King's Business - 1960-11


T f y o u were brought up in a Christian home you will know why I say that a Christian home is even more important than the Sunday School. And that doesn’t discount Sunday Schools at all. They are the Lord’s wonderful second best for chil­ dren from non-Christian homes; and a powerful supplementary diet for children from homes where the Lord Jesus is loved. No movement within the organized church has had such results in conversions and in life building, despite the hour-a-week limita­ tion. But there lies the secret of the Christian home. It has a round-the-clock daily opportunity, and is able to nurture young plants and bring them on to sound, balanced living and loving total commitment to Jesus Christ. And therein lies also its great danger. For out of Christian homes have come children who have grown up permanently warped, deformed, hardened and spiritually brutalized. Here's What A Christian Home Can Do First, a Christian home can give a child a happily receptive attitude to gospel truth. After all, a child believes what his parents do. If he is brought up in a strong Roman Catholic home he will be a strong Roman Catholic. If he is brought up in a strong Mus­ lim home, he will be a fanatical Muslim. And if he is brought up in a strong evangelical Protestant home, he will be a strong evangelical Protestant. There are few exceptions. To a superficial observer it may seem that there­ fore there is no solid basis for decisions and that we are merely products of our environment. And actual­ ly, this is pretty much true. We do not decide these things as children because of logic or truth, but are




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