King's Business - 1960-11

GET THESE FINE BOOKS By Lehman Strauss, Litt.D.

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No. 1 Regeneration and the Christian Gospel 35c No. 2 Justification and Assurance ......................35c No. 3 Faith ...................35c No. 4 Repentance ....35c No. 5 The Doctrine of Man ---- ....35c No. 6 The Atonement

Retarded Children: God's Children By Sigurd D. Peterson

ids; $21.95 ($23.95 after Dec. 31, 1960). The Empty Tomb By James Martin In this book the author uses an in­ teresting device to point up the resur­ rection story; that of fictional corres­ pondences. Caiaphas the High Priest writes letters to his predecessor, Annas, who is vacationing on the shores of the Dead Sea. He tells the whole story of the disappearance of the body of Jesus and the consterna­ tion it causes him. Gamaliel caused him a good deal of trouble in the Sanhedrin— “ I had the Council more or less in the hollow of my hand be­ fore Gamaliel started, but I could see their feelings slowly but surely begin to change as soon as the old man opened his mouth. His ideas are anti­ quated and out of touch with reality” (p. 58). He ends by lamenting the “ defection of Saul” and confessing, “ I feel as if I am living in a nightmare from which I cannot wake up” (p. 93). 93 pages; cloth; Harper and Bros., New York; $2.50. From Genesis through the Acts of the Apostles the author has divided into 270 stories (the last one tells the story of Jesus revealing Himself to the Apostle John on the Isle of Pat- mos). The stories are newly written for this work, but grow out of thirty years of ministry with children. They are designed to be read aloud. A series of three or more questions follows each story as a test for the listener. Three artists combined to illustrate the b o o k : Dirk Gringhuis with black and white sketches, and full- color pictures (two dozen of them) by C. P. Robison and Ben Wood. The cover and end papers are decorated with illustrations and maps. 512 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $3.95. The Epistle to the Hebrews By H. Orton W iley It takes a theologian to handle the Epistle to the Hebrews properly. Dr. Wiley is such, having published a three-volume systematic theology, and having served for twenty-one years as president of Pasadena Col­ lege (Nazarene). With high regard for both the person and the priest­ hood of Christ, he sets forth the My Picture Story Bible By Dena Korfker

of Christ .........................35c No. 7 The Two Natures in the Christian ....35c No. 8 Why Study Prophecy? ......................35c No. 9 The Man of Sin ........................................ 35c No. 10 Communism and Russia in Bible Prophecy ______________________________ 35c "The Prophetic Significance of Pope John's Appeal for Church Unity" ..............................35c at your bookstore or DUNHAM PUBLISHING COMPANY Findlay, Ohio

In recent years, particularly since Dale Evans’ Angel Unaware, there has been more interest and concern regarding retarded children. Through his experiences as chaplain of a home for such children the author has come to understand the problems involved and develops his message in a thor­ oughly Christian framework. He is an ordained Lutheran pastor who specialized in clinical training with the handicapped. The schools have taken these children seriously and there is a growing literature on their problems. The church has been slower to take them up. Psychologists realize that it takes teamwork on the part of parents, teachers, pastors, and the pro­ fessional specialist, to make the best possible adjustment and training. Yet with all of this, unless the spiritual is uppermost the task is much harder and the results less than they might be. A special chapter to parents is most helpful. 156 pages; cloth; West­ minster Press, Philadelphia, $3.00. Commentary on the Holy Bible By Matthew Henry and Thomas Scott This is a reissue of a previous print­ ing by The Religious Tract Society of London. The original work was done by a committee, who took the essence of Matthew Henry and of Thomas Scott, rewording the material, par­ ticularly of the latter, and adding comments from other sources. About half of the notes are from Henry. The non-professional Bible student and the busy pastor often does not care to wade through the older works because of their wordiness. A sampling of this condensation of Romans 11 reveals that in the Henry-Scott condensation there are seventy-five inches of notes, while the original Henry has ninety- three and the original Scott, fifty-four. Since the print is smaller in both the older works, the reissue would prob­ ably have about 35-40% as much ma­ terial as the two of them together. The new edition is very readable, in fact more so than either of the older works. The Scott Bible had many cross references, which are not carried over here, for the most part. Any per­ son having either of the older works would not want to discard it for this new one, but would find the addition­ al material here worthwhile. 6 vols.; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rap-

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