King's Business - 1960-11

Olive B. Taylor: A Saint Enters Her Rest

I n t h e e v e n in g of Biola, passed through the “ gates of pearly splendour” and entered into the presence of the Lord whom she loved and served so faithfully. The Heavenly Home-call came in Santa Barbara at the home of her devoted friend, Mrs. J. H. Strong. The memorial service for Miss Taylor was held in the Montecito Community Church in Santa Barbara. Mr. Dwight Custis, a graduate of Biola and Miss Tay­ lor’s pastor and friend, was in charge. The story of Miss Taylor’s life can best be given by quoting from the message of Dwight Custis, given at the memorial service. * * * * Olive B. Taylor was bom in Mt. Ver­ non, N.Y., in 1879, one of three children. While in her teens she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Soon after this most important decision she came under the teaching and influence of a godly Sunday school teacher, Miss Have- lin. It was this Sunday school teacher who was responsible for her attending the of September 12, Miss Olive Bertha Taylor, former registrar

Miss Havelin continued to influence her life. In 1918 she entered Moody Bible Institute at the suggestion of this faithful friend. She was an outstanding student at Moody and was chosen as the speaker of the graduating class in 1920. After graduating from Moody, Miss Taylor was engaged in missionary work in both the Kentucky mountains and in Virginia, but neither of these was to be the place of her life work. In 1922 she returned to the Moody Bible Institute to become the Assistant Registrar. Later she became the Director of Re­ ligious Education at the St Louis Y.W. C.A. It was while she was engaged in this work that she came in contact with Miss Nadine Warner, a St Louis High School teacher. This contact was the be­ ginning of a life-long friendship. It was through Miss Taylor’s influence that Na­ dine Warner entered Moody Bible In­ stitute as a student Later she became a member of the faculty of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. In 1930 while visiting her brother in Glendale, California, Miss Taylor met Dr. (continued on next page)

Miss Olive B. Taylor First Baptist Church of New York where Dr. I. M. Haldeman was pastor. Here she received deep spiritual instruction and was introduced to prophetic teaching in the Word of God.

PROPHECY (cont.) answer came, “ two men stood by them in white apparel,” the promise was specific and sure, “ this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven shall come.” The men in white apparel should know they were dis­ patched fresh from Heaven. They bore God’s promise, it cannot be otherwise. “ This same Jesus . . . shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Fifth, then we have the testimony of the Holy Spirit as set forth in the Epistles, both Pauline and General. The language in I Thessalonians 4:13-17 could not be clearer or more marvelous. “ The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” What a glorious prospect to see Him—to see the departed saints and loved ones. Pity the soul who cannot thrill over such language! Dr. Herbert Lockyer sums it up this way, “ So you have the testimony of Christ vvhich is declaration, the testimony of Heaven which is confirmation, and the testi­ mony of the Holy Spirit through the Church which is revelation.” Dr. Lockyer in writing on the theme goes on to say, “ There you have a trinity in unity, and such a three-fold cord cannot be broken. The fact is clear, and how men can sit down, read the New Testament and fail to believe in the coming of the Lord is a mystery. They must read the Bible with black spectacles, for the truth is apparent. If we could only have a revival of preaching regarding the coming of the Lord, there would be a marvelous movement of the Spirit of God among the ungodly. Alas, however, there is a sinful silence in our pulpits today regarding this all-important truth.”

II. THE TIME One’s belief as to when Christ will come is of practi­ cal and telling importance. Some say that He cannot come until after the “ Kingdom has been established, the world won to Christ.” Others tell us He cannot come until the world has been evangelized through the preach­ ing of the Gospel. Yet others tell us that it makes no practical difference to the Church and the believer when He returns. This sounds strange in the light of revealed truth and reasoning love. Would it not seem a bit strange and out of place for a bride of recent date with her lover away in the armed forces of his country, not to be interested or exercised over the time of his home­ coming? Such an attitude would be rather incriminating with implications that her interest, whether a soldier’s bride or the Bride of Christ, is in another direction. The whole overtone of the New Testament is that of imminency. The exhortation is that of watchfulness. It could happen at any moment, but this moment is only known to God. Nothing stands between the believer and the promise of God—it is signless and timeless. Great harm has been done the cause by “ date-setting.” The Millerites a hundred years ago made the mistake of setting 1848 and were discredited. “ Pastor” Russell who founded the diabolical cult of Millennial Dawnism, later known as “ Jehovah’s Witnesses,” set 1914 as the date of Christ’s return. Discredited, his followers have gone to great pains to defend his lie but in vain. The Bible warns us “ of that day and hour knoweth no man.” To quote again Dr. Herbert Lockyer, “ The fact is certain, and is sufficient for our comfort; the time is uncertain, and this is sufficient for our consecra­ tion; for if we knew the exact day and hour of our Lord’s return, there would be no purpose in the New Testament exhortation regarding watchfulness.”



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