruel road of Calvary? Had our Lord accepted Satan’s offer, Satan would have won. There would have been no crushing of his head that way. He also tried to overthrow Christ by working through His followers, in fact through the leader of the apostolic band. Amazing as it is, it was directly after Peter had made his great confession of Jesus’ deity that Satan gained Peter’s attention and service. To our Lord’s announcement of His suffering Peter replied: “ Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee” (Matt. 16:22). In this he tried to turn Christ from the path in which He would destroy the serpent. So strongly did Christ feel this to be a temptation from the devil that He gives Peter one of the strongest rebukes He ever gave to anyone. “ Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” Towards the end of Christ’s ministry it was a follower of His once more who became the tool of the devil. He had put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot to sell the Lord for a very small sum of money. In John’s Gospel chapter 13 we read three tragic statements about Judas. “ And supper being ended, the devil having now put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him.” “ After the sop Satan entered into him.” He “ went im­ mediately out: and it was night.” Satan seems to have thought that if he could get Christ crucified, Scripture would be falsified. Satan’s power at that time was great. So Jesus says to His adversaries: “ This is your hour, and the power of darkness” (Luke 22:53). Then the Jews were not left out from serving the wicked schemes of the devil. They too helped in his at- NOVEM BER, 1960

WHAT WE NEED We mutter and sputter, We fume and we spurt; We mumble and grumble, Our feels get hurt; We can't understand things, Our vision grows dim, When all that we need is A moment with Him!

in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” “ And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev. 19:11, 16). Satan is in “ the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tor­ mented day and night for ever and ever” (Rev. 20:10). Thousands of years intervene between prophecy and ful­ fillment, but there was never a doubt about what would happen. God never fails. Satan has lost his prey. He now turns to us and we are subject to attack. As Christ was victorious so shall we be. “ The accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Rev. 12:10, 11). Paul in writing to the Church at Rome (16:20) gives this great encouragement: “ The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.” God is working His purposes out. Are we in line with His purposes? If we are, then we shall enjoy His glory and blessing. 17

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