King's Business - 1960-11



A LITTLE PROMISE by Marilyn J. Chick

It was only a little promise It was made in haste one day But it was made to Someone special In a rather special way. When the time came 'round to keep it And the price was found too great There was a whispered sentence, "Lord, You will have to wait." And so God, though very patient, Saw a lesson should be learned For a promise ever made to Him Cannot be harshly spurned. Then the Lord God took a measure Of "Turn about's fair play," And the one who made that promise Paid its price another way. The missionary spirit is not something you have to get . . . but rather something that gets you. THE SPIR ITUAL GARDEN GUIDE LETTUCE: four rows to be planted 1. Let us labor for Christ. 2 . Let us love one another. 3. Let us be loyal to our church. 4. Let us always be friendly and cheer­ ful. SQUASH: five rows to be planted 1. Squash tale bearing and gossip. 2 . Squash unconstractive criticism. 3. Squash dissention in our ranks. 4. Squash evil and sin in all its forms. , 5. Squash all obstacles to the growth of the Lord’s work. TURNIPS: three rows to be planted 1. Turn up in the service on Sunday. 2. Turn up at the mid-week prayer meeting. 3. Turn up at all calls for Christian service. If we all planted these things in our daily lives, we would have a true “ VIC­ TORY” garden! There’s still something missing. We need some bees to complete the plant germination. 1. Be friendly 2. Be faithful 3. Be prayerful 4. Be a diligent Bible student Which makes the perfect picture of the Christian’s “ Victory Garden.” Be more desirous of meeting God in your trouble then of getting out of it.

Many of the Lord's people today are seeking a sound investment-income plan. Those who want to give a part of their savings for investment in this Christian enterprise, and at the same time receive regular dividend returns, find this plan meets their needs. When you enter into this type of an agreement with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, you become an active participant in all of its missionary activities. The investor is given maximum protection, in case of emergency, through the withdrawal clause, which makes possible recovery of funds originally invested. What better way can one receive an income in the Lord's work!

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 South Hopo Stroot Lot Angeles 17, California


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