King's Business - 1960-11

McCreery, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. At his invitation she became the Registrar of that Institution, which position she held until 1952, when she retired from active service. In 1948 Nadine Warner was married to Dr. John Henry Strong. Dr. Strong, real­ izing the strong bond of friendship be­ tween Miss Taylor and Miss Warner, in­ vited Miss Taylor to share their home. This she did, and thus during the last years of her life not only did the Lord provide a home for His faithful servant, but also the loving care of Nadine Warner Strong during an illness of many months. Surely Miss Taylor’s life was a God- planned life, guided each step of the way by her loving Heavenly Father. Her friends and loved ones will remember her for many things, especially her patience and helpfulness in dealing with the stu­ dents both at Moody and at Biola, her in­ terest in the timid students, and her meti­ culous care of her office, her desk, and her person. She was a Christian woman of re­ finement and culture. The joyousness of her Christian life, her merry laugh, and her real sense of humor brought cheer to all who knew her. Her deep devotion to the Lord was continually manifested. A ll through her Christian life she habitually hid God’s Word in her heart. During the last weeks of her illness when other things faded from her memory, the Word of God re­ mained. When a Scripture verse was given by those visiting or ministering to her, she would join in repeating it. She was always interested in the people of God and delighted to fellowship with them. Missionaries had a large place in her heart and prayer life. Her faithful ministry in prayer brought blessings to many. She always had a deep concern for the unsaved and spent much time in prayer for unsaved friends and loved ones. Two of her favorite hymns, the words of which tell much about her trust and devotion to the Lord were “ He Holds the Key” and “ Complete in Thee, no Work of Mine.” These were both sung at her Memorial service. Truly those who knew and loved Miss Olive Bertha Taylor can sincerely thank God upon every remembrance of her. THINK— Of stepping on shore and finding it — Heaven; Of taking hold of a hand and finding it— God’s hand; Of breathing new air and finding it — Celestial air; Of feeling invigorated and finding it — Immortality; Of passing from storm and tempest to — Unbroken calm; Of waking up and finding it — Home! REMEMBER— I am absent from the body but at Home with the Lord (II Cor. 5:6). I find as foretold, (Psa. 16:11), “ In His presence is FULLNESS OF JOY, pleasures forevermore.” I will look for you at the redemption of the body (Rom. 8:23). ’Till then, LOOK UP! (I Cor. 15:58).


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