King's Business - 1960-11

reader reaction

STAND FOR THE TRUTH I am writing this letter to say how glad I am that you are so definite for the fundamental Gospel. The editorials by Samuel H. Sutherland have been of spe­ cial blessing to me. I am so disappointed with some men whom I used to think were true to the Scriptures. I hope you keep it up! R. I. Humbert), Flora, Indiana. REVIEW OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST BOOK Thank you for your review of the book of Seventh - day Adventism by Walter Martin. Ever since the book was first pub­ lished I felt that Mr. Martin was inade­ quately informed about this cult. While the book is well written and does contain some accurate material that is helpful, I feel that it will do more harm than good. Frankly, I feel that the booksellers would render a service by returning all of their stock to the publisher. Dr. Lehman Strauss, Pastor, Highland Park Baptist Church, Highland Park, Michigan. YOUNG PEOPLE'S REACTION The High School Christian Endeavor Society of Chowchilla wishes to thank you for the wonderful article, “ A Saint Enters His Rest” (August, 1960). Rev. Walter Sutherland was the sponsor of our group and pastor emeritus of our church for many years, and we all loved him dearly. He was with the C.E. societies until the week before he became ill. His influence has reached over more than a generation of young people in Chowchilla and we do truly know him to be a saint. His love, his example, and his teaching have made a lasting impres­ sion on us and have played a great part in molding our lives. W e know we shall always remember this wonderful man. The High School Chriiti.n Endeavor Society, First Presbyterian Church, Chowchilla, California. COMMENTS ON EDITORIAL May I thank you sincerely for that pow­ erful and timely Message from the Edi­ tor on Catholicism (July, 1960). Your consistent stand is a real source of rejoic­ ing to me, and I just thank the Lord more than I can tell. May He continue to guide and direct you in defending the faith. Dr. Charles W. Mayes, Pastor, First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif. DISTRIBUTION IN INDIA One of the tract distributors in our area gave me a copy of your publication and all of the members of our congregation were able to read it. I have the privilege of working in 1+ churches with a Chris­ tian membership of about 7,000 souls. There is a real hunger in the hearts of these people for the things of the Holy Bible. Thank you for sending this mis­ sionary the magazine which we can all profit from. Jesudason Retnam, Ambasamudram, South India.

to its TEACHING METHODS with electronic equipment With the installation of modem electronic equip­ ment, Moody Bible Institute has taken another giant forward step, in the teaching of languages. New technique being used is finding wide accept­ ance in secular schools, colleges and the armed forces.

. . . gives student his own private “ tutor"

MBI's NEW MODERN LANGUAGE LABORATORY consists of eight steel booths, each fully equipped with double tape recorder, micro­ phone and earphones.

W hat n ew la b m eans to MBI stu d e n ts ••. 1• Affords opportunity of personal language study with the help of electronic tutor. By means of a double tape recorder, student can listen to native speak the foreign language and listen to him­ self repeating the same words. He can compare and evaluate as many times as he wishes. 2 . Student can progress entirely at his own rate of learning, with as much repetition as he needs, with nothing to stop him but his 3. Currently, the MBI language library consists of more than 260 tapes in Spanish and French. 4. Daily classwork includes listening assignments of classic lit­ erature, Bible passages and basic conversation.. 5. Speed of learning is greatly increased and research studies indicate, from a qualitative point of view, that students who have been exposed to lab methods do far better than those who have had no contact with the lab. own ambitions and talents.


at MBI

New three-room speech recording center at MBI is being used for classes in practice teaching, preaching, public speak­ ing and storytelling. It is possible to record from these rooms in a central control center at one time. Teacher can signal by means of intercom­ munications system. With these facilities, stu­ dent will have at least two recordings of speech­ es made during a semes­ ter. Then he will have opportunity to listen to them critically by him­ self, or together with teacher for his evaluation. Two of the rooms in the sp eech cen ter are equipped with closed cir­ cuit television. As stu­ dent speaks or preaches before a TV camera, the teacher and part of class retire to a small viewing room where they watch student on TV set. This permits discussion and evaluation of student performance while speech is in progress, without interruption. New TV Classrooms

While this laboratory method is revolutionary and the facilities new and exciting—it is only a tool. At MBI this effective tool is helping train future mis­ sionaries to reach the 2,000 tongues as yet without the gospel.

A t M o o d y you can cho ose from 8 ba sic co u rse s . .. General Bible, Pastors Course, Christian Education, Missionary Course, Sacred Music, Christian Education-Music, Jewish Missions and Mis­ sionary Technical Course—all are tuition free! A ccred ited b y A ccred itin g A ssociation o f B ible C olleges


MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. K-0-262 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois W illiam C ulbertson , president S. M axw ell C oder , dean Please send me a copy of: □ Life at Moody □ Latest M oody catalog

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